2004-07-02 Thread hajiakhalid
No: 24A Idrisa Road, 
Republic of Iraq.
Greetings to you in the name of our Allah i got your e mail through the help of my 
nurse who scanned the internet and gave me your mail.
I am Mrs Mariam Khalid a devoted muslim,a new muslim convert of 74 
years old after being converted from a christian family by my husband.For quite a good 
number of years now,I have been suffering from cancer of the breast and fibroid of the 
womb which has for a long time now affected my health and from all indications my 
condition is deteriorating by day and by my doctor's prediction I have less than six 
months to live.

My husband who is now late was killed during the US/British attack 
against the president of my country (Sadam Hussain).My late husband was a member of 
the contract award committee of the republican ministry of 
petroleum and resources of Iraq under the regime of Sadam Hussein

Throughout the period of my marriage with my husband,all efforts to 
bear children proved abortive because of my poor state of health.My 
husband was a very wealthy and influential man during the post war Iraq. After his 
death,I inherited all his wealth since he has no other next of kin.

Since it is now obvious that I may not survive my poor state of health, 
I have deemed it necessary to leave a legacy on Earth and give a 
positive account and justification of the life I lived on Earth before the Almighty 
This I want to achieve by committing part of this wealth in all 
sincerlity to fund , Islamic orphanages,widows and the less priviledge peoples all 
over the world. I know that afterdeath, I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent and 
the most merciful.
Please, note that this sum(us$35 Million) was securely deposited in a 
security/financial company overseas in my name by my husband . I have 
highlighted my attorney on the said sum and all the possible assistance 
he would render to you on the documents covering the money so as to 
enable you receive it as I cannot follow it up because of my ill 
health,this e mail is being written for me by the nurse in my private 
hospital.Presently, my attorney is in Europe waiting for anybody willing.
I will also issue you a letter of authorization to anable the money be 
paid to you.I want you and the Muslim community and all servants of the almighty where 
you reside to always pray for me .It does not matter your religion or wether i trust 
you but do actualize my dreams with this money for the sake of the almighty.My 
happiness is that i lived a life of a true devoted life worthy of emulation. 

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when remitted to you will be 
judiciously used for the said purpose and you will take 10% as a 
compensation for your assistance in carrying out these humanitarian services.

Whoever wants to serve God must serve him in truth and in fairness. 
Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your 
reply will give me room to source for another person or a devoted muslim for this same 
purpose.Until I hear from you, my dreams will rest squarely on your shoulders. May the 
almighty ALLAH continue to bless you

Best regards.
Hajia Mariam Khalid. 


2004-05-19 Thread hajiakhalid
No: 24A Idrisa Road, 
Republic of Iraq.
Greetings to you in the name of our Allah i got your e mail through the 
help of my nurse who scanned the internet and gave me your mail.
I am Mrs Mariam Khalid a devoted muslim,a new muslim convert of 74 
years old after being converted from a christian family by my husband.For 
quite a good number of years now,I have been suffering from cancer of the b
reast and fibroid of the womb which has for a long time now affected my health a
nd from all indications my condition is deteriorating by day and by my doctor's
 prediction I have less than six months to live.

My husband who is now late was killed during the US/British attack 
against the president of my country (Sadam Hussain).My late husband was
 a member of the contract award committee of the republican ministry of 
petroleum and resources of Iraq under the regime of Sadam Hussein

Throughout the period of my marriage with my husband,all efforts to 
bear children proved abortive because of my poor state of health.My 
husband was a very wealthy and influential man during the post war Iraq. 
After his death,I inherited all his wealth since he has no other next of kin.

