Announcing WolframTones

2005-09-09 Thread Stephen Wolfram Science Group
We're pleased to announce a new consumer application of
Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science:

WolframTones -- An Experiment in A New Kind of Music

We encourage you to check it out; we think it's pretty neat
(as well as being scientifically interesting, and useful).

-- The Wolfram Science Group

Requested Material

2005-07-27 Thread Stephen Knapp

July 27th, 2005

Our Brokers have found a company that will refinance your house. 

Your L0AN Amount Options:
$98,898 to $290, 823

Your Optional Rates:
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To have our broker contact you about these options please visit:

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Are our records incorrect?

Change of contact info

2005-07-06 Thread Stephen Ronan
I am no longer on CTCNet staff and do not receive email directed to this
address. I can now be reached at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

For any CTCNet-related business, please contact CTCNet's Executive
Director, Kavita Singh, at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Steve Ronan

Three Years of A New Kind of Science

2005-05-15 Thread Stephen Wolfram
Today it is three years since I published my book A New Kind of
Science. It seems like a lot longer than that--so much has
happened in the intervening time. What started as a book is
steadily emerging as a major intellectual movement with its own
structure and community.

The first year after the book came out was dominated by a
certain amount of "paradigm shift turbulence." But by the second
year, many serious projects were starting, and indicators like
the publication rate of NKS-based papers began to climb.

Now, in the third year, a recurring theme has been the emergence
of a growing group of exceptional individuals who are planning
to base their careers on NKS. There are scores of NKS-based
Ph.D. theses underway, and all sorts of NKS-based corporate
ventures--as well as our own growing NKS R&D operation in

Later this year, the first full-length independent book based on
NKS will be published, and the first independent NKS conference
will be held. In late June, we will be holding our third annual
NKS Summer School--for which there were a record number of
exceptional applicants. We are planning to have our next major
NKS conference in spring 2006; we'll be announcing the details
shortly. There will also be an NKS mini-course at our Wolfram
Technology Conference this October.

This year I myself have mostly been in a tool-building phase,
working on major new Mathematica technology that, among other
things, will be very important for NKS research--and which I
can't wait to use.

There's a lot more in the pipeline too. We're developing plans
for a new kind of publishing medium for NKS (partly based on the
Complex Systems journal that I've been publishing since 1986).
We're also planning later this year to start regular "live
experiments," in which I'll be leading public web-conferenced
explorations into the computational universe.

Also in the next few months we're planning to release a rather
unexpected consumer-oriented application of NKS, which I expect
we'll all be hearing quite a bit about.

As we begin the fourth year of NKS, I feel more optimistic than
ever before about its promise--and its significance in science,
technology, the arts, and beyond. It will be fascinating to see
where the most important NKS-based breakthroughs come from, and
what they will be.

I hope you'll have the opportunity to take part in the
excitement of the upcoming years of early NKS growth.

-- Stephen Wolfram

Out of Office AutoReply: Details

2004-12-22 Thread Baumgartner, Stephen C (Stephen)** CTR **
I will be out of the office starting Dec. 13 and returning January 3 of next 
year. Have a great holiday!

A NEW KIND OF SCIENCE: Special Holiday Promotions

2004-12-07 Thread Stephen Wolfram Science Group
Now's the time to get your own NKS book and software or get them
for a friend. We're happy to announce two special holiday

* Stephen Wolfram's 1200-page, 1000-illustration book A NEW KIND
OF SCIENCE is available for only US $29.95 (33% discount outside
the US)

* A NEW KIND OF SCIENCE and the NKS Explorer software system for
Windows and Macintosh are available together for only US $49.95
(55% discount outside the US)

Order today to ensure delivery in time for the holidays.

Visit or call 1-800-965-3726
(+1-217-398-5151 outside the US and Canada). 


If you wish to change the email address we have on file for you,
please visit:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&mid=NKhol

If you wish to be removed from the NKSwire mailing list, please
visit:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&mid=NKhol


This message was sent to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> by
Wolfram Research Inc., 100 Trade Center Dr., Champaign, IL 61820

NKS: Two Years Later

2004-05-14 Thread Stephen Wolfram
Today marks the second anniversary of the release of A NEW KIND
OF SCIENCE. And I'm very happy to be able to report that NKS is
continuing to develop extremely well.

