Yeah, I know, pot-kettle-black. :-).

For those who *don't* know, and it seems like there a lot who don't these
days, "Lance" Detweiller is a famous net.loon, then from Colorado, who
infested the cypherpunk list in its early years with paranoiac screeds
about evils of anonymity and pseudonymity. He was more or less kicked off
the list by court-order -- we'll pause here for the irony impaired to get
the joke -- in 1994/5 or so. Googling "cypherpunks" and "detweiller" will
keep you entertained, or at least emeticized, for hours.

Now, Lance, in his current guise as "vznuri" (V.Z. Nuri = "visionary", get
it?  <hyuk!>, or, as Lance would put it, "tee hee"), uncorks a screed on
money and the evils of fractional reserve banking. He also seems to throw
in a gas-law or two, and I wouldn't be surprised if the Labor Theory of
Value is in there somewhere, for good measure.

I would have missed it because I've killfiled him, but Leitl zinged it to
the cpunx-news list, and I'm a sucker for punishment, I guess.

At least he had the sense to put it in pdf and stick it on the web. In the
old days, he'd have zinged the whole damn thing to cypherpunks, or
someplace. ;-).

It makes me wonder what Washington University in St. Louis has come to
these days, and the "6-week compulsively" bit I have no problem believing
at all. Here's hoping he's taken a bath since.



R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <>
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

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