Title: Get Budget Living magazine and a Thrifty Consumer Pack FREE

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If you want the good life, right now, without winning the lottery, you must read Budget Living. It's the only publication aimed at not only discovering bargains, but helping you build it, make it, invent it at less cost than if you bought it. And that's not all -- Budget Living also offers expert advice on personal finances, from credit cards to 401Ks to retirement savings. Budget Living does the budget hunting, so you don't have to -- yet you'll get the best deals every time on airline flights, clothes, furniture, food, everything money can buy.

It's simple: Read Budget Living and get the very lowest price for objects of desire. Or not. It's up to you.

What's that, you say? You want still more cost-cutting tools? OK, I've got two more for you in our exclusive Thrifty Consumer Pack. It starts with a copy of "The Bargain Buyer's Guide 2003: The Consumer's Bible to Big Savings Online and by Mail," the bestselling guide contains the most current information on ordering products and services online, by phone, and by mail at savings of up to 80 percent off the retail price. This is the book used by those people you hear about who never pay retail -- and it's backed up with meticulous research and 23 years of hands-on testing.

Next, you'll save money on snacks while you're on the road shopping, on lunch at work, or wherever you want to with this Hot & Cold Snack Box. It's a personal miniature refrigerator that keeps a six-pack worth of refreshments, plus other snacks, hot or cold in your office, car, camper or hotel. This is perfect for busy yet frugal types who are on the go!

Our special Thrifty Consumer Pack is a full $92 value -- but if you're thrifty and quick, you might get it FREE!

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Get the good life right now for less than you ever dreamed -- try Budget Living RISK-FREE!


William O. Riley
Best of Blue Dolphin

P.S. This is a completely RISK-FREE issue offer. If you should decide not to continue your RISK-FREE trial subscription for any reason, you may keep any issues or gifts you may have received with our compliments. Your satisfaction is always guaranteed. Get your RISK-FREE issue offer right now:

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