2001-11-01 Thread mattd

There is a room full of frustrated males that don't get enough sex from 
their ugly wives and expensive mistresses 

And I bet a few miss the old boss in drag...but seriously,the above 
sentence reminds me of my 2600 list here,
where Im a well known 'white hat'hacker.I hear some of my friends are 
scarfing up the names of all known FBIers
(like special agent lynne hunt in the register today)
This is to protect them from the baddies like the lasker jihad.Keep those 
names coming.The C/list goes on forever.


2001-10-31 Thread John Young

Anybody have information about this FBI operation,
which siphoned about 1/5 of Cryptome this AM:

IP address:

MAS (NETBLK-UU-65-207-53)
935 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington, DC 20535

Netname: UU-65-207-53
Netblock: -

   Dastur, Brian  (BD680-ARIN)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Record last updated on 17-Aug-2001.
Database last updated on 31-Oct-2001 02:58:21 EDT.

The siphon drained the site non-stop from 4:01 AM to 4:23 AM EST.


2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Wed, Oct 31, at 06:52AM, John Young wrote:
| Anybody have information about this FBI operation,
| which siphoned about 1/5 of Cryptome this AM:
| IP address:
| MAS (NETBLK-UU-65-207-53)
| 935 Pennsylvania Ave NW
| Washington, DC 20535
| US
| Netname: UU-65-207-53
| Netblock: -
| Coordinator:
|Dastur, Brian  (BD680-ARIN)  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
| Record last updated on 17-Aug-2001.
| Database last updated on 31-Oct-2001 02:58:21 EDT.
| The siphon drained the site non-stop from 4:01 AM to 4:23 AM EST.

How many mirrors do you have John? 

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.


2001-10-31 Thread mmotyka

Any sense in blacklisting IP ranges and refusing connections?


2001-10-31 Thread John Young

Any sense in blacklisting IP ranges and refusing connections?

No, we still abide the ground rules here, nobody is forbidden,
not TLAs not the commies not the loonies not the ethnics
not the school of americans and the iras and jihadists, all 
mars' angels get to eat the poison pills, except mindless bots 
which gobble bandwidth totally resistant to pesticide, and 
by that I mean a lot of bandwidth; medium sized waste 
is okay, as here at heavens gate.

But should emphasize the logs are immediately history
by promissory to readers once we axe bots, and even 
that is done only now and then. Every week or so we
lift all blocks in beatific amnesty of our glorious future 
leaders-bots. They retaliate immediately for our groveling
by taking over for an hour or two then move on to the 
terrorize the White House, the New York Times, 
Vatican, Forbidden City, US Military, overpowering the 
dying reputables' comfy obnox with rogue viral obnox.


2001-10-31 Thread mmotyka

OK. Yer an equal opportunity provider. Bandwidth costs money, yes? Ask
the botniks to register and send them automated tgz update packages
monthly, weekly, whatever. Paid protection might be cheaper than being
robbed. Do you accept anonymous donations?


2001-10-31 Thread John Young

How many mirrors do you have John? 

Don't know for sure, several recent ones are listed on
the home page. Older ones, and the covert, are not easily
found, but I see a hit from them now and then or a bit
gulp of update.

A few machines come every day to get the latest contents
but no files. I assume those are distributed within networks
or archived or added to the evidence pile. One of MPAA's
law firms does that, and the old loyal customer, NSA
at ncsc.mil. And EOP, DoJ, the Senate, US Courts, jeez, 
don't these folks have surf through SafeWeb or do they not
trust the spy of spies. (Hilarious that SafeWeb was picked
to help dissident Chinese outreach -- right into the CIA's

CIA has appeared daily since 911. That's ucia.gov.

That's why the FBI siphon was interesting, seldom do we
see the FBI use an address easily traceable to the agency.

It's interesting to speculate on who are the new, young, 
compwizzes and hackers hired by the TLAs, if they feel 
imprisoned or empowered, if they surf at work to send 
pleas for rescue via ID'd boxes. Could be reconnaissance 
by fire, sending a FNG into the sniper's sight, building logs 
of logs like poisoned packrat jg here.

Mothermary, there's nothing like logs to boost paranoia, and 
depression that nobody gives a FF except rampaging
bots endlessly shredding your shaggers and OBB.


2001-10-31 Thread Peter Wayner

A few machines come every day to get the latest contents
but no files. I assume those are distributed within networks
or archived or added to the evidence pile. One of MPAA's
law firms does that, and the old loyal customer, NSA
at ncsc.mil. And EOP, DoJ, the Senate, US Courts, jeez,
don't these folks have surf through SafeWeb or do they not
trust the spy of spies. (Hilarious that SafeWeb was picked
to help dissident Chinese outreach -- right into the CIA's

I realize the government doesn't tell the citizens anything 
interesting, but they also don't tell themselves. Compartmentalized 
information is a big problem for the bureaucracy. Some of your 
biggest fans may be just as curious as the rest of us. Plus, they 
have to fight budget wars over these things.


2001-10-31 Thread Gabriel Rocha

On Wed, Oct 31, at 09:57AM, John Young wrote:
| Mothermary, there's nothing like logs to boost paranoia, and 
| depression that nobody gives a FF except rampaging
| bots endlessly shredding your shaggers and OBB.

In my time I have found that keeping logs of internet activities is
an activity best left for businesses and even then, it can be a
double edged sword. It would be hard to subpena logs I don't
keep...besides, they are nothing but a troublesome waste of space...

Churchill, Winston Leonard Spencer --On the eve of Britain's entry
into World War II:
If you will not fight for right when you can easily win 
without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be 
sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will 
have to fight with all odds against you and only a precarious 
chance of survival. There may be even a worse fate. You may have 
to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to 
perish than to live as slaves.


2001-10-31 Thread Anonymous User

Anybody have information about this FBI operation,
which siphoned about 1/5 of Cryptome this AM:

So now the evidence has been collected.

I wonder if the thugs feel strong enough now to do away with
almost all dissent.

The whipped up sheeple opinion is at the peak. It's not getting
any higher. Flag sales sharply went down, and that has been noted
and acknowledged. So now we have new warning from FBI about This
Week's Threat, but that can be done only few times ... continuous
threats lose effect.

There is a room full of frustrated males that don't get enough
sex from their ugly wives and expensive mistresses (T. May
syndrome is universal, after all), and they will do some
ultraviolence instead.

So expect the clampdown to begin any time now. The public will
cheer neutering of proponents of anti-government technologies
(stego, crypto) and of those who publish government's secrets.

cpunks will never be the same without JYA.