Since it is now obvious that I may not survive my poor state of health, 
I have deemed it necessary to leave a legacy on Earth and give a 
positive account and justification of the life I lived on Earth before the Almighty 
This I want to achieve by committing part of this wealth in all 
sincerlity to fund , Islamic orphanages,widows and the less priviledge peoples all 
over the world. I know that afterdeath, I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent and 
the most merciful.
Please, note that this sum(us$35 Million) was securely deposited in a 
security/financial company overseas in my name by my husband . I have 
highlighted my attorney on the said sum and all the possible assistance 
he would render to you on the documents covering the money so as to 
enable you receive it as I cannot follow it up because of my ill 
health,this e mail is being written for me by the nurse in my private hospital.
Presently, my attorney is in Europe waiting for anybody willing.
I will also issue you a letter of authorization to anable the money be 
paid to you.I want you and the Muslim community and all servants of the
 almighty where you reside to always pray for me .It does not matter your 
religion or wether i trust you but do actualize my dreams with this money for 
the sake of the almighty.My happiness is that i lived a life of a true devoted life 
worthy of emulation. 

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when remitted to you will be 
judiciously used for the said purpose and you will take 10% as a 
compensation for your assistance in carrying out these humanitarian services.

Whoever wants to serve God must serve him in truth and in fairness. 
Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your 
reply will give me room to source for another person or a devoted muslim 
for this same purpose.Until I hear from you, my dreams will rest squarely on 
your shoulders. May the almighty ALLAH continue to bless you

Best regards.
Hajia Mariam Khalid. 


2004-04-17 Thread hajiakhalid
No: 24A Idrisa Road, 
Republic of Iraq.
Greetings to you in the name of our Allah i got your e mail through the 
help of my nurse who scanned the internet and gave me your mail.
I am Mrs Mariam Khalid a devoted muslim,a new muslim convert of 74 
years old after being converted from a christian family by my husband.
For quite a good number of years now,I have been suffering from cancer of 
the breast and fibroid of the womb which has for a long time now affected 
my health and from all indications my condition is deteriorating by day and 
by my doctor's prediction I have less than six months to live.

My husband who is now late was killed during the US/British attack 
against the president of my country (Sadam Hussain).My late husband
 was a member of the contract award committee of the republican ministry of 
petroleum and resources of Iraq under the regime of Sadam Hussein

Throughout the period of my marriage with my husband,all efforts to 
bear children proved abortive because of my poor state of health.My 
husband was a very wealthy and influential man during the post war Iraq. 
After his death,I inherited all his wealth since he has no other next of kin.

Since it is now obvious that I may not survive my poor state of health, 
I have deemed it necessary to leave a legacy on Earth and give a 
positive account and justification of the life I lived on Earth before the Almighty 
This I want to achieve by committing part of this wealth in all 
sincerlity to fund , Islamic orphanages,widows and the less priviledge peoples 
all over the world. I know that afterdeath, I will be with ALLAH the most beneficent 
and the most merciful.
Please, note that this sum(us$35 Million) was securely deposited in a 
security/financial company overseas in my name by my husband . I have 
highlighted my attorney on the said sum and all the possible assistance 
he would render to you on the documents covering the money so as to 
enable you receive it as I cannot follow it up because of my ill 
health,this e mail is being written for me by the nurse in my private h
ospital.Presently, my attorney is in Europe waiting for anybody willing.
I will also issue you a letter of authorization to anable the money be 
paid to you.I want you and the Muslim community and all servants of the 
almighty where you reside to always pray for me .It does not matter your 
religion or wether i trust you but do actualize my dreams with this money 
for the sake of the almighty.My happiness is that i lived a life of a true 
devoted life worthy of emulation. 

Lastly, I honestly pray that this money when remitted to you will be 
judiciously used for the said purpose and you will take 10% as a 
compensation for your assistance in carrying out these humanitarian services.

Whoever wants to serve God must serve him in truth and in fairness. 
Please always be prayerful all through your life. Any delay in your 
reply will give me room to source for another person or a devoted muslim f
or this same purpose.Until I hear from you, my dreams will rest squarely on 
your shoulders. May the almighty ALLAH continue to bless you

Best regards.
Hajia Mariam Khalid. 


2003-11-20 Thread PEDRO KUNDI
Good Day Sir,

With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this letter meets 
you in good time. It will be surprising to you to receive this proposal from me since 
you do not know me personally.

However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I propose 
with my free mind and as a person of integrity and from a family with high moral 
respect. My name is Pedro Kundi, the first son of Mapele Kundi, one of the most 
popular black farmers from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country.

