From March 12th to 18th is taking place a hunger strike in several spanish 
prisons. The prisoners are claiming: -The supression of FIES (1) regime and 
all the isolament units. -The end of penitentiary dispersal (2). -The 
release of all prisoners with incurable illness (like AIDS, Cancer, etc). 
-The release of all prsoners who have spent more than 20 years in prison 
(the maximum time according the law). This mobilization is included in a 
collective struggle inside the prisons, against the FIES units and for the 
dignity of the prisoners. This is a revolutionary struggle because it4s not 
only aimed to a mere reform, but ultimately its goal is the disappearance 
of the prisons, which involves a radical social change. It4s a 
self-organizated struggle, in which there aren4t leaders or 
representatives, neither inside the prisons nor outside, but only 
solidarity that grows between exploited people both from inside and outside 
the walls. A hunger strike is an important moment of the struggle, but the 
repression is constant, so our struggle should be also. /FOR THE 
FIES [Ficheros de Internos de Especial Seguimiento - Inmates Files of 
Special Monitoring] units are very hard isolament units of the spanish 
prisons in which prisoners are subjected to a total control all day. Their 
mail and phone calls are monitored, they have few opportunities to stay 
with other prisoners, their belongings are always been inspected, and 
tortures are usual. The prisoners who are included in this Files are the 
rebel ones, those who doesn4t submit to the prison authority. (2) The 
penitentiary dispersal means that prisoners are sent to prisons far away of 
their homelands and their families and friends. This means mainly an 
additional punishment for the family or near people, who have to travel a 
lot of kilometers (in some cases, hundreds or thousands) in order to stay 
some minutes with their dear people in a visit. 

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