[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anonymous User) writes:

> http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/uk/england/newsid_1844000/1844326.stm
> BBC News | ENGLAND | Students debate Israel 'apartheid'
> Wednesday, 27 February, 2002, 14:11 GMT 
> Students debate Israel 'apartheid'
> A student at Manchester University proposed the motion
> Large numbers of students are expected to converge on Manchester      
> University to demonstrate over an attempt to brand Israel an          
> "apartheid state".                                                    
> A motion being proposed by a Manchester University student and        
> supported by the Islamic Society, argues that Israel is carrying out  
> human rights abuses against Palestinians. Students from across the    
> country are travelling to the city to support and protest against     
> the action on Wednesday. If it is passed, Jewish students fear        
> anti-Semitic sentiment will lead to the ban of Jewish societies       
> within universities and fuel prejudice.                               
> The proposal draws a parallel between South African and Israeli       
> apartheid and human rights abuse                                      
> Andrew Perfect, Students' Union
> General secretary of the university's Students' Union, Andrew Perfect 
> said tensions on campus were running "fairly high". He said they      
> were expecting at least 1,000 people in the debating hall, students   
> outside and people from the local community.                          
> He said: "This is a human rights motion regarding abuses against      
> the people of Palestine. "The proposal draws a parallel between       
> South African and Israeli apartheid and human rights abuse. "We are   
> expecting at least 1,000 of our 24,000 members to vote, with lots of  
> others outside, as well as a large number of people from around the   
> country and a number from the community."                             
> Heated debate
> The motion is expected to be debated for most of the afternoon.       
> Greater Manchester Police have been notified of the expected crowds   
> and are sending officers to the event. A police spokeswoman said: "We 
> are aware of it and there will be a low key presence to ensure it     
> passes off peacefully."                                               
> Mr Perfect said: "Tensions are fairly high on campus at the moment.   
> "But this is not the first time something like this has happened.     
> In 1996, a group of students tried to ban the Jewish Society." A      
> spokesman for the university said they had read the motion and were   
> satisfied it was "a legitimate debate".                               
> He said: "The motion relates to the situation in Israel and Palestine
> and that is why some kind of heat has been generated. "We are
> expecting it to be quite heated."
> http://www.manchesterisoc.org.uk
> Islamic Society at Manchester University
> Human Rights For Palestinians
> Dear Friends, Peace Be Upon You.
> We would like to bring to your attention that students at Manchester
> University have felt that there is a need to condemn the genocide and
> ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in their own homeland, by the racist
> 'Israeli' apartheid regime, on an official level.
> A motion detailing the atrocities and blatant disregard for human
> rights was submitted to the Students Union to be discussed and voted
> on in a general meeting next Wednesday the 27th of Feb. at 1.30pm in
> the Academy.
> Unfortunately, certain groups opposing this motion (hmm, I wonder
> who that could be?!), have sunk to all time new lows in trying to
> divert the attention away from the issue up for discussion. They have
> resorted to attempted provocation and outright childish behaviour in
> an attempt to stop this motion.
> However, those supporting the motion, have been ignoring these
> pathetic attempts, much to the despair of those opposed to it.
> What's on this microsite?
> Well, due to the huge support we have received from people up and
> down the country, we have decided to add a diary of events including
> pictures detailing what has been going on.We have also added a list of
> links that you may find useful.
> What Can You Do?
> Keep sending us your comments via email : [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
> spread the word about what is happening at Manchester University. More
> importantly, remember us in your du'a.
> There will be more information soon...
> Wassalam

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