a copy of an e-mail letter to Maria Bartiromo, award winning market journalist who recently interviewed Gore Vidal on her "After Hours" program.

Dear Ms. Bartiromo--

That one offers a journalist thanks these days is a sign of the times. Nevertheless--thank you for including Mr. Gore Vidal recently in a seldom heard discussion about the merits of the war and the concerning political questions surrounding it. Amidst the jingoism and knee jerk fervor, it may be true that if a preemptive war was a bad idea before the first strike, then making the strike surely doesn't transform it into a good idea. Mr. Vidal's "Dreaming of War" seems to document the cronyism and corruption of office that one tends to hear solely among progressives. It is seldom that one hears the "loyal opposition" in today's media, particularly the televised. Let this not be a unique achievement, less it be called fatuous, a scrap which serves as a meal. Fairness and Accuracy in Media recently conducted a two week survey of ABC. Of 397 commentators, 78% included military analysts and war hawks in and out of office; 17% included opponents of the war from such organizations as Veterans for Peace and Not in Our Name. A mere 1% representing the voting public was asked to opine. If the 1st Amendment is indeed one of the "preferred rights," then it is only fitting Mr. Vidal and others representing opposing views be granted more time. But again, you deserve the credit for exercising your journalistic rights, (and individual courage) and have in the process put yourself above most others.

J. Edward Tipre
former Navy journalist Vietnam era


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