On 11 Oct 2000, raze wrote:

> My question is this; why would they patent something that is 64 year old technology? 
> This is like the Enigma machine no?!

Note that the patent-application was filed in 1936. Obviously they were
interested in keeping any info relating to the invention confidential. But
theres no need for that anymore, given that the technology in the patent
is completely obsolete by now.

Bo Elkjaer, Denmark

> On Wednesday, October 11, Bo Elkjaer Wrote:
> >Yesterday oct. 10 NSA was granted another patent for a >cryptographic device 
>invented by William Friedman. The >application for the >patent was filed oct. 23 1936 
>-- 64 years >ago.

>>Bevar naturen: Sylt et egern.<<
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