A wonderful community is forming around the ideas of NKS.  The
pace of research and applications is steadily building--with an
average of about one new paper now appearing every day
classes and courses are being taught. And several times each week
we hear about an ambitious new initiative based on NKS--in
technology, or art, or business or somewhere else.

We're trying to do our part to help. Earlier this year we
released the online version of the complete book
( We launched the NKS
Forum ( We just sponsored the
second annual conference: NKS 2004
( And we're
working hard to make the best
possible reference source and meeting place for the NKS

At the end of June, I'm looking forward to our second NKS Summer
School (
I hope we'll educate another outstanding group of NKS pioneers.  
(We're still accepting applications this week at  
And later this year we'll be starting an R&D fellowship program
at our new facility near Boston.

It's been exciting to see everything that's been happening with
NKS over the past year. But it's now clearer than ever that this
is just the beginning.

Much of what's being done so far on NKS has focused on specific
models, and specific conceptual conclusions. But ultimately the
real power of NKS comes from its core: the basic science of "pure
NKS"--and its methodology of systematically exploring and
understanding what's out there in the computational universe.

New methodologies generally spread slowly. But pure NKS is
definitely gaining momentum. And this year we'll be announcing a
major initiative that I think will be an important step in moving
it forward.

Years from now, pure NKS will no doubt be a mature field like
physics or mathematics--with its own complete infrastructure for
research, education and applications. But for now it is still
wide open, and full of terrific opportunities for professionals,
students and amateurs alike.

I hope you've been able to spend time on NKS. It's always great
to hear what people are doing with NKS, and I hope you'll let us
know if you have something to share.

-- Stephen Wolfram

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2004-05-04 Thread stephen anastas
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A very beautiful girl walked up to a department store's fabric counter  and
said, "How much is this?""Only a kiss a meter," replied the smirking man
assistant."That's fine." replied the girl. "I'll take for meters." The
assistant quickly measured the material, wrapped it and then gave it to the
girl. Taking it, the girl turned and pointed to an old man standing beside 
her. "MY grandpa will pay the bill." she said.
Fred was applying for a job as a flagman/switch operator on the railroad.
The chief engineer was conducting the interview. "What would you do if the
Northern Express was heading north on Track 1 and the Southern Central was
heading south on Track 1?" Fred quickly answered, "Well, I'd call my
brother." The chief engineer just sat there for a second. "Why would you
call your brother ?" "He's never seen a train wreck before." 
shoutuki2shippou26onkai,tanpa mo-ningu. 

Better than Cialis 3l

2004-04-22 Thread Stephen Burkett

protracting psaltry provinculum provisionless protracter proudness. prozone psammite prudishness psalmography provisionment proverbiology. pseudaposporous proving pseudambulacrum provisionally protropical. proventricular provider prototyped prs protoxids pryingness prozymite proximad
proxenus. providences provoke protranslation providing provenders provence.





psend psalmed protracter psalmist proxenetism psalming. protovum pruniferous protrude protrusion providence provenance psaltress
protradition provisionally provisor. provoke provers pseudarachnidan psalmodize psalmodist provincialate. prototyped prunase provostship prototheme provability pseudaxis providently
provokes prussian.

& ProvenprovincializationtoGJBGXZXCWork

prototrophic psalterion psammons protuberance protractedly proverbialism
 prototyping protrusible proximal psalm provoker. provincially protradition protozoan prozygapophysis prythee. prowler protrudable pseudaconine pseudapostle proventricular provokes protozoon
prudentiality stop

prudently pseudaconitine proxenetism psalmograph provinces. protrude prouniversity protractors protraditional provision psephism provocativeness
prototypal proverbialize. protracts protragie prunable. provisory psaltery protoypes provided prototrochal proxyship provocatively

NKSwire -- News about A New Kind of Science

2004-02-26 Thread Stephen Wolfram Science Group
Since you recently registered for NKS|Online, we thought you
might be interested in some of the following announcements from
the February 2004 NKSwire. We're particularly excited about the
NKS 2004 conference, and hope to see you there.


Register now to ensure your participation in the NKS 2004
conference, Boston, April 23-25...

Submit an abstract or summary for NKS 2004...

Reserve your space for Stephen Wolfram's one-day NKS minicourse,
Boston, April 22, 2004...

The 2004 NKS Summer School is June 20-July 9 at Brown
University; applications due March 15...

More and more publications involving NKS are appearing; see the
latest bibliography...