As led by my instict, My mother and I decided to contact you through email, after 
searching for contacts via the International business/peoples directory, as it is the 
only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for 
security and safety reasons. However, I apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in a business 
venture. Due to the land and political problems in Zimbabwe, as a result of President 
Robert Mugabe's introduction of new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white 
farmers and the few rich black farmers of which my father was one of the few black, 
and his desire to hold on to power for life, my father for saw the danger that came in 

Before he was murdered, he withdrew all of our business foreign accounts in dollars 
and sold up our shares in major companies. We then went to South Africa to deposit the 
sum of US$26.5 million(Twenty-Six million, Five Hundred Thousand. US dollars) ,in a 
private security company. This money was deposited with this Private Security company 
for safety and security reasons, and was to be used for the purchase of land, new 
machines and chemicals establishment of new farms in Europe.

President Mugabe's support for the violent Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics 
in the society, led to the murder of my beloved father and other innocent lives. I was 
continually threatened to abandon my inheritance from my father after he was murdered. 
I resited for a while, but when the danger became unbearable, and I survived two 
murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe. I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am 
seeking political asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because 
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, and they have moved the 
deposit from their office in Johannesburg down here.

I need you to assist in receiving this consignment from the security compamy. Since 
the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to be involved in such 
transactions and my mother advised that it will be better for our foreign partner to 
help receive this fund to avoid any eye brown being raised by Robert Mugabe, this is 
why I am seeking a genuine and reliable partner, who will assist in receiving the 
funds and also investing it wisely in a profitable venture.
You have to understand that this decision taken by my Mother and I to entrusts my 
future in your hands, is as a result of the safe keeping of this money. If you accept 
to assist me, all I want you to do for me, is to assist with arrangements to claim the 
deposit from the security company in The Netherlands, as it has now been transfered 
from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch in The Netherlands. The company will 
be legally informed of you representing my family.

For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have 10% of 
the money for your assistance, and helping my family investing this funds, or you can 
go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your 
country. Whichever the option you want, please notify me in your reply. I have also 
set aside 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses that come our way in the process 
of this transaction, and 5% of the total sum for Charity donation. If you prefer to 
accept the 10% for assisting in representing my family to receive this funds, then 80% 
will be left for my family.

Please, I want you to maintain the absolute secrecy for the purpose of this 
transaction. I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in advance 
as I anticipate your co-operation.

Reply me via this e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Pedro Kundi.




2003-11-20 Thread PEDRO KUNDI
Good Day Sir,

With warm heart I offer my friendship, and my greetings, and I hope this letter meets 
you in good time. It will be surprising to you to receive this proposal from me since 
you do not know me personally.

However, I am sincerely seeking your confidence in this transaction, which I propose 
with my free mind and as a person of integrity and from a family with high moral 
respect. My name is Pedro Kundi, the first son of Mapele Kundi, one of the most 
popular black farmers from Zimbabwe, murdered in the land dispute in my country.

As led by my instict, My mother and I decided to contact you through email, after 
searching for contacts via the International business/peoples directory, as it is the 
only means I can contact anybody since I am cutting off ties with Zimbabwe for 
security and safety reasons. However, I apologize if this is not acceptable to you.

The purpose of this letter is to seek your most needed assistance in a business 
venture. Due to the land and political problems in Zimbabwe, as a result of President 
Robert Mugabe's introduction of new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white 
farmers and the few rich black farmers of which my father was one of the few black, 
and his desire to hold on to power for life, my father for saw the danger that came in 

Before he was murdered, he withdrew all of our business foreign accounts in dollars 
and sold up our shares in major companies. We then went to South Africa to deposit the 
sum of US$26.5 million(Twenty-Six million, Five Hundred Thousand. US dollars) ,in a 
private security company. This money was deposited with this Private Security company 
for safety and security reasons, and was to be used for the purchase of land, new 
machines and chemicals establishment of new farms in Europe.

