The psychic and the physical trauma from the childhood is present in human body 
without exception. She formed this in early childhood, when still there is no formed 
reflective brain (cortex) and layering in the emotional brain (limbic), as "impact" of 
the electrical input (enter). This is necessary not to affect the child's weak body 
and provide the survival of the species.After the trauma is over, she stays captured 
in subconscious's as an emotional painfulcharge, which constantly is keeping the 
organism under stress. The stress enlarged with the modern way of life, tore away from 
the natural harmony transforms itself chronicle. Enlarged it is spending the vitamins, 
the minerals and the amino acids, as an energetically nutrition for our billions of 
cells. This is causing reduction of the optical function of our organism as 
energetically system. Different symptoms appear which, though the pain is signaling 
that something is happening in the organism.
The elimination of the symptoms and the optimalising of the system, as prevention of 
his foreseeable capture, is possible through appropriate supplements of energetic 
natural nutrition for the cells (vitamins, minerals, and amino-acids).
Aloe Vera, unbelievable gift of the nature, possesses almost all the necessary 
components from normal function of the cells.
For the authenticity of this information please visit the web site 
WWW.FOREVERLIVING.COM and you will be pleasantly surprised of this world giant in this 
nutritional world, present in 106 countries of all continents, with millions of 
consumers, including the ROYAL Family in London.
Should you decide to become a consumer of this world leading products please enter the 
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Thank you for your trust. 

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