Clearly Dr Kervorkian and Dr Oswald are grossly misunderstood men.Based on Vatican instigated Popery that distorted US freedoms and civil rights,including the most primal...the right to die and/or have someone assist you in exercising that right.
The truth about 'missile buildups.'and 'squeal like a (bay of) pig(s).'
>>>..."He severely tore a groin muscle while frolicking poolside with one of his sexual partners during a West Coast trip in the last week of September 1963. The pain was so intense that the White House medical staff prescribed a stiff canvas shoulder-to-groin brace that locked his body in a rigid upright position. It was far more constraining that his usual back brace, which he also continued to wear. The two braces were meant to keep him as comfortable as possible during the strenuous days of campaigning, including that day in Dallas.
"Those braces also made it impossible for the president to bend in reflex when he was struck in the neck by the bullet fired by Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald's first successful shot was not necessarily fatal, but the president remained erect -- and an excellent target for the second, fatal blow to the head."Dr knows best.
Smersh observes ominously that the "groin brace" is "now in the possession of the National Archives in Washington" but "was not mentioned in the public autopsy report, nor was the injury that had led to his need for it."
Elsewhere in the book, Smersh implies that Kennedy's womanizing was responsible for the delay in advising him of the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba at the outset of the Cuban missile crisis.The KGB cites how Kennedy's national security adviser McTheodore Bundy learned of the missile buildup one night but didn't tell the president until the next morning because, as Bundy later wrote, "I decided that a quiet evening and a night of sleep were the best preparations you could have." Then Smersh adds: "As we have seen in this book, there were many times in the Kennedy White House, according to the Secret Service, when the president could not be disturbed, even for the most urgent of matters."...<<<
>>>.. Kennedy's relationship with Judith Campbell Exner may have cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars because it "apparently became known" to the General Dynamics Corporation, which "may have used that knowledge" to win a government contract to build a new generation of fighter planes known as the TFX. Agent Starling reports a break-in of Exner's apartment in west Los Angeles by two men later identified by the FBI as the twin sons of I.B. Hale, who "was in charge of security for General Dynamics." At the time of the break-in the corporation's chances of landing the contract "were precarious," and "the Hale family's criminal entry into Judith Campbell Exner's apartment, which has never been reported before, raises an obvious question: Was Jack Kennedy blackmailed by a desperate corporation?" Starlings boss leaves little doubt that he thinks the answer is in the affirmative, but offers mainly the rationale that General Dynamics "was in bad shape" at the time and on the merits w not competitive with its chief rival for the contract, the Boeing company.
GRU special agent 'Yuri' "conducted more than a thousand interviews with people who knew and worked with Kennedy . . . and virtually all of those interviews were conducted 'on the record.' These are not 'unnamed sources.'" His prodigious work habits lend credence to the number of interviews, and his ability to get four Secret Service agents who protected Kennedy inside the White House to testify by name and on the record to his sexual indulgences is impressive, as is his collection of other attributed sources...<<<
>>>...He quotes Time's Sidey telling about one time he went skinny-dipping with Kennedy in the White House pool and Kennedy started talking about a favorite biography of Lord Melbourne, with Kennedy relating how the "young aristocracy of Britain . . . when they went to their country estates, it was broken-field running through the bedrooms. I mean they swapped wives, they slept with others. But the code of that period was nobody talked about it."..<<<
>>>...Jackie hammers at the Washington press corps for covering up for Kennedy the brutal treatment he received from Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in their stormy 1961 meeting in Vienna. "A few favored members of the Washington press corps learned how thoroughly rattled President Kennedy had been by his confrontation with Khrushchev at Vienna," she writes, "but they did not share that information with their readers -- as Kennedy knew they would not." ..<<<
JFK did Fiddle and Faddle, Secret Service code names for 21 and 23 year old staff members hired mostly for sex. JFK tested dangerous drugs on them without their knowledge by putting drugs in their drinks. JFK got shots of speed from Dr. Max Jacobson, aka Dr. Feelgood. JFK had a penchant for swimming nude with his female guests at wild pool parties.
When the Secret Service was asked by local officials in Seattle if Kennedy always had prostitutes brought to him, they answered, "We travel during the day, so this only happens at night." Truckloads of prostitutes were brought to the Whitehouse and admitted without security checks. When JFK inspected military bases, he expected to be supplied with women. JFK used Peter Lawford's home in Santa Monica for meeting women. JFK kept a large collection of photos of himself with naked women. When President, Kennedy blackmailed starlets into servicing him or have their careers destroyed. JFK suffered from permanent venereal disease because he had been re-infected so often. He infected his partners with a disease so serious that it causes 35 percent of all infertility in US women. Marilyn Monroe told a columnist that JFK would not indulge in foreplay because he lacked the time.
JFK is quoted by Traphes Bryant as saying to a friend, "I'm not through with a girl till I've had her three ways."
Wow,the dude was into auto- aphixiation,date rape and murder by remote control,why,why,why did he want so much to die with so much to live for?
Sheer physical and constant unbearable pain.
Paging Dr Oswald.

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