About 500 members of radical student and neighborhood activist groups plastered boycott signs over the windows of U.S. fast-food restaurant chains, hurled paint bombs at the Mexican stock exchange and burned the American flag outside the U.S. Embassy during anti-war protests Wednesday.
"This business belongs to the assassins who are killing innocent people in Iraq. Don't finance the war!" read the black-and-white fliers the protesters smeared on restaurant windows and the glass front of the Mexican stock exchange. As they marched from the city's central plaza, known as the zocalo, to the U.S. Embassy on the city's main Reforma boulevard, protesters hurled paint bombs at Burger King and Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants, at a Sheraton hotel and at the Mexican stock exchange and Mexico's foreign relations department. When they arrived at the Embassy they burned large U.S. flags, and hurled rocks, orange peels, eggs, and cow dung at shield-protected police guarding the building.
Authorities told Mexican news media that the 500 protesters included members of three groups:
- the General Strike Council, a radical student group that illegally occupied and shut down Mexico's National Autonomous University for nearly a year in 1999 and 2000;
- the Francisco Villa Popular Front, a rough-and-tumble group formed to fight for affordable housing;
- and residents of San Salvador Atenco, who last summer waged violent protests and seized hostages until the federal government abandoned plans to construct a new international airport on their land.

Link: http://www.geocities.com/insurrectionary_anarchists

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