President Mugabe's support for the violent Zimbabwean war veterans and some lunatics 
in the society, led to the murder of my beloved father and other innocent lives. I was 
continually threatened to abandon my inheritance from my father after he was murdered. 
I resited for a while, but when the danger became unbearable, and I survived two 
murder attempts, I fled Zimbabwe. I am currently staying in the Netherlands where I am 
seeking political asylum. In fact my decision to come here to seek asylum, is because 
the security company from South Africa, has a branch here, and they have moved the 
deposit from their office in Johannesburg down here.

I need you to assist in receiving this consignment from the security compamy. Since 
the law of Netherlands prohibits a refugee (asylum seeker) to be involved in such 
transactions and my mother advised that it will be better for our foreign partner to 
help receive this fund to avoid any eye brown being raised by Robert Mugabe, this is 
why I am seeking a genuine and reliable partner, who will assist in receiving the 
funds and also investing it wisely in a profitable venture.
You have to understand that this decision taken by my Mother and I to entrusts my 
future in your hands, is as a result of the safe keeping of this money. If you accept 
to assist me, all I want you to do for me, is to assist with arrangements to claim the 
deposit from the security company in The Netherlands, as it has now been transfered 
from Johannesburg, South Africa to their branch in The Netherlands. The company will 
be legally informed of you representing my family.

For your assistance, I have two options for you. Firstly you can choose to have 10% of 
the money for your assistance, and helping my family investing this funds, or you can 
go into partnership with me for the proper profitable investment of the money in your 
country. Whichever the option you want, please notify me in your reply. I have also 
set aside 5% of this money for all kinds of expenses that come our way in the process 
of this transaction, and 5% of the total sum for Charity donation. If you prefer to 
accept the 10% for assisting in representing my family to receive this funds, then 80% 
will be left for my family.

Please, I want you to maintain the absolute secrecy for the purpose of this 
transaction. I look forward to your reply and co-operation, and I thank you in advance 
as I anticipate your co-operation.

Reply me via this e-mail address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Pedro Kundi.




2003-11-03 Thread Sondoko Soko
RE: Business Proposal/Partnership Investment

Dear Friend, 

I received encouraging information about you and how trust worth you are.I am 
delighted with such a useful information.I am interested in the partnership investment 
program with your corporation.First permit me to introduce myself as Governor Sondoko 
Soko of the Western Sahara State in the Democratic Republic of Sahara (A tiny Island 
in the Desert).Being the chief executive and the governor of my State.I awarded the 
contract of IRRIGATION to Portuguese Firm worth several millions of dollars.

In the execution of that project the Portuguese Firm discovered large amount of gold 
in one of the contract site. I collaborated with the Portuguese Firm on a mutual 
agreement on the proceed of which I have received my share of $65.000,000=(sixty five 
million dollars).

As the Governor of the Tiny Island,I cannot introduce or circulate this funds into the 
Sahara banking system considering my provisional duty and the considering the fact 
that I earn less than $1,000US dollars monthly coupled with the Bureau of conduct 
guidelines and regulations for Public Civil Servants.

The above situation prompted my decision to solicit your co-operation to take delivery 
of this funds into your custody for my proposed investment as you will be adequately 
compensated with $15 000,000 US dollars.I will arrange all necessary procedures in 
ensuring a smooth process for the funds to get to you.I will appreciate you contact me 
once you receive this mail via my e-mail account indicating your capability and 
willingness to enable me to give you more details of my modus operandi of getting this 
money to you hitch free.

This matter requires your urgent attention and confidentiality whatever your decision.

Best Regards,
Governor Sondoko Soko
Western Sahara.

