Re: How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-29 Thread R. A. Hettinga
At 8:28 AM +0200 9/29/04, Eugen Leitl wrote:
>The mind boggles. Even more interesting: how many heads have rolled due to

None, of course. Microsoft is the new IBM. As in, "Nobody ever got fired
for buying Microsoft..."


R. A. Hettinga 
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation 
44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"... however it may deserve respect for its usefulness and antiquity,
[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
experience." -- Edward Gibbon, 'Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire'

Re: How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-28 Thread Eugen Leitl
On Tue, Sep 28, 2004 at 03:06:54PM -0700, Bill Stewart wrote:

> Either way, if they knew the system was going to crash every 49.7 days,
> and they had a process to have a technician reboot it every 30 days,

If I knew somebody delivered me a mission critical system like that, 
I'd sue.

The system required a human in the loop to periodically do action XY, or it
would reliably fail? And the system before didn't? And it wasn't there as a fallback?

The mind boggles. Even more interesting: how many heads have rolled due to

Eugen* Leitl";>leitl
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Re: How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-28 Thread Bill Stewart
At 11:37 AM 9/28/2004, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
Got to love the spin...
"The servers are timed to shut down after 49.7 days of use in order to 
prevent a data overload, a union official told the LA Times."
That would be 49.71026961805556 days, or (curiously 
enough) 4294967295 (0x) milliseconds.  Known problem with Win95 
('cept they call Win95 a "server").
I've heard some people say that there was a different problem
that was causing them to need to reboot about that often,
having to do with the applications rather than the core OS,
but I don't know enough of the details to be sure.
Either way, if they knew the system was going to crash every 49.7 days,
and they had a process to have a technician reboot it every 30 days,
and the technician shuts it down during quiet nighttime hours,
that guarantees that the 49.7 day crash will be at a _bad_ time of day.
They could at _least_ have done a workaround that tells the system
to shut itself down at 2am on Day 45, after giving the operators a
warning about "Hey, I need to shut myself down for an hour for maintenance
some time in the next 4 days, is now a good 
time?  Yes/No/Wait-5-min/Wait-1-hour"

Disclaimer: I worked on the FAA's AAS debacle in the 80s
(fortunately not on the unlucky "winning" contractor's team),
and a number of my coworkers worked on VSCS projects -
not sure if they won that round, or who their partners were.

Re: How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-28 Thread Steve Furlong
On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 14:37, Roy M. Silvernail wrote:
> "The servers are timed to shut down after 49.7 days of use in order to 
> prevent a data overload, a union official told the LA Times."
> That would be 49.71026961805556 days, or (curiously 
> enough) 4294967295 (0x) milliseconds.  Known problem with Win95 
> ('cept they call Win95 a "server").

How the heck do they keep a Win95 machine up for 49 days? I think 1 day
is a more realistic MTBF.

Re: How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-28 Thread Roy M. Silvernail
Sunder wrote:
Q: How do you cause an 800-plane pile-up at a major airport?
A: Replace working Unix systems with Microsoft Windows 2000!

Got to love the spin...
"The servers are timed to shut down after 49.7 days of use in order to 
prevent a data overload, a union official told the LA Times."
That would be 49.71026961805556 days, or (curiously 
enough) 4294967295 (0x) milliseconds.  Known problem with Win95 
('cept they call Win95 a "server").

Roy M. Silvernail is [EMAIL PROTECTED], and you're not
"It's just this little chromium switch, here." - TFS

How to fuck with airports - a 1 step guide for (Redmond) terrorists.

2004-09-28 Thread Sunder
Q: How do you cause an 800-plane pile-up at a major airport?
A: Replace working Unix systems with Microsoft Windows 2000!


 + ^ + :"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we.  /|\
  \|/  :They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country /\|/\
<--*-->:and our people, and neither do we." -G. W. Bush, 2004.08.05 \/|\/
  /|\  : \|/
 + v + :War is Peace, freedom is slavery, Bush is President.