Title: Ideas from ZweigWhite

Only $145
AEC Intranet Cookbook
Only $275
2003 Compensation Survey
Only $345
2003 Valuation Survey
Only $145
A/E Financial Fitness Plan
Only $125
2003 AEC Industry Outlook

Who is ZweigWhite? ZweigWhite provides the management expertise and information that helps design and construction firms be more competitive, overcome obstacles, set goals, and reach them. The firm was founded by management guru Mark Zweig in 1988 with just a thousand bucks in capital and a vision of improving the management practices in design and construction firms. Today, ZweigWhite is far and away the largest, most diverse organization devoted exclusively to serving the needs of design and construction firms from coast to coast.

Find out more by visiting us on the web at zweigwhite.com

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Natick, MA 01760
Managing the business of design & construction

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