With due respect and humility I write you this proposal which I believe would be of 
great interest to you. I am MR PATRICK .T. MORE; a Sierra Leone National and the son 
of Late Dr JACK MORE of the blessed memory. Prior to my father’s assassination by the 
rebel forces loyal to CORPORAL FODAY SANKOH, my father was the Director General 
National Gold and Diamond Mining Corporation of Sierra Leone. Two weeks before my 
father’s was assassinated he confined in me that he deposited the sum of US$15 Million 
Dollars in a metallic box with a Security Courier Firm in South Africa.
He instructed me and my mother to move out of Sierra Leone immediately with the 
documents, which was issued to him, by the Security Courier Firm during the period of 
deposit. Before the powerful Economic Community of West African States (ECOMOG) forces 
intervened which eventually resulted into a brutal civil war.
My mother and I managed to escape to Johannesburg, South Africa through the help of my 
father's friend who is a trawler. We came into Johannesburg with some vital documents 
covering the deposit in the Security Courier Firm.
Though my father registered and declares the content of the box as precious stones and 
valuable items to the Security Courier Firm while the real content was fund (US$15M), 
which my father told the Security Courier Firm that the box belongs to his foreign 
partner/beneficiary who will come forward to make the claim of the box.
On our arrival here in Johannesburg, South Africa. I went to the Security Courier Firm 
and confirmed the deposit by myself;
Meanwhile, I want to leave South Africa entirely with this money for investment in 
your country or any of the European country because of the stable political situation 
and mostly for the future of my family and I.
Moreover, you will have to advise us on a profitable business venture to invest this 
fund on in your country or any European country as soon as the deposited box (fund) 
transferred to Europe by the Security Courier Firm, which you will have to go down to 
the Security Courier Firm office in Europe to make the clearance of the deposited box 
(Fund) as the beneficiary.
We have it in mind to reward you handsomely for your assistance. We are prepared to 
give you 15% of the total sum and 5% will be use to pay back any expenses incurred by 
both parties after the completion of the transaction and the balance 80% we be for my 
family and I.
Please, ensure that no one else know about this fund as it is only my mother, myself 
and yourself who know about this fund.
May God bless you as you assist us.
Do send me your reply through the email address below if you are ready to help or 
assist us on this transaction.
Yours sincerely,

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