Take Advantage Of Your Resources Online Now
                 Consider this:
 More People Turn To Email Marketing Then Any Other Advertising Median             
Online   WHY?  Its Simple.!!
                                  IT WORKS!!

The fact is that Targeted email marketing is the fastest method of seeing results 

We are quickly becoming the leader in 100% DOUBLE OPT-IN DOUBLE VERIFIED email 
We provide highly accurate information about businesses and consumers and currently 
have a database of over
12 million opt-ins for every interest. Over 300 categories to choose from.
 These are all double opt-in emails that are perfect for your next online campaign to 
potentially double and even triple your respnse rate!! 

 Other methods like searchengines, link exchanges, and classifieds could take weeks 
even months in some cases.  However with email its immediate within a few days.  Email 
has opened up a lot areas for a lot of people selling services, products, business 
ventures, you name it.
Direct Highly Targeted Emailing  By ( Keyword, occupation, city/state/code)  Etc.
Pricing schedule:
0-100,000 emails  $250/CPT(cost per thousand)
100,001-250,000   $200/CPT
250,001-500,000   $180/CPT
501,000-1mm       $140/CPT
1mm+              $120/CPT

Discounted Regular Price  (General Mailings).


* No Adult (Sex Related) Materials

What ever your email needs are we are able to tailor for you.

 Here are a few things that you'll be enjoying when you purchase.

* A headache-free email promotion!

* We handle all aspects of the mailing. Including
targeting, delivery and confirmation!

* Access to our staff of marketing professionals
that are eager to assist in growing your business!

* Total protection for your ISP & Email account.
We handle everything.

* Access to our professionals that specialize in
Network Marketing for the mlm'ers out there!

* And much, much more!

Take advantage of our Fall Special! 

To get going NOW, pick up the phone and call
our offices Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm at
                                     708 562  8029  

         or email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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