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2003-10-31 Thread Sondoko Soko


2003-10-24 Thread obi obi
TEL: +234-8055424095

l am Mr. James Obi, Civil Servant in the Ministry of
Health. l know this proposal will come to you as a
surprise because we have not met before either
physically or through correspondence. 
I got your contact from our chamber of commerce here
in Nigeria and have no doubt in your ability to handle
this proposal involving huge sum of money. 
My father Chief Isama obi(Now Late) was the Royal
Head of my community, ELEME (an oil rich town) in
Nigeria. My community produces 5.8% of the total crude
oil production in Nigeria and 0.5% of the Dollar value
of each barrel is paid to my father as royalty by the
Federal Government. My father was also the Chairman of
ISAMA Special Oil Trust Fund. In his position as the
Royal head and Chairman of the Oil Trust Fund, he made
some money which he left for me as the only heir toinherit.
The money is EIGHTEEN Million, Five Hundred Thousand US
Dollars(US$18.5 This Money originated from the
accumulated royalties between 1976-1998 . Due to poor
banking system in Nigeria and political instability as
a result of past Military rules (1985-1999) , he
deposited this Money in a Strong Room/"VAULTS" with an
open beneficiary in a security company pending when he
would finish arrangement to transfer it abroad . He
was planning this when he died late last year of HeartAttack. 
Just before my father died he called my attention to
the money and charged me to look for a foreigner who
would assist me in the transfer/investment of the
funds abroad. So l would be very grateful if you could
accept to help me achieve this great objective. 
I promise to give you 20% of the total funds
transferred to your vital bank account as compensation
for your assistance. Five percent (5%)has been set
aside to take care of all expenses we may insure
during the transaction. To indicate your interest,
contact me urgently and confidentially for more
information and the roles you will play in this business. 
All the legal Documents concerning this Money will be
sent to you as soon as we agreed together. Please I
will appreciate that you send your telephone/fax
numbers to enable me contact you immediately. May the almighty God bless you. 
Yours faithfully,
MR James obi
N:B= Please, reach me on my confidential tel/fax:
+234-8055424095 or ([EMAIL PROTECTED])for more information.

Charle con sus amigos online usando CHAT 123 


2003-10-09 Thread MRS ESTRADA
I hope that this mail will not be an embarrassment to you;
 my name is Mrs. Louisa Estrada. the wife of the embattled
ex-presidentof the Philippines who is under house arrest at
the moment. 
Just recently I went to see my husband in his detention
place he confidently told me that he has some amount of
money deposited in a Bank in outside Philippines and after
he told me
where to see the certificate of deposit which I saw intact.
A total of $21M was deposited Now since we (His Family
members) are closely monitored bythe incumbent government.
We wish to employ your services to act as our proxy to
claim this sum from the bank and invest the money in your
country till we are ready to come over to take over the
investment from you. All you will do is to contact the bank
where the money is and open another account online, then we
will write an order for the bank to transfer the money into
the account that you will open and once this is achieved my
husbands name will be completely erased from the
transaction and it make the whole thing risk free. 
Upon request I will scan and send to you the certificate of
deposit for your perusal before the transaction commences. 
Considering the effort you will put in the transaction
starting from the opening of the account to the investment
of the money we are willing to concede 25% of the money to
you as compensation, while we will write an asset
management agreement between us for you to invest the
remaining75% on our behalf. 
We will want to know you well and therefore you are
expected to send to us your CV as well as any other means
of proper Identification. Even though the transaction will
be based on mutual trust. 
Please if this proposal interests you , get back to me
through my confidant MR ANGEL NAVARRO:via email,
Please keep this matter as a top secret till the end of the
Mrs. Louisa Estrada 


2003-09-29 Thread princegeni
M y name is Prince Yengeni a south African citizen
  I got your Contact through  a personal research . 
I am the brother to  Mr.Tony Yengeni . Mr Yengeni was the chairman of
  parliament's in south Africa and  the former chief
whip of the  ruling political party ANC

.My Brother (MR. T. YENGENI), has as a result of
  trust and Confidence he has mandated that I
search for a Reliable and trustworthy foreign partner,
who Will help receive some funds, which we have
in cash Totalling US$35m(Thirty Five Million United
States Dollars)  into a personal,company or any
  Reliable foreign bank account for safe keeping
  for a Short period of time, since our family bank
accounts Within and outside the country have all been
  Frozen by the authorities.

