Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-04 Thread Tim May
On Jan 2, 2004, at 1:03 PM, someone wrote:

On Fri, 2004-01-02 at 13:18, Tim May wrote:
Second of the items never sent to the list (that I have seen,
9-10 hours later).
I saw both articles, both the originals and the reposts, on the LNE
feed. I didn't, however, get the original of either on the pro-ns feed,
but I saw the reposts on pro-ns.
I subscribed to pro-ns after Eric M's announcement, but it seems to 
a lot of articles that I get from LNE. Still searching for a reliable
feed which cuts out the Australian Jackass and other noise posts.
Several operators of Cypherpunks nodes have gotten tired of the topic 
or the running of nodes and have moved on to other things. Even those 
still running nodes rarely have anything to post themselves.

Those remaining on the remaining nodes, or at least the ones posting, 
are mainly eurotrash lefties and American collectivists who just don't 
get it.

As none of the alternatives to are what I'm looking for in a 
node, I expect to do most of my future posting to alt.cypherpunks. This 
newsgroup has been in existence for a bunch of years and periodically 
gets interesting threads. A few sock puppets have been spamming it, but 
filters are readily available to screen out the crud.

The advantage of a newsgroup is that all the distribution and 
propagation issues are handled more or less automagically, The 
disadvantages are well-known, but are not much worse than with some of 
today's nodes (subject to long delays, dropped articles, etc.).

Another advantage is that the address will be more or less known to 
anyone, at all times.

Also, no friendly chats by Feebs with the operators of a site.  And 
virtually no chance of shutting down a newsgroup.

--Tim May

Re: Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-04 Thread R. A. Hettinga
Okay... At a time like this, I might  as well trot out the Tim May
Google-Stalk URL so everyone can get the full treatment...:

(timcmayatgotdotnet doesn't work because it misses the earlier address, but
a Tim May in the author field does enough...)

Thanks for all the fish.

Thanks, Eric!

(Who's not sure he wants to subscribe to, much less run a cypherpunk node
R. A. Hettinga mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience. -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-04 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 02:19, James A. Donald wrote:

 And to get back to the topic of this thread.  I cannot see 
 anything but random deranged crap in alt.cypherpunks -- maybe I 
 need to adjust my filters, but there does not seem to be any 
 signal in the noise.

I don't see anything on alt.cypherpunks, except for a test message I put
up a couple of days ago. Alas, my ISP, having been bought out recently,
has become unresponsive. (Yah, I know there are work-arounds for
getting  newsgroups which are not carried by your ISP, but they are
_work_-arounds, which involve work, which involves time, which I have
only in short supply.)

Re: Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-04 Thread Tim May
On Jan 2, 2004, at 2:00 PM, R. A. Hettinga wrote:

Okay... At a time like this, I might  as well trot out the Tim May
Google-Stalk URL so everyone can get the full treatment...: 

(timcmayatgotdotnet doesn't work because it misses the earlier  
address, but
a Tim May in the author field does enough...)

Thanks for all the fish.

I saw your silly stalking, your incorrect comments about Krakatoa.

Someday you may learn that content matters more than your listen up,  
boys and girls and milk ran out my nose sort of patter. Then you may  
find actual economic success, no longer dependent on your wife to  
support you.

Consider that CPUs have gotten 10 times faster than when you started  
yammering about digital bearer instruments and general programming  
tools have gotten at least a couple of times better. If you can't  
implement what you have been yammering about with this amount of CPU  
power and tools, but instead think you need to raise  to hire a few  
programmers and have a company, you are clearly smoking herb.

Haskell running on 4 GHz of processor(s) gives you vastly more power  
than any 10 programmers had several years ago.

Get on with it, or give up. Your nattering about e$ and Philodex  
and Digital Bearer Instruments is getting really, really old.

--Tim May

Re: Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-04 Thread James A. Donald
On 2 Jan 2004 at 20:59, Tim May wrote:
 Haskell running on 4 GHz of processor(s) gives you vastly 
 more power than any 10 programmers had several years ago.

It is not clear to me that Haskell is useful for producing 
programs that are actually useful to end users.   Sure you can 
produce a prototype in nothing flat, but it seems to me that as 
with complex SQL expressions, it is very easy to produce 
Haskell expressions that evaluate several billion times slower 
than they should when the program starts handling a large 
number of users with a large number of transactions.

And to get back to the topic of this thread.  I cannot see 
anything but random deranged crap in alt.cypherpunks -- maybe I 
need to adjust my filters, but there does not seem to be any 
signal in the noise.

Of course I can only see the signal on this list, because over
the years I have developed some heavy filtering. 

 James A. Donald

Re: Alt.cypherpunks will be where I do most of my posting

2004-01-03 Thread Steve Furlong
On Sat, 2004-01-03 at 02:19, James A. Donald wrote:

 And to get back to the topic of this thread.  I cannot see 
 anything but random deranged crap in alt.cypherpunks -- maybe I 
 need to adjust my filters, but there does not seem to be any 
 signal in the noise.

I don't see anything on alt.cypherpunks, except for a test message I put
up a couple of days ago. Alas, my ISP, having been bought out recently,
has become unresponsive. (Yah, I know there are work-arounds for
getting  newsgroups which are not carried by your ISP, but they are
_work_-arounds, which involve work, which involves time, which I have
only in short supply.)