Transcripts of recent talks by Stephen Wolfram have been

Post your NKS questions and results to the developing NKS

If you wish to be removed from the Wolfram Research mailing
list, please go to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&mid=NKSO0204

If you wish to change the email address we have on file for you,
please go to:[EMAIL PROTECTED]&mid=NKSO0204


This message was sent to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> by
Wolfram Research Inc., 100 Trade Center Dr., Champaign, IL 61820

PURCHASE Genric V_I.A.G.R_A ONLINE! iic gdgbndjbxz

2003-11-28 Thread Stephen Duncan
Title: Untitled Document

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 We only sell drugs manufactured by leading Indian Pharmaceutical and multinational companies.
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2003-10-28 Thread Stephen A. McFadden

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RE:high dollar romantic vacation for just peanuts

2003-10-27 Thread Stephen Horner
RE:high dollar romantic vacation for just peanuts

Welcome to Magical Vacation

This package provides you with a heavily discounted
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You start your Universal, The Beach and The Bahamas
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Universal Theme Park Tickets or a seven day rental
car through ALAMO You'll also get tickets for a
3 day night Caribbean cruise on the
"REGAL EMPRESS SS"  with all you meals and
entertainment are include the ships amenities
include your own private state room, Las Vegas
style entertainment, plus A  Universal Fun Pack
Discount Coupon Book providing 2 for 1 restaurant
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Also During your stay in Orlando you'll be treated
to a Luxury Resort tour and Free Breakfast. Then
it's off to your Caribbean Cruise to
the Grand Bahamas Island on a round trip cruise
on the all-inclusive Imerial Majesty Cruiselines
the "REGAL EMPRESS SS"  for 3 days and 2 nights
in your own private state room where you'll enjoy
free food, Las Vegas style shows, Jacuzzis and
swimming pools all for free for the entire time
you're on board.


Once In Freeport the Bahamas, you can shop and
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or you can go right to Coral Reef Dive Sights,
Glass Bottom Boat Rides, Horse Back Riding in
the surf and you can Play With The Dolphins at
the waters edge. In the evening, there are plenty
of parties to Limbo, dance, enjoy Fire Eating
shows and Bahama-Mama Rum Punch.

Imagine lying on the beach with your own private
chair and umbrella and being waited on by local
cabana boys or lying in a rope hammock slung
between two palm trees on a deserted beach.
All this followed by your relaxing return
cruise to Ft. Lauderdale with a true ships sit
down buffet dinner. The lavish spread is
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How does this sound so far?


Go to:
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Stephen Horner

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2003-10-16 Thread stephen amoh
Dear sir
 My boss, the late president of  Rwandan 
 Republic  Mr. Paul Ntemenioro maintained a Trust
 Account with the Credit First National Bank South
 This account was operated through me, his personal
 aide Dr.Stephen Moha under the code name J-L-K A/C
 007333 – 03777 – code JLK. The Account balance as at
 the end of August 2000 stood at USD27.675,000.00 (
 Twenty Seven million, six hundred and seventy five
 thousand UnitedStates Dollars) only.
However, prior to his death, he had instructed the
Banks Unit (Special Deposit  Trust Account); through
me to conclude the transfer arrangements to enable
the movement of the fund from the bank to an offshore
account for his personal use. 

Regrettablly, the arrangement was almost finalized,
ironically and coincidentally on the eve of  his death.
Be that as it may, I arranged with few key officers
of this Bank and Deposit the fund with Pegasus Financial in Athens Greece for myself. 

Based on this, I solicit your assistance in receiving
the bulk  which should be move in to a safe location
(Bank Account)

Note that you will be entitled to 30% of the total  
fund should you accept to assist.

Be informed also that this transaction is well
arranged and therefore 100% risk-free. Only that you
have to be as confidential as possible at your own

Reply as a matter of urgency indicating your
interest so as to give you the contact of the Bank for
you to verifiy. If however, you are not disposed to
assist,let me know and also endeavor to destroy this
Thanks for your anticipated cooperation.
 Your sincerely.
 Dr. Stephen Moha

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2003-10-04 Thread Stephen Whitfield


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Your girlfriend deserves this! ntestl cb

2003-10-03 Thread Stephen Foster
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Did you lose my ICQ?

