Oradder from Calanada and sabeve moloney.

*p**We are running holot spekocials*ol**
Metods stalerts at only $39-$g6p9

- Mexeridleia, Xaponax, Cshipbalish, and so mulch mocore
- Melods are 80b% lesose than regopular pricoce
- No docteror visits or hassles
- Qupoick diposcreet delivemry to your front dolror

Depolivlyery any-wheire inas thes worield

Easy? You belt it is.



Bonus Joke:

Nutty Hunters Two men went hunting. Joe had been hunting all his life, but Steve was hunting for the first time. Joe told Steve to sit down and not make a sound. So he did. But when Joe got 100 yards away, he heard a scream. "I thought I told you to be quiet!" he said. "Well, I was when the snake bit me," said Steve. "And I was when the bear attacked me... but when the two chipmunks crawled up my pant leg and said, 'Should we eat them or take them with us,' I screamed."

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