  (I would refer you to these Websites for further information
About my family)

1) http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2756861.stm

However we have managed to push the money abroad
and it is presently in the custody of a security company
in Europe through a diplomatic means it was the only the money could
 leaves  South Africa. I hope you  are trustworthy and will not sit on
the money when you receive it. The total sum will be shared as
follows: 20% for you , 75% For my family ,  and then the
  remaining 5% will be used for the reimbursement of  all the
expenses we will incurre in the process  of this transaction

where you will  take delivery of the funds ,There is no risk
  involved what so ever on this transaction, these funds will
be received in your favor upon proper application.

   If you are interested in this business, please urgently
  contact me on the following  e-mail address.  Please
endeavor to keep this business confidential.I will be
  most grateful if you can come forward and help me so that 
I will give you more details

  Thanks  and waiting for your reply.

Prince Yengeni


2003-09-09 Thread MR. PETRS BAHTAN.
Dear Friend,
You may be surprise to receive this letter from me, since you
don’t know me personally, I am Mr. Peters Bahtan, the son of
Mr.John G Bahtan, Who was recently murdered in the land
dispute in Zimbabwe. I got your contact as I was searching for a
reliable and reputable person to handle a very confidential
business which involve a transfer of fund to a foreign account
and I decided to write you. My late father was among the few
black Zimbabwean opposition party rich farmers murdered by the
agents of the ruling Government of president Robert Mugabe, for
his alleged support and sympathy for the Zimbabwean opposition
party controlled by the white minority, Before my father
death, he had taken to Johannesburg and deposited the sum of Eighteen  Million Five 
Hundred United State Dollars (US$18,500,000)with
a security and financial company, The money right now is in
NETHERLAND(EUROPE), as if he foreseen the looming danger in
Zimbabwe. The money was deposited in a box as valuable items
to avoid over taxed custom clearance.
This money was allocated for the purchase of new machinery and
chemical product for Agro-allied farms and for establishment
of new farms in Lesotho and Swaziland. This land problem arose
when president Robert Mugabe introduced a new land act that
wholly affected the rich white farmers and some blacks
vehemently condemned the "modus operandi" adopted by the
government. This result to rampant killings and mob action by the war
veterans and some political thugs, precisely more than three
thousand( 3,000) people have so far been killed. Heads of government from the west, 
especially Britain and United States have voice their
condemnation of Mugabe's plans. Subsequently, south Africa have
development community(S.A.D.C)has continuously supported
Mugabe's new land act, it is against this background that my
entire family who are currently residing in South Africa have
decided to ! Transfer my father's wealth and South Africa's
government seems to be playing along with them. I am face with
the dilemma of investing this money in South Africa for fear of
encountering the same experience in the future, since both
countries have almost the same political history.
More so, the south African foreign exchange policy does not
allow such investment, Hence I am seeking for(political asylum)
AS a business person whom I entrusted my future and that of my
family into his hands, I must let you know that this
transaction is 100% risk free and the nature of your
business does not necessarily matter. For your assistance we
are offering you 30% of the sum, 60% for me and my family,
while 10% will be mapped out for any expenses that we may
incurred during this transaction. We wish to invest our money on
commercial properties based on your advice. Finally, I will
demand for assurance that you will not sit on the
money when it gets to your personal account or company
account in your country, If this proposal is accepted please
confirm your interest by sending me email. I am presently in the  political asylum in 
the Netherland.
Thank you and God bless.


2003-09-08 Thread Ahmed Ibrahim

Engr Ahmed Ibrahim

I am the  Chief  Accountant General of the Newly Constituted OMPADEC (Oil Minerals 
producing Area Development Commission)

This commission was reconstituted in 1998 by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a 
result of consistent Environmental Neglect agitated by the Oil and Minerals Producing 

This commission received a budgetary allocation of US$1.150 Billion for Environmental 
Maintenance/ Management of Oil producing states for the 2000/2001Fiscal Year.

In view of the present political situation in our country, I have agreed with my 
colleagues to withdraw  the sum of US$26.3 Million (TWENTY SIX MillionTHREE HUNDRED 
THOUSAND U. S. Dollars) as an Over-Invoice of a contract we awarded for the 
Environmental Maintenance.

