As promised, we have reserved your position in our program.

We're holding your spot and we have people who are waiting to be placed under you. You 
need to confirm right away. We'll notify you when you have a GUARANTEED check waiting. 
This is a FREE TEST drive of our marketing system.

We are holding a FREE position for you at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You must confirm your position immediately or you'll lose the
customers who are waiting to be placed under you.

Remember, you can make money every time someone we placed under you makes a purchase. 
So go right now, before you do anything else!
No tricks here, just sign up for your FREE website and watch
your downline grow.

Just go to:

If you are no longer interested in turning your computer into a CASH COW, please 
remove below so we can place all these people under someone else who is ready.

Prosperous Regards,

Kristine Fitts

To unsubscribe visit the following link: http://kfitts.goquickpros.com/[EMAIL 
or reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line.

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