>>...The perception of anarchists has long been of loners who hate government and break laws, an image fueled by protests and arrests here and around the world.
Getting arrested for a good cause is a badge of honor, local anarchists say, and they are anti-authoritarian. But, they add, overthrowing capitalism requires organization and cooperation...<<


Where the Hett where you?

An estimated 15,000 protesters converged on Boston Common yesterday for a three-hour rally to demonstrate against a possible US war with Iraq. The turnout, estimated by police, rivaled any Boston peace rally since the Gulf War, organizers said.

Halloween Equals War on the Police State"
posted by Calamity Jayne on Monday November 04
EAST AURORA, NY: Was the cause of the riot a flyer distributed at the high school which read "Halloween equals war on the police state"?

Police used tear gas and pepper spray early Sunday to quell a disturbance that escalated into bottle-throwing and looting during a Halloween party attended by an estimated 65,000 people

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