All modalities to ensure a hitch-free transfer of this fund into your account through 
the officials of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Federal Ministry of Finance have 
been properly worked out.

Note:  There is no risks or dangers involved.
N/B:I have agreed with my colleagues that after the business, you should keep 30% 
of the total fund, myself and my colleagues will take 60% while the remaining 10% is 
mapped out to cover the international and local expenses that might be incurred by 
both parties in the course of this transaction.

If this proposal interest you of which I hope it would, please forward to me 
immediately the followings by fax.

1.  Full company’s Name and Address
2.  Private telephone and fax numbers
3.  Your full bank name and address
4.  Bank account number, account name, telephone and fax numbers

As soon as we receive the above information from you, we shall immediately file up 
applications for approvals and payment following.  

NOTE: You must maintain the topmost confidentiality of this transaction because we are 
top civil servants who would not joke with our reputation.

Best Regards
Engr Ahmed Ibrahim


2003-09-08 Thread Ahmed Ibrahim

Engr Ahmed Ibrahim

I am the  Chief  Accountant General of the Newly Constituted OMPADEC (Oil Minerals 
producing Area Development Commission)

This commission was reconstituted in 1998 by the Federal Government of Nigeria as a 
result of consistent Environmental Neglect agitated by the Oil and Minerals Producing 

This commission received a budgetary allocation of US$1.150 Billion for Environmental 
Maintenance/ Management of Oil producing states for the 2000/2001Fiscal Year.

In view of the present political situation in our country, I have agreed with my 
colleagues to withdraw  the sum of US$26.3 Million (TWENTY SIX MillionTHREE HUNDRED 
THOUSAND U. S. Dollars) as an Over-Invoice of a contract we awarded for the 
Environmental Maintenance.

All modalities to ensure a hitch-free transfer of this fund into your account through 
the officials of Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Federal Ministry of Finance have 
been properly worked out.

Note:  There is no risks or dangers involved.
N/B:I have agreed with my colleagues that after the business, you should keep 30% 
of the total fund, myself and my colleagues will take 60% while the remaining 10% is 
mapped out to cover the international and local expenses that might be incurred by 
both parties in the course of this transaction.

If this proposal interest you of which I hope it would, please forward to me 
immediately the followings by fax.

1.  Full company’s Name and Address
2.  Private telephone and fax numbers
3.  Your full bank name and address
4.  Bank account number, account name, telephone and fax numbers

As soon as we receive the above information from you, we shall immediately file up 
applications for approvals and payment following.  

NOTE: You must maintain the topmost confidentiality of this transaction because we are 
top civil servants who would not joke with our reputation.

Best Regards
Engr Ahmed Ibrahim

I need your Help.

2003-08-10 Thread Edison Tabongo
From: Barrister Edison Tabongo Mailula.
  Tabongo Mailula & Associates   
  Attorney at Law
  South - Africa.

We need your assistance.

Dear Friend, 

My greetings to you and your family and I hope this
letter meets you in good health. I hope my letter does
not cause you too much embarrassment as I write to you
in good faith based on the contact details given to me
by a friend who works at the South African Embassy in
your country. Please excuse my intrusion into your
private life.

I am Barrister Edison Tabongo Mailula, I represent Winnie
Madikizela Mandela, former anti-apartheid campaigner 
and wife of ex-South African President, Nelson Mandela.
My client has been losing a lot of money due to vindictive
government officials who are bent on dealing with her.
Based on this therefore, she has asked me to look for
a foreign partner who can work with us so as to move
out the total sum of US$22,000,000 (Twenty Two Million
US Dollars) presently in her possession. This money
was of course acquired by my client and is now
secretly in her possession. The bid by some government
officials to deal with my client has made it necessary
we seek your assistance in receiving this money and
investing it on our behalf.

This must be a joint venture transaction and we must
all work together. Since this money is in cash, extra
security measures have been taken to protect it from
theft or seizure pending when agreement is reached on
when and how to move it to you. I have personally
worked out all modalities for the peaceful conclusion
of this transaction.

