Re: Court orders video spying

2002-05-03 Thread j eric townsend

At 07:58 -0700 2002/05/03, Steve Schear wrote:
>[An example of why intelligent appliances in the home, not based on 
>open source may be dangerous.  Spyware Inside (sm) ]
>Court orders video spying
>By Dawn C. Chmielewski
>Mercury News
>A federal magistrate in Los Angeles has ordered SonicBlue to spy on 
>thousands of digital video recorder users -- monitoring every show 
>they record, every commercial they skip and every program they send 
>electronically to a friend.

Go read SonicBlue's privacy policy -- they claim to already record 
all that information and that they will hand it over if ordered by a 
court or would rat you out if they thought you were doing something 

J. Eric Townsend --

Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Re: New heights of spam from Choate and MattX

2002-03-15 Thread j eric townsend

At 09:29 -0800 2002/03/15, Tim May wrote:
>Being away from the Net for nearly 24 hours, I wondered why I was 
>getting 90 e-mails downloading, but only about 16 messages in my 
>"Cypherpunks" filtered mailbox. So I looked at what the cat drug in:

Here's an idea -- why not use whatever you use to filter things into 
your cypherpunks mailbox to first filter out anything from people you 
don't want to read instead of whining to everyone on the list about 
how much they send that you don't want to read?

J. Eric Townsend --

Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Re: Tivo: Super Britney Replays Ruled

2002-02-12 Thread j eric townsend

At 16:58 -0800 2002/02/11, Tim May wrote:
>No, they don't care about the receiver's location.

Yes they do.  They care when it comes to determining what local 
market you're in for the purposes of providing local stations.

>Data point: My DirecTV receiver was hooked up without a telephone 
>hookup for almost 6 years with no issues or questions.

Then you got lucky.  Lots of people are asked/required to make a 
phone call for various reasons.

Many DTV features require a phone connection.  This is not speculation.
0x19D3BAF5, 5CCF 2251 5B45 0ABA B91D  AD81 4A60 3401 19D3 BAF5

re: Using Thermite to Drop Suspension Bridges...and U.S. plansto

2001-11-02 Thread j eric townsend

At 11:05 +0800 2001/11/03, F. Marc de Piolenc wrote:
>I would be interested to see that formula. I thought I knew them all,
>but all the thermite formulas I know require at least a two-stage
>initiator or a direct blowtorch flame.

You might want to do some research on  'thermite welding" -- it's a 
great way to put wires together as well:

J. Eric Townsend --

Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Re: Pravda Propaganda On The NRA, GOA and Militias

2001-10-26 Thread j eric townsend

At 09:01 -0700 2001/10/26, Tim May wrote:
>(For those outside the U.S., a word of explanation. For some reason, 
>political mappers showed
>votes for Al Gore in _blue_ and votes for Bush in _red_. I have no 
>idea how this came to be.

It's been done that way for years on television vote tallies.  They 
never use, say, purple and orange, almost always red and blue (and 
green, I think for independents).  I'm not sure, but I think GOP has 
always been red and Dems have always been blue.
J. Eric Townsend --

Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Books being banned on planes...

2001-10-18 Thread j eric townsend

How to get detained and miss your flight.


Bring the wrong book with you:

J. Eric Townsend --

Were you in USASSG/ACSI/MACV in Vietnam, 1967-1970?  Drop me a line if so...

Re: Corporate totalitarianism?

2001-07-27 Thread j eric townsend

At 12:05 AM -0500 7/26/01, Aimee Farr wrote:
>In RE to the DMCA/Dmitry affair, private enforcement, new intellectual
>property enforcement divisions, etc. --
>We are increasingly holding individuals criminally responsible for crimes
>against corporations and many feel an imbalance, or even a double-standard,
>in terms of corporate accountability for crimes against people.

Isn't this the real meaning of fascism, as implemented by those wacky 
Axis powers and and supported by the likes of Henry Ford?
0x19D3BAF5, 5CCF 2251 5B45 0ABA B91D  AD81 4A60 3401 19D3 BAF5