2003-09-12 Thread Stephen Sanford

No more please

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2003-07-29 Thread Stephen Currie
Title: brucellosisjoannagignmhqw rnblqo yyrjkyw
obc wdytcqz jl u eyzxtynr





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2003-03-14 Thread Stephen Davidson
Title: Blue Flow Box.gif

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	You are receiving this offer because you registered at an Internet site, specific newsletter or contest that had a Privacy Policy that stated that they may choose a few partners who will send you valuable offers. is committed to delivering you what you really deserve most in your inbox. If you have received this in error, please UNSUBSCRIBE from future mailings by clicking here and following on screen instructions. For questions email us at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]. Or write us at:, Customer Service, P.O. Box!
  7045, Delray Beach, FL 33482. You can al
so review our full Privacy Policy. This email message may be a recurring mailing.

Create a PAYCHECK with your computer!

2002-08-09 Thread Stephen

You get emails every day, offering to show you
how to make money. Most of these emails are 
from people who are NOT making any money.

And they expect you to listen to them?


If you want to make money with your computer,
then you should hook up with a group that is
actually DOING it.

We are making a large, continuing income 
every month.  What's more - we will show YOU 
how to do the same thing.

This business is done completely by internet
and emai,  and you can even join for free to
check it out first.  If you can send an email, 
you can do this.  No special "skills" are 

How much are we making?  

Below are a few examples.  These are real 
people, and most of them work at this business 

But keep in mind, they do WORK at it - I am not going to 
insult your intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no 
work, and rake in the cash.  That kind of job does not 

But if you are willing to put in 10-12 hours per week, 
this might be just the thing you are looking for.

N. Gallagher: $3000 per month
T. Hopkins: $1000 per month
S. Johnson: $6000 -$7000 per month
V. Patalano: $2000 per month
M. South: $5000 per month
J. Henslin: $7000 per month 

This is not income that is determined by luck, or 
work that is done FOR you - it is all based on your 
effort.  But, as I said, there are no special skills 
required.  And this income is RESIDUAL -
meaning that it continues each month (and it tends 
to increase each month also).

Interested?  I invite you to find out more.  

You can get in as a free member, at no cost, 
and no obligation to continue if you decide it is 
not for you.  We are just looking for people 
who still have that "burning desire" to find an 
opportunity that will reward them incredibly well, 
if they work at it.

To grab a FREE ID#, simply reply to: 

and write this phrase:
"Email me details about the club's business and consumer opportunities"

Be sure to include your:
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email address (if different from above)
4. Would you prefer your information in HTML or Text Format*.
* This is optional, if neither is selected the information will be sent in Text Format.

We will confirm your position and send you a special report
as soon as possible, and also Your free Member Number.

That's all there's to it.

We'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Stephen Chylinski

P.S. After having several negative experiences with network
marketing companies I had pretty much given up on them.
This is different - there is value, integrity, and a
REAL opportunity to have your own home-based business...
and finally make real money on the internet.

Don't pass this can sign up and test-drive the
program for FREE.  All you need to do is get your free

Unsubscribing: Send a blank email to: 
with "Remove" in the subject line.



Create a PAYCHECK with your computer!

2002-08-08 Thread Stephen

You get emails every day, offering to show you
how to make money. Most of these emails are 
from people who are NOT making any money.

And they expect you to listen to them?


If you want to make money with your computer,
then you should hook up with a group that is
actually DOING it.

We are making a large, continuing income 
every month.  What's more - we will show YOU 
how to do the same thing.

This business is done completely by internet
and emai,  and you can even join for free to
check it out first.  If you can send an email, 
you can do this.  No special "skills" are 

How much are we making?  

Below are a few examples.  These are real 
people, and most of them work at this business 

But keep in mind, they do WORK at it - I am not going to 
insult your intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no 
work, and rake in the cash.  That kind of job does not 

But if you are willing to put in 10-12 hours per week, 
this might be just the thing you are looking for.

N. Gallagher: $3000 per month
T. Hopkins: $1000 per month
S. Johnson: $6000 -$7000 per month
V. Patalano: $2000 per month
M. South: $5000 per month
J. Henslin: $7000 per month 

This is not income that is determined by luck, or 
work that is done FOR you - it is all based on your 
effort.  But, as I said, there are no special skills 
required.  And this income is RESIDUAL -
meaning that it continues each month (and it tends 
to increase each month also).

Interested?  I invite you to find out more.  

You can get in as a free member, at no cost, 
and no obligation to continue if you decide it is 
not for you.  We are just looking for people 
who still have that "burning desire" to find an 
opportunity that will reward them incredibly well, 
if they work at it.

