Considering the current state of life extension and bio-technology, the odds
are that when these ships are first set to sail the life span of the average
techological(!) human will be about 150 to 200 years. In that time the
potential for further extension is possible. This also will create a great
need for networking at a scale that has never been attempted. If we can do
this in the next 20-25 years we might have a good chance of surviving as a
species with respect to geological time scales.

My plan would be multi-staged. The first stage would be laser lift to high
altitude. A Roto-vator or similar tether technology would then be used to
get to LEO. Then have mass drivers shoot material to the moon (send a mass
driver there soonest). The primary resource for these endeavours will be the
Earth crossing asteroids, especially those betwix Earth and the Moon. A
Lunar colony, darkside telescopes, etc. come with the plan. Say a hundred
years for initial stage completion (remember the life extension technology -
mankind is in for a wild ride in about 25-50 years.....Yip Yip Yahoo :) The
next step should(!) be two-fold. It should consist of two parallel efforts.
Effort one would be a mass driver / colony effort to Mars. The second effort
should be a colony in the Jovian or Saturn systems. Someplace where there is
water and lots(!) of hydrocarbons and such. The next step will be a asteroid
and comet mining effort, 200 to 250 years.



                James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -


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