Re: BrinCity 2.0: Mayor outlines elaborate camera network for city

2004-09-11 Thread Major Variola (ret)
At 12:50 PM 9/11/04 +0200, Nomen Nescio wrote:
>So, since this is titled BrinCity, it surely means that the image
>streams will be available from a web site and that we the people get
>cameras in the emergency response center and the mayor's office?

Is adultery a crime in Chicago?  Given the predilication for peripheral
pussy by
those in power, the cameras could be used to track them.  Conspiracy
to commit a crime is also a crime.  Who knows, Gary Condit's concubine
might still be aerobic had there been enough cameras on the ingress
to various buildings.  Hey, its in public view.  All those homebodies
with computers could help keep the public safe.

They're not using crypto to keep the publicly funded, public images from
scrutiny, are they?  What do they have to hide?

..Wear light colored burkhas to survive the thermal flash.. aluminized
fabrics preferred

Re: BrinCity 2.0: Mayor outlines elaborate camera network for city

2004-09-11 Thread Nomen Nescio
Message-type: plaintext

R. A. Hettinga ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote on 2004-09-10:
>  Critics say the cameras ought not be regarded as a panacea in crime
> fighting. They say the more there are, the greater the potential for abuse.

So, since this is titled BrinCity, it surely means that the image
streams will be available from a web site and that we the people get
cameras in the emergency response center and the mayor's office?


RE: BrinCity 2.0: Mayor outlines elaborate camera network for city

2004-09-10 Thread Tyler Durden

cameras will be linked -- and authorities will be alerted to crimes and
terrorist acts.
Whew. I feel better already. If only we had had cameras rolling on 
9/11/2001, none of that would have ever happened.

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Re: BrinCity 2.0: Mayor outlines elaborate camera network for city

2004-09-10 Thread John Kelsey
>From: "R. A. Hettinga" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Sep 9, 2004 9:50 PM
>Subject: BrinCity 2.0: Mayor outlines elaborate camera network for city

> Some people are concerned about "Big Brother" invading their privacy but
>Mayor Daley says the cameras will be located in public areas.

Fortunately, all this is happening in a town noted for its trustworthy and honest 
government, and under a mayor with no tendency to use any excuse he can find to grab 
power, tear up airports he doesn't like in the middle of the night, etc.

>R. A. Hettinga 

--John Kelsey