To grab a FREE ID#, simply reply to: 

and write this phrase:
"Email me details about the club's business and consumer opportunities"

Be sure to include your:
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email address (if different from above)
4. Would you prefer your information in HTML or Text Format*.
* This is optional, if neither is selected the information will be sent in Text Format.

We will confirm your position and send you a special report
as soon as possible, and also Your free Member Number.

That's all there's to it.

We'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Stephen Chylinski

P.S. After having several negative experiences with network
marketing companies I had pretty much given up on them.
This is different - there is value, integrity, and a
REAL opportunity to have your own home-based business...
and finally make real money on the internet.

Don't pass this can sign up and test-drive the
program for FREE.  All you need to do is get your free

Unsubscribing: Send a blank email to: 
with "Remove" in the subject line.



Create a PAYCHECK with your computer!

2002-08-08 Thread Stephen

You get emails every day, offering to show you
how to make money. Most of these emails are 
from people who are NOT making any money.

And they expect you to listen to them?


If you want to make money with your computer,
then you should hook up with a group that is
actually DOING it.

We are making a large, continuing income 
every month.  What's more - we will show YOU 
how to do the same thing.

This business is done completely by internet
and emai,  and you can even join for free to
check it out first.  If you can send an email, 
you can do this.  No special "skills" are 

How much are we making?  

Below are a few examples.  These are real 
people, and most of them work at this business 

But keep in mind, they do WORK at it - I am not going to 
insult your intelligence by saying you can sign up, do no 
work, and rake in the cash.  That kind of job does not 

But if you are willing to put in 10-12 hours per week, 
this might be just the thing you are looking for.

N. Gallagher: $3000 per month
T. Hopkins: $1000 per month
S. Johnson: $6000 -$7000 per month
V. Patalano: $2000 per month
M. South: $5000 per month
J. Henslin: $7000 per month 

This is not income that is determined by luck, or 
work that is done FOR you - it is all based on your 
effort.  But, as I said, there are no special skills 
required.  And this income is RESIDUAL -
meaning that it continues each month (and it tends 
to increase each month also).

Interested?  I invite you to find out more.  

You can get in as a free member, at no cost, 
and no obligation to continue if you decide it is 
not for you.  We are just looking for people 
who still have that "burning desire" to find an 
opportunity that will reward them incredibly well, 
if they work at it.

To grab a FREE ID#, simply reply to: 

and write this phrase:
"Email me details about the club's business and consumer opportunities"

Be sure to include your:
1. First name
2. Last name
3. Email address (if different from above)
4. Would you prefer your information in HTML or Text Format*.
* This is optional, if neither is selected the information will be sent in Text Format.

We will confirm your position and send you a special report
as soon as possible, and also Your free Member Number.

That's all there's to it.

We'll then send you info, and you can make up your own mind.

Looking forward to hearing from you!


Stephen Chylinski

P.S. After having several negative experiences with network
marketing companies I had pretty much given up on them.
This is different - there is value, integrity, and a
REAL opportunity to have your own home-based business...
and finally make real money on the internet.

Don't pass this can sign up and test-drive the
program for FREE.  All you need to do is get your free

Unsubscribing: Send a blank email to: 
with "Remove" in the subject line.



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Take just 2 minutes to complete the following form.
There is no obligation, all information is kept strictly
confidential, and you must be at least 18 years of age.  
Service is available within the United States only.
This service is fast and free.  

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Get Cash Fast!

2001-06-23 Thread Kevin Stephen

We will help you get the mortgage loan you want!

Whether a new home loan is what you seek or to refinance
your current home loan at a lower interest rate, we can help!

Mortgage rates haven't been this low in the last 12 months,
take action now!

Refinance your home with us and include all of those pesky
credit card bills or use the extra cash for that pool you've 
always wanted...

Where others say NO, we say YES!!!
Even if you have been turned down elsewhere, we can help!

Easy terms!  Our mortgage referral service combines the
highest quality loans with the most economical rates and
the easiest qualifications!

Take just 2 minutes to complete the following form.
There is no obligation, all information is kept strictly
confidential, and you must be at least 18 years of age.  
Service is available within the United States only.
This service is fast and free.  

Free information request form:

Since you have received this message you have either responded
to one of our offers in the past or your address has been
registered with us.  If you wish to be removed please reply to:
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=remove