Please post this on the USENET : .... somebody tries t

2003-06-12 Thread Mark Saarelainen

They stopped my USENET communication after I had told that my thesis on the business 
consolidation of a foreign corporation in the North America was 100 % correct. I had 
told in 1991 that the consolidation of Ahlstrom Machinery, Inc. (AMI) was a failure 
and unsuccessful. During the 1990s many Ahsltrom Machinery's businesses were sold and 
the remaining parts were or are to be sold to Andritz from Graz, Austria in 2003. I 
had told them the truth in 1991 and I was punished by the executive management of AMI 
and people spread bad stories about me and my thesis in 1991 although it was graded as 
very good by one Professor. The Business Development Director of Ahsltrom Machinery, 
Inc. even forced me to change my thesis tosome extent by threatening to prevent me 
from graduating as the Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management in 
April/May, 1991. His name is Markku Perkola. Itwas just my academic work.They had even 
told to my so called birthmother that my thesis was!
t good, although it was graded as very good and as it is now concluded I was 100 % 
correct and right. So my thesis was right and these people of Ahsltrom Machinery and 
many people of Varkaus, Finland, just wanted to hurt me and destroyed my careerat my 
age of 24 (12 years ago), when I had told them the truth about the failing business 
operations of Ahsltrom Machinery in the North America in 1991. 
So as the conclusion I was punished by people of Finland after I had told them the 
truth,which was my job in the first place. I was hired to write my thesis on their 
business consolidation and I told the truth. As we know now today Ahlstrom Machinery 
does not exist any longer.
Markku J. Saarelainen
Varkaus, Finland

 Andritz acquires 50% of Ahlstrom Machinery Group - extension to 
100% possible
Increase of sales by 50% to 1,000 million Euros

Graz (Austria) based Andritz AG initially buys 50 per cent of the Finnish

Ahlstrom Machinery Group. The acquisition became effective as of May 
31, 2000, after obtaining the required permissions under anti-trust 
laws. Ahlstrom Machinery Group's future company name will be Andritz-
Ahlstrom Corporation. Both Andritz and the Seller have options whose 
exercise would make Andritz the sole owner of Ahlstrom Machinery 

Need a new email address that people can remember
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Please post this on the USENET : .... somebody tries t

2003-06-12 Thread Mark Saarelainen

They stopped my USENET communication after I had told that my thesis on the business 
consolidation of a foreign corporation in the North America was 100 % correct. I had 
told in 1991 that the consolidation of Ahlstrom Machinery, Inc. (AMI) was a failure 
and unsuccessful. During the 1990s many Ahsltrom Machinery's businesses were sold and 
the remaining parts were or are to be sold to Andritz from Graz, Austria in 2003. I 
had told them the truth in 1991 and I was punished by the executive management of AMI 
and people spread bad stories about me and my thesis in 1991 although it was graded as 
very good by one Professor. The Business Development Director of Ahsltrom Machinery, 
Inc. even forced me to change my thesis tosome extent by threatening to prevent me 
from graduating as the Masters of Science in Industrial Engineering and Management in 
April/May, 1991. His name is Markku Perkola. Itwas just my academic work.They had even 
told to my so called birthmother that my thesis was!
t good, although it was graded as very good and as it is now concluded I was 100 % 
correct and right. So my thesis was right and these people of Ahsltrom Machinery and 
many people of Varkaus, Finland, just wanted to hurt me and destroyed my careerat my 
age of 24 (12 years ago), when I had told them the truth about the failing business 
operations of Ahsltrom Machinery in the North America in 1991. 
So as the conclusion I was punished by people of Finland after I had told them the 
truth,which was my job in the first place. I was hired to write my thesis on their 
business consolidation and I told the truth. As we know now today Ahlstrom Machinery 
does not exist any longer.
Markku J. Saarelainen
Varkaus, Finland

 Andritz acquires 50% of Ahlstrom Machinery Group - extension to 
100% possible
Increase of sales by 50% to 1,000 million Euros

Graz (Austria) based Andritz AG initially buys 50 per cent of the Finnish

Ahlstrom Machinery Group. The acquisition became effective as of May 
31, 2000, after obtaining the required permissions under anti-trust 
laws. Ahlstrom Machinery Group's future company name will be Andritz-
Ahlstrom Corporation. Both Andritz and the Seller have options whose 
exercise would make Andritz the sole owner of Ahlstrom Machinery 

Need a new email address that people can remember
Check out the new EudoraMail at

Re: Criticize Israel - Get Fired

2001-10-28 Thread Mark Saarelainen

Actually, Jews are actively using the electromagnetic frequency systems of the U.S. 
government and intrelligence agencies to attack remotely individuals who criticize 
them or who may think against them in one way or another. I have written more about 
this on

Markku J. Saarelainen

Asunto:Interesting .. in September, 1999 I wrote down correctly that the head of Jews 
is in Estee Lauder, although I did not know it ... this hain means finality in 
Hebrew ... I started getting these understandings, when ... 
Grupos de, soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.nordic, 
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format 
Fecha:2001-10-26 17:36:45 PST 

I had communicated to my own voicemail box at BellSouth There are too
many Jews in the White House. and I had said Play this music to your
grandparents (I played loudly some 3rd Reich songs .. so I must
conclude that Jews attacked me started from the summer of 1999 after I
had told to the Kremlin and on the USENET that Boris Berezovsky and
other Jews must be fired etc ... Madeleine Albright was involved
against me as I correctly noted in my notes earlier (they used the
word insertation technique (basically word were placed to the phone
conversation between me and my seperated spouse on December 15, 1999
as I have noted ..)

