The Government Grants you $25,000!

2002-07-09 Thread abrown

Free Personal and Business Grants

" Qualify for at least $25,000 in free
grants money - Guaranteed! "

Each day over One Million Dollars in Free
Grants is given away to people just like you for a wide
variety of Business And Personal Needs

Dear Grant Seeker,
In a moment, I'll tell you
exactly HOW  WHERE to get Grants. This MONEY has to
be given away, WHY not to YOU?

You may be thinking, "How
can I get some of this Free Grants Money"

Maybe you think it's impossible
to get free money?

Let me tell you it's not
impossible! It's a fact, ordinary people and businesses all across the
United States are receiving millions of dollars from these Government and
Private Foundation's everyday.

Who Can Apply?

ANYONE can apply
for a Grant from 18 years old and up!

Grants from $500.00 to $50,000.00
are possible! GRANTS don't have to be paid back,
EVER! Claim
your slice of the FREE American Pie.

This money is not a loan,
Trying to get money through a conventional bank can be very time consuming
and requires a lot of paperwork, only to find out that you've been denied.
These Government Agencies don't have to operate under the same stringent
requirements that banks do.

You decide how much money
you need, as long as it's a lawful amount and meets with the Government
Agencies criteria, the money is yours to keep and never has to be repaid.
This money is non taxable  interest free.

None of these programs require
a credit check, collateral, security deposits or co-signers, you can apply
even if you have a bankruptcy or bad credit, it doesn't matter, you as
a tax payer and U.S. citizen are entitled to this money.

There are currently over
1,400 Federal Programs, 24,000 State Programs, 30,000 Private Foundations
and 20,000 Scholarship Programs available.

This year over $30 Billion
Dollars In Free personal and business Government Grants Money will be given
away by Government Grants Agencies.

Government Personal
and Business Grants Facts:
Over 20 Million People Get Government
Money Every Year:
1,000,000 entrepreneurs get money
to start or expand a business
4,000,000 people get money to invest
in real estate
6,000,000 people get money to go
to college
10,000,000 people get free help and
training for a better job

Getting Business

Anyone thinking about going
into business for themselves, or wanting to expand an existing business
should rush for the world's largest "one-stop-money-shop" where FREE business
grants to start or expand a business is being held for you by the Federal

sounds absolutely incredible that people living right here in the United
States of America wouldn't know that each year the world's largest source
of free business help delivers:

Over $30 billion dollars in free
business grants and low-interest loans;
over one-half trillion dollars in
procurement contracts; and
over $32 billion dollars in FREE
consulting and research grants.

With an economy that remains
unpredictable, and a need for even greater economic development on all
fronts, the federal government is more willing than it ever has been before
to give you the money you need to own your own business and become your
own boss!

spite of the perception that people should not look to the government for
help, the great government give-away programs have remained so incredibly
huge that if each of the approximately 8 million businesses applied for
an equal share, they would each receive over $70,000.

people never apply for FREE Business Grants because they somehow feel it
isn't for them, feel there's too much red-tape, or simply don't know who
to contact.The fact is, however, that people from all walks of life do
receive FREE GRANTS MONEY and other benefits from the government, and you
should also.

Government Grants
for Personal Need

Help to buy a new home for
low income families, repair your home, rent, mortgage payments, utility
bills, purchase a new car, groceries, childcare, fuel, general living expenses,
academic tutoring, clothing, school supplies, housing assistance, legal
services, summer camp, debts, music lessons, art lessons, any extracurricular
activities, pay bills for senior citizens, real estate taxes, medical expenses
and general welfare. If you or someone you know suffered a fire lose there
are programs available to help in replacing necessities.

Scholarships And
Grants For Education

Grant Money for preschool
children and nursery school education, private, primary and secondary schools,
men and women to further their education, scholarships for athlete's, business
management, engineering, computer science, medical school, undergraduate,
graduate, professional, foreign studies and many more.

Here's How You
Can Get Free Grants
In The Shortest Time Possible

Once you know how and where
to apply for a specific Free Grant, results are almost inevitable. The
government wants to give away this money. . . it is under congressional
mandate to do so! These funds 

The manipulator's guide to the female mind!

2002-07-06 Thread abrown






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It don't take a genius to biggie a penis!

2002-07-03 Thread abrown

 Sex is like fixing your '69 Corvette--you better use the right tool for the job 
or it'll be a disastor! The genetic lottery determines your penis size the instant 
your conceived-- *POOF* that's all you're getting!  But that's all about to change, 
thanks to modern science! Finally, a real formula has been designed to make IT 
bigger... FOREVER! No painful pumps or exercises are required! Just take a Maxaman 
pill with meals and watch it grow to amazing dimensions!

 * No more sighs of dissatisfaction from your woman, only cries of delight!
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 * No painful pumps, exercises, or dangerous surgery!
 * Results start in 2 weeks or less!
 * No side effects, 100% safe to use!
 * Gain atleast 2 inches or your money back!

 Size does matter. Be it too small or too large it still matters. The size of your 
penis is on a woman's mind. Women know what they like and are aware of the size and 
shape of the penises they've had.

Listen to what a few of our previous customers have to say:

Dear Sirs, Thanks for offering this formula. Me and my wife are having the best sex 
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Hi, I just wanted to let you know this formula is working wonders for me. I've gained 
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Hello! Just wanted to thank you for offering such a great product. My boyfriend 
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 Think about how you'll feel when she cries out your name during sex, or after 
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now! She will love you for it.

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Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon!

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