Dear Sir,
 I am writting this letter out of a genunine desperation to find a reliable and trust 
worthy person to help me in my present condition.
 I am Mr. Roland Smith a Zimbabwean aged 53, from a mixed parentage and a renowned 
Agriculturist, major Farm Land Owner in Zimbabwe,who will like to ask you for your 
assistance since President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe has orderd that all White Land 
Owners should 
leave the country for them.
 The Black citizens accompanied with Military officers came to raid most of us " White 
Land Owners", but luckily for my family and I, were in Zimbabwe as a result, these 
cruel beings laid their evil hands on my workers and destroyed properties.
 This political uprising  between White Farm Land Owners and The Government of 
Zimbabwe is making room for this so called envious blood sucking people to take full 
advantage of the situtation at hand to cause a trouble and to terrorise most White 
families like mine. I can not fathom out how all my  achievements in Zimbabwe will go 
down the drain.
 My Family and I are presently in one of the remote villages in Zimbabawe and scared 
to go back to Harare.  Hopefully, we will be relocating to another African country 
soon, as life in Zimbabwe is not safe at all.
 I got your contact from the internet and the help of God, and have the impression 
that you will be capable of handling and helping us with your position.
 My request is just for you to help me out of this situtation and to help me receive 
my money, which I wish to transfer to your country. 
 This can be done in two ways; First, as the fund is currently deposited with a 
Finance firm, I can instruct the firm to forward it to you.
 Secondly, I can instruct the Finance firm to transfer the fund into our account 
through any of their corresponding banks.
 All documents backing this money is with me, and all arrangements for the transfer 
will be either through the banking process or direct payment by the Finance firm.
 Why I need this help is because the government are seizing all my hard earned money 
in which I have worked for over the years because I will not want my family suffer for 
what the crime that we are not aware off.
 Kindly see this as a help and if you do help me, which after you send me an 
invitation to your country for my family and I.
 If you willing to help then I will give you 20 percent of the total money which is 15 
Million U.S Dollars(USD15,000,000.00) which I have made over the years in Zimbabwe and 
is Finance firm.
 Please reply me to my personal email address:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  
Awaiting your reply
Mr. Roland Smith

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