Journeys With Nancy?

                   By Lloyd Grove
                   Washington Post Staff Writer
                   Friday, November 15, 2002; Page C03

                   We hear there was grumbling
                   among House Democrats yesterday
                   when documentary filmmaker
                   Alexandra Pelosi, daughter of
                   Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.),
                   tried to bring her digital camera into
                   the members-only caucus at which
                   her mother was elected Minority

                   The writer-director of "Journeys with George," the
HBO documentary about
                   George W. Bush's presidential campaign, has been
following her mom
                   around Capitol Hill this week and recording events
for posterity. Yesterday
                   Nancy Pelosi's opponents, Tennessee's Harold Ford Jr.
and Ohio's Marcy
                   Kaptur, agreed to let her daughter attend the
closed-door meeting in the
                   Cannon Caucus Room, but the younger Pelosi was told
to leave the camera

                   Instead she gave it to avocational photographer Sam
Farr, a member from
                   California and staunch Pelosi partisan who videotaped
portions of the secret
                   proceedings. "She didn't slip the camera to me; I
demanded that she give it to
                   me because I like to record history," Farr told us.
"My style as a
                   photographer is photojournalism -- so my focus was
people .... I think
                   Alexandra and I will have to decide what we do with
the video, depending."

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