
On Tuesday, workers from the Colombian City of Cali, who have been
occupying the communications tower of Emcali since Christmas Day won an
historic victory (See last weeks SchNEWS). An agreement was signed by the
Colombian government, the Mayor of Cali, and the union guaranteeing that
the company will not be privatised, that there will be no price increases
this year, and that a high level anti-corruption inquiry will investigate
and bring to justice all of those people who have siphoned off public
resources from the company in recent years. If you want to hear more, Mario
Novelli whose been sending daily reports from the occupation, will be
speaking this Saturday (2nd) at the CORAS Centre, 161 Lambeth Walk, SE11.
(nearest tubes Vauxhall) 4pm. Tel 07950-923448


SchNEWS in brief

    * A detention centre for Migrants 'Sans Papiers' was occupied and
      wrecked last Saturday in Bologna, Italy.
Jeff Halper, of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions and
      Salim Shawamreh, twice the victim of house demolitions, will speak on
      the subject: Palestine and Israel: A Just and Viable Peace? 12th Feb,
      7.30 p.m Brighthelm Centre, Brighton
    * 'Stop the War on Dissent: - the threat to civil liberties posed by the
      Terrorism Acts'. 7pm, 12th Feb, Grand Committee Room, House of
      Commons, Westminster (er, that is the place where the terrorism acts
      were passed).020-7586-5892, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
    * Worthing Eco-Action meeting next Tuesday (5) about the planned direct
      action campaign to stop the destruction of the countryside around
      Titnore Lane in Durrington. 7.45pm, upstairs at the Downview pub, West
      Worthing Station
    * Two new indymedia sites to check out - Indymedia Ireland and Bristol Indymedia www.bristol/
    * 'Last Orders for the Local' is an ace little pamphlet looking at how
      your local boozer is being corporate themed out of existence. Send
      some stamps and an SAE to ACATAC c/o BM Combustion, London, WC1N 3XX
    * Campaign meeting on 'Planning a green paper' 9th Feb 10am-5pm
      International student house,229 Great Portland St. London 0161 9590999
    * Jill Phipps Memorial Day, An animal rights activist who was killed on
      a demo against live animal exports. 2nd Feb 12 noon Darley Oaks Farm.

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