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[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Anonymous) writes:

> "[Mr. Blair] said he'd put more police on the street. Well the only
> place he has this done so far is right here in Westminster."
> Ian Duncan Smith - Far-Right token alternative to 'compassionate
> socialism'.
> Britain's Police Force took to the streets yesterday, protesting new
> reforms to their working conditions and the plan to give 'community
> wardens' the power of arrest.
> The Police Federation (the blue union) are also going to petition the
> European Court of Human Rights to give them back the right to strike
> they lost when they signed under the phrase 'I agree not to strike' on
> their job applications.
> Someone has already pointed out that anyone who doesn't have the right
> to strike is a slave; but if they're not happy with their working
> conditions they can serve notice at any time. As the job finder
> adverts say, _anyone_ is free to "Fire their boss!" at any time, and
> _attempt_ to hire a better one. Strikes and work-to-rule's are merely
> one step short of this.
> If you don't want to be held to a no-strike contract, DON'T SIGN ONE!
> If that means you will not be permitted to work in certain critical
> industries, so be it.
> Someone will probably flame me to say, "They can't _all_ afford to
> quit, what about their children?", or, "We have to have a police
> force, so EVERYBODY can't refuse to join, so it can't be _totally_
> voluntary. Thus we must make no strike contracts illegal for some
> industries, or they'll have no say in their employment."
> But as far as I've heard, no-one's passed any Directive 10-289* or
> Rush Act**.
> When they do, get back to me. I'll be waiting right here.
> --
> * Atlas Shrugged:
> During a national emergency, the government passes a new law requiring
> workers not to quit or strike on pain of imprisonment (amongst other
> things). The government will now organize movement between jobs.
> ** Babylon 5: Episode 1.12, By Any Means Necessary:
> All critical employees of space stations must sign no-strike-no-quit
> contracts for fixed terms of months; with the option of military force
> to be used against them if they refuse to work. After cutbacks cost
> the lives of dockworkers in an accident, they succumb to 'blue flu'
> (organised sick-out). An Earth Government Representative declares this
> to be an illegal strike and invokes the Rush Act.
> The Act is rumoured to be named for Rush Limbaugh.
> PS. You can probably tell I'm not a big fan of union power. Why have
> two bosses when I can have one? Still, I'd never be stupid enough to
> sign a no strike contract.
> PPS. Along with not wanting to increase the number of people who can
> legally kidnap me and detain me against my will, there are two other
> points I'd like to make in the cops favour:
> 1) Yesterday's protest had the highest police presense in London for
> years, and was the cheapest to clean up after. Starbucks ought to
> write the Police Federation a thank you note.
> and B) Police Officers won't stand for the kind of shit governments
> like to pull on other types of protester, like 'traffic detours',
> closure of public transport, stop and search that takes 6 hours or
> until the protest is over etc.
> Oh and any idiot dumb enough to produce a brick from under his jacket
> will find himself crowd surfing towards the nearest police van...
> PPPPPPPPPPPCPPS. Do I use more references than the Unabomber or what?

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