----- Forwarded message from "\"Hal Finney\"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("Hal Finney")
Date: Thu, 17 Feb 2005 14:25:36 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [p2p-hackers] SHA1 broken?
Reply-To: "Peer-to-peer development." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The problem with the attack scenario where two versions of a program are
created with the same hash, is that from what little we know of the new
attacks, they aren't powerful enough to do this.

All of the collisions they have shown have the property where the two
alternatives start with the same initial value for the hash; they then
have one or two blocks which are very carefully selected, with a few
bits differing between the two blocks; and at the end, they are back
to a common value for the hash.

It is known that their techniques are not sensitive to this initial value.
They actually made a mistake when they published their MD5 collision,
because they had the wrong initial values due to a typo in Schneier's
book.  When people gave them the correct initial values, they were able
to come up with new collisions within a matter of hours.

If you look at their MD5 collision in detail, it was two blocks long.
Each block was almost the same as the other, with just a few bits
different.  They start with the common initial value.  Then they run
the first blocks through.  Amazingly, this has only a small impact on
the intermediate value after this first block.  Only a relatively few
bits are different.

If you or I tried to take two blocks with a few bits different and feed
them to MD5, we would get totally different outputs.  Changing even
one bit will normally change half the output bits.  The fact that they
are able to change several bits and get only a small difference in the
output is the first miracle.

But then they do an even better trick.  They now go on and do the
second pair of blocks.  The initial values for these blocks (which are
the outputs from the previous stage) are close but not quite the same.
And amazingly, these second blocks not only keep things from getting
worse, they manage to heal the differences.  They precisely compensate
for the changes and bring the values back together.  This is the second
miracle and it is even greater.

Now, it would be a big leap from this to being able to take two arbitrary
different initial values and bring them together to a common output.
That is what would be necessary to mount the code fraud attack.  But as
we can see by inspection of the collisions produced by the researchers
(who are keeping their methodology secret for now), they don't seem to
have that power.  Instead, they are able to introduce a very carefully
controlled difference between the two blocks, and then cancel it.
Being able to cancel a huge difference between blocks would be a problem
of an entirely different magnitude.

Now, there is this other idea which Zooko alludes to, from Dan Kaminsky,
www.doxpara.com, which could exploit the power of the new attacks to
do something malicious.  Let us grant that the only ability we have is
that we can create slightly different pairs of blocks that collide.
We can't meaningfully control the contents of these blocks, and they
will differ in only a few bits.  And these blocks have to be inserted
into a program being distributed, which will have two versions that
are *exactly the same* except for the few bits of difference between
the blocks.  This way the two versions will have the same hash, and this
is the power which the current attacks seem to have.

Kaminsky shows that you could still have "good" and "bad" versions of
such a program.  You'd have to write a program which tested a bit in
the colliding blocks, and behaved "good" if the bit was set, and "bad"
if the bit was clear.  When someone reviewed this program, they'd see
the potential bad behavior, but they'd also see that the behavior was
not enabled because the bit that enabled it was not set.  Maybe the
bad behavior could be a back door used during debugging, and there is
some flag bit that turns off the debugging mode.  So the reviewer might
assume that the program was OK despite this somewhat questionable code,
because he builds it and makes sure to sign or validate the hash when
built in the mode when the bad features are turned off.

But what he doesn't know is, Kaminsky has another block of data prepared
which has that flag bit in the opposite state, and which he can substitute
without changing the hash.  That will cause the program to behave in its
"bad" mode, even though the only change was a few bits in this block
of random data.  So this way he can distribute a malicious build and it
has the hash which was approved by the reviewer.

And as Zooko points out, this doesn't have to be the main developer
who is doing this, anyone who is doing some work on creating the final
package might be able to do so.

On the other hand, this attack is pretty blatant once you know it is
possible.  The lesson is that a reviewer should be suspicious of code
whose security properties depend on the detailed contents of blocks
of random-looking data.  One problem with this is that there are some
circumstances where it could be hard to tell.  Zooko links to the example
of a crypto key which could have weak and strong versions.  The strong
version could be approved and then the weak version substituted.
There are also some crypto algorithms that use random-looking blocks of
data which could have weak and strong versions.

So it's not always as easy as it sounds.  But most code will not have
these problems, and for those programs it would be pretty conspicuous
to implement Kaminsky's attacks.  At present, that looks to be the best
someone could do with SHA-1 or even MD5.

Hal Finney
p2p-hackers mailing list
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