Title: Get Muscle & Fitness and a Weight Lifting Package FREE!
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Just in time to help you achieve your New Year's resolutions -- try a FREE issue of Muscle & Fitness and you'll get all this -- the exercises and workouts you need to build your new body in the new year, diet and nutrition tips that give you more energy, inspirational articles to help you achieve your fitness goals ... and a FREE gift!

And get this 3-piece Bulk-You-Up Weight Lifting Package FREE when you try a FREE issue of Muscle & Fitness! It includes Harbinger Big Grip Weightlifting Gloves, a Valeo 6-in Padded Leather Belt, and Harbinger's Classic Series Lifting Straps, all designed to enhance your workout and help you get big -- FAST.

It's a $67 value, and it could be yours FREE, if you act right now!

Claim your FREE ISSUE of Muscle & Fitness right now, before 2003 gets away from you![EMAIL PROTECTED]


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