How to be a KGB spy,

2002-02-02 Thread proffr11

>>Anyone have a CIA howto/manual? Others?? :-) <<

Scandanavian Choate's might like
·   CDR:
Jei, put some money where your big mouth is. 
·   From:

·   Date:
Sat, 02 Feb 2002 15:40:46 +1100 
·   Cc:

·   Reply-To: · [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
·   Sender: ·   [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

I have raised $4 in pledges to be pooled and paid for the reasonable 
expenses of the person(s) unknown that most closely predicts the time of 
the permanent retirement from politics of Richard Armitage.Armitage is a 
gross white murdering shitpig fairly high up in the hierarchy of the 
corrupt,violent amerikkkan empire.Should you be willing to pledge more than 
4$,you can choose your own,"targeted action."
How about it dickwit?

How to be a KGB spy

2002-02-02 Thread Jei

Anyone have a CIA howto/manual? Others?? :-)

How to be a KGB spy

Vasiliy Mitrokhin on the secret handbook of Russia's undercover agents

Saturday February 2, 2002
The Guardian

The KGB compiled and issued intelligence and counter-intelligence
dictionaries in the 1970s. Only officers in certain operational sub-units of
the KGB were allowed access to them.
The dictionaries, designed to provide a standard, accepted definition of
intelligence terms peculiar to the solitary and self-contained professional
world of the agencies of repression, had the legal status of regulatory
acts, binding on all units of the Soviet KGB.

Behind the quasi-scientific expressions it is possible to discern the
doctrine of permissiveness, providing a criminal legal basis for any
criminal act or constituting a recommendation to carry out such acts. The
dictionaries are the intelligence officer's book of amoral rules for
activities which jeopardise stability, the law and the social order,
providing guidance on how negative ways and means can be used to achieve
positive results. They authorise for him to do things which are forbidden by
law and to flout customary usage.

Agent-boyevik - a combat agent
An agent carrying out special tasks, including those requiring the use of
arms, explosives, special preparations and substances.

Agent vneshney razvedki KGB iz sovetskykh grazhdan - a Soviet agent of KGB
foreign Intellience
A Soviet citizen systematically carrying out secret instructions from
external intelligence on the basis of patriotic conviction, in foreign
countries or on the territory of the Soviet Union, and undertaking to keep
secret the fact of his cooperation and its nature.

Agent-dezinformator - disinformation agent
An agent who consciously communicates to the intelligence officer with whom
he is in contact patently false information on matters of interest to
intelligence, passing it off as genuine.

Agent-razrabotchik - a cultivation agent
An agent who assesses individuals under cultivation, observes their
behaviour at home and at work, identifies contacts and the nature of their
mutual relations, and carries out other intelligence tasks against targets
of cultivation.

Brosovyy signal - disposable signal
A signal used in some forms of impersonal contact in intelligence work and
intended for a particular contact without attracting attention, namely a
used or throw-away object of no value, or a part of it (such as a lump of
stone, glass, an empty cigarette packet, orange peel, the cork from a bottle
and so forth).

Verbovka v forme pryamogo predlozheniya - recruitment by means of a direct
A method of drawing a specially selected individual, who has been thoroughly
studied covertly, into secret cooperation with intelligence as an agent
(under true or false flag) by facing him directly with the question of
carrying out intelligence assignments systematically and clandestinely on
specified terms.

Verbovka na ideyno-politicheskoy osnove - recruitment on ideological and
political grounds
Inducing a specially selected and studied individual to cooperate secretly
as an agent by exploiting his political views, his national liberation
aspirations, his nationalist inclinations, his patriotic feelings, his
anti-war and anti- imperialist convictions and other political factors.

Verbovka na komprometiruyushchikh materialakh - recruitment on the basis of
compromising materials
Inducing or forcing a specially selected and studied individual to cooperate
secretly with intelligence as an agent by threatening to expose his
professional and moral failings.

Verbovka na moralno-psikhologicheskoy osnove - recruitment on a moral and
psychological basis
Inducing a specially selected and studied individual to cooperate secretly
as an agent by exerting psychological pressure on him, by exploiting his
foibles, vanity, envy, jealousy, vengefulness, his personal sympathies and
also his moral, professional or other failings.

Vremennyy post naruzhnogo nablyudeniya - temporary surveillance post
A place used by intelligence officers or their agents while conducting
surveillance on a target of cultivation in order to camouflage their
clandestine surveillance of the target as long as necessary. Depending on
circumstances, such posts may be selected in doorways, shops, coffee houses,
tram, trolley-bus or bus stops.

Dezinformatsionnyye materialy - disinformation materials
Material specially collected or fabricated by the intelligence service to
mislead particular circles, agencies, institutions and individuals in
foreign countries (documents, reports, articles published in periodicals or
broadcast by radio and television, declarations by state agencies, public
figures and scholars, private anonymous letters, leaflets etc).

Zhurnalistskoye prikrytiye - journalistic cover
The official activity of an intelligen