They tried to kill me ... really KILL ME ... how interesting ... so
the U.S. government with Jews destroyed my family and stole my moneys
.. from the ordinary Finn.


A Medrash. Hashem said to Moshe Hain Kirvu Yamecho Lamus. Your time
has come. The end of your life is here.

The Hebrew word 'Hain', the commentaries explain,
implies finality. Hashem
told Moshe, You have been praying, arguing and
negotiating with me to
extend your life. It is not going to happen. The
conversation is closed. The
decision is in. Hain! Your time has come. You will
not live to enter the land
of Israel.

Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at

Re: Criticize Israel - Get Fired

2001-10-28 Thread Mark Saarelainen

Actually, Jews are actively using the electromagnetic frequency systems of the U.S. 
government and intrelligence agencies to attack remotely individuals who criticize 
them or who may think against them in one way or another. I have written more about 
this on

Markku J. Saarelainen

Asunto:Interesting .. in September, 1999 I wrote down correctly that the head of Jews 
is in Estee Lauder, although I did not know it ... this hain means finality in 
Hebrew ... I started getting these understandings, when ... 
Grupos de, soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.nordic, 
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format 
Fecha:2001-10-26 17:36:45 PST 

I had communicated to my own voicemail box at BellSouth There are too
many Jews in the White House. and I had said Play this music to your
grandparents (I played loudly some 3rd Reich songs .. so I must
conclude that Jews attacked me started from the summer of 1999 after I
had told to the Kremlin and on the USENET that Boris Berezovsky and
other Jews must be fired etc ... Madeleine Albright was involved
against me as I correctly noted in my notes earlier (they used the
word insertation technique (basically word were placed to the phone
conversation between me and my seperated spouse on December 15, 1999
as I have noted ..)

They tried to kill me ... really KILL ME ... how interesting ... so
the U.S. government with Jews destroyed my family and stole my moneys
.. from the ordinary Finn.


A Medrash. Hashem said to Moshe Hain Kirvu Yamecho Lamus. Your time
has come. The end of your life is here.

The Hebrew word 'Hain', the commentaries explain,
implies finality. Hashem
told Moshe, You have been praying, arguing and
negotiating with me to
extend your life. It is not going to happen. The
conversation is closed. The
decision is in. Hain! Your time has come. You will
not live to enter the land
of Israel.

Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at

Re: Criticize Israel - Get Fired

2001-10-28 Thread Mark Saarelainen

Actually, Jews are actively using the electromagnetic frequency systems of the U.S. 
government and intrelligence agencies to attack remotely individuals who criticize 
them or who may think against them in one way or another. I have written more about 
this on

Markku J. Saarelainen

Asunto:Interesting .. in September, 1999 I wrote down correctly that the head of Jews 
is in Estee Lauder, although I did not know it ... this hain means finality in 
Hebrew ... I started getting these understandings, when ... 
Grupos de, soc.culture.russian, soc.culture.nordic, 
View: (This is the only article in this thread) | Original Format 
Fecha:2001-10-26 17:36:45 PST 

I had communicated to my own voicemail box at BellSouth There are too
many Jews in the White House. and I had said Play this music to your
grandparents (I played loudly some 3rd Reich songs .. so I must
conclude that Jews attacked me started from the summer of 1999 after I
had told to the Kremlin and on the USENET that Boris Berezovsky and
other Jews must be fired etc ... Madeleine Albright was involved
against me as I correctly noted in my notes earlier (they used the
word insertation technique (basically word were placed to the phone
conversation between me and my seperated spouse on December 15, 1999
as I have noted ..)

They tried to kill me ... really KILL ME ... how interesting ... so
the U.S. government with Jews destroyed my family and stole my moneys
.. from the ordinary Finn.


A Medrash. Hashem said to Moshe Hain Kirvu Yamecho Lamus. Your time
has come. The end of your life is here.

The Hebrew word 'Hain', the commentaries explain,
implies finality. Hashem
told Moshe, You have been praying, arguing and
negotiating with me to
extend your life. It is not going to happen. The
conversation is closed. The
decision is in. Hain! Your time has come. You will
not live to enter the land
of Israel.

Join 18 million Eudora users by signing up for a free Eudora Web-Mail account at