Urgent Response Needed

2003-10-23 Thread SAM BELLO
FROM: Mr. Sam Bello
Chief Financial Director 
Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) 
Lagos - Nigeria


I am Mr. Usman Bello a financial director working with Independent national Electorial 
Commission (INEC). My Agency is in charge of conducting all elections in my country 
Nigeria and by the virtue of my unique position in office as the Chief financial 
director, I was levated by the commission to be the chairman of foreign contract 
tender board committee whose responsibility is to award and supervise foreign contract 
to ensure it is executed promptly.

Consequently, I the chairman of the tender board committee in collaboration with two 
other top committee members over-invoice certain contract for
the supply of electoral equipments used for the elections early this year (2003). The 
initial cost of the contract was pegged at Two Hundred and fifty Million United States 
Dollars (US$250M) after the feasibility study. While submitting my report to the 
office of the presidency for final approval, we deliberately inflated the cost to an 
excess amount of Twenty Eight Million Five Hundred Thousand nited States Dollars 
(US$28.5M) making the cost to be Two Hundred and Seventy Eight Million Five Hundred 
Thousand United States Dollars (US$278.5M). These said funds is lying unclaimed in my 
organization's suspense account with the Central Bank of Nigeria. Be informed that the 
contract has been fully executed and the contractors aid in full.

We are therefore seeking your assistance and permission to remit this amount into your 
account. Your commission will be 20% of the total sum, 10% has been set aside for the 
defray of expenses incured during the course of transaction and the balance of 70% is 
for my colleagues and I.

My colleagues and I have decided that if you/your Company can stand as the beneficiary 
of these funds on our behalf, you/your company will retain 20% of the total amount 
(US$28.5Million) while 75% will be for us (officials) and the remaining 5% will be 
used in offsetting all debts/expenses incurred during this transfer. We have decided 
that this transaction can only proceed under the following condition.

(a) Our conviction of your transparent honesty and that you treat this transaction 
with utmost secrecy and confidentiality.

(b) That upon Receipt of the funds you will release the funds as instructed by us 
after you've removed your share of 20%. Please acknowledge the receipt of this letter 
using the above e-mail address.  I will bring you into the complete picture of this 
transaction when I've heard from you.

Your urgent response will be highly appreciated as we  are already  behind schedule. 
Please do be informed that his business transaction is 100% legal and completely free 
from drug or money laundering.

Only trust can make the reality of this transaction.

Best regards,
Mr. Sam Bello


2003-10-01 Thread Sam Bello

I am Senator Sam Bello, former special adviser on petroleum and economic matters to 
the late Head of State of Federal Republic of Nigeria General Sani Abacha. Because of 
my strategic position in the former Goverment, and also being a close confidant of the 
Head of State, I was able to acquire personally, the sum of $5,000,000.00USD (five 
Million United States Dollars) presently lodged in Union bank of Nigeria plc. I made 
this money largely through "CONSULTANCY FEE" and Good Faith Fees" paid by foreign oil 
companies prior to Allocation of Deep Water Oil Blocks and other Lifting/prospecting 
Right. Nigeria is the 6th largest Producer/Exporter of Crude Petroleum in the World.
As you are probably aware Nigeria is prone to Political /Economic 
Instability, hyper Inflation, and among other problems, I have therefore resolved to 
invest my money abroad, preferably in Real Estate Properties and Importation of Goods 
for safety and optimum returns on Investments.

However, straight transfer of this money into a bank abroad will 
present two major problems:

1. The tax incidence will be too high, as much as 60% of this money 
will go up in Taxes, Levies, Penalties etc.

2, As an Ex seviceman in a former military government on which the 
present democratic government of Chief Olusegun Obasanjo is fighting very hard to 
freeze the accounts of the men that serve in the government of General Abacha. 

So as a result of Government deliberate restrictions on flight of 
capital Abroad. The solution is to Courier this money in cash abroad, 
through Courier Service Company here in Nigeria in conjuction with an embassy here in 
Nigeria, the money will be packed in a Diplomatic Bag or Carton tagged Diplomatic 
lauggage which will be addressed to you. This system is secret and the money is 
therefore untraceable. It is the system used by most top Government officials in 
Nigeria to remove their fortunes to a safety place abroad.

I have therefore concluded every arrangement with a Courier Company in Nigeria to 
Courier this money abroad using the courtesy and safety of Diplomatic Bag. All I now 
need is a honest partner who can receive the money on my behalf and help me to invest 
as aforementioned.
There is absolutely no risk involved in this transaction as the money 
will be delivered to you in United States Dollars Bills. If you are intrested in 
assisting me, please send to me by email immediately your preferred contact address 
where this money will be delivered 
to you, upon delivery, you are to lodge this money in a bank account and contact me 
for necessary arrangements for the investment. 
For your help and assistance in this deal, you will receive 30% of this money in cash, 
10% will be set aside to offset all expenses while the remaining 60% is for me. 

Finally, you are to please urgently email your personal phone and fax 
numbers for an easy communication. You are also required to email your contact address 
to me, so that I can instruct the Courier Company to despatch the money to you before 
we go into other necessary details. 

Expecting to hear from you.

Best regards,

Senator Sam Bello