My client is willing to give you a reasonable
percentage of this money as soon as the transaction is
concluded. It will however be based on the ground that
you are willing to work with us and also all
contentious issues discussed before the commencement
of this transaction. You may also discuss your
percentage before we start to work. As soon as I hear
from you, I will give you all necessary details as to
how we intend to carry out the whole transaction.

Please do not entertain any fears, as all necessary
modalities are in place and I assure you of all
success and safety in this transaction.

Please this transaction requires absolute
confidentiality and you will be expected to treat it
as such until the funds are moved out of this country.
Kindly furnish me your contact information which is
your personal telephone and fax numbers for
confidential purpose and acknowledge receipt of this

You will also ignore this letter and respect our trust
in you by not exposing this transaction, even if you
are not interested.

I look forward to working with you.

Truly yours,

Edison Tabongo Mailula Esq.


Charle con sus amigos online usando CHAT 123 


2003-07-29 Thread DIKKO SALUSI
My name is MR DIKKO SALUSI the eldest son of Rtd General JEREMAIAH K. SALUSI who was 
the estwhile Minister of the Federal Capital territory Abuja in the late General Sani 
Abachas Regime of 1993-1998. I am contacting you in a benevolent spirit; utmost 
confidence and trust to enable us provide a solution to a money transfer of $26M that 
is presently putting my entire family into great disarray. 
You may be quite surprised at my sudden contact to you but do not despair, I got your 
contact from a business site on the internet and following the information I gathered 
about you, I was convinced that you could be of assistance to me. 
So, decided to contact you at once due to the urgency required for us to immediately 
transfer the said funds out of the country. 
During the time my father was in the government with the late General Sani Abacha as 
the head of state, they were both involved in several deals that yielded Billions of 
Dollars. The prominent amongst the deals was monies that emanated from funds set aside 
for the importation of Arms and Ammunitions to boost the Nigerian Defense, funds set 
to embark on an oversea campaign to counter the United States action to put a stop to 
the self succession bid of the Abacha's government to retain power, and monies set 
aside to rehabilitate the ailing Nigerian Petroleum Refineries and the National 
Electric Power Authority which supplies Electricity to the entire nation. 
If you are conversant with world news, you would understand better. During this period 
my father was able to make some good money for himself and kept in his private bank 
The then head of state General Sani Abacha transferred his share of the money through 
a Lebanese businessman, Chagoury and a Jewish businessman, Mark Rissar to bank 
accounts overseas. 
Unfortunately, all the secrets were revealed by the investigation agencies set up by 
the successive governments and most of the Abacha's loots were traced and repatriated 
from the various accounts to the Federal Government Treasury. 
Out of the money my father made, he left the sum of N50 Million (Fifty Million Naira) 
in the CBN escrow account for further transfer into a foreign account and a sum of 
$26M (Twenty six Million Dollars) was kept in a Private security firm here in Nigeria, 
though it has ben moved out of the country for security reasons. 

Through the confessions made by the Abacha's Family, the N50 Million was recovered by 
the investigating agency from the CBN escrow account. But were unable to discover the 
$26M, which he kept in the vaults. 
The reason is because no names were used to lodge in the funds. Instead, he used 
PERSONAL IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS (PIN) and declared the contents as Bearer Bonds and 
Treasury Bills. 
Also the firm issued him with a certificate of deposit of the consignments. 
Note that I have these information in my custody. Right now, my father has been 
arrested and detained for interrogation. As the eldest son of my Father, I believe 
that I owe the entire family an obligation to ensure that the $26M is successfully 
transferred abroad for investment purposes. 
With the present situation, I cannot do it all by myself. It is based on this that I 
am making this contact with you. 
I have done a thorough homework and fine-tuned the best way to create you as the 
beneficiary to the funds and effect the transfer accordingly. Is rest assured that the 
modalities I have resolved to finalize the entire project guarantees our safety and 
the successful transfer of the funds. 
So, you will be absolutely right when you say that this project is risk-free and 
If you are capable and willing to assist, contact me at once via email for more 
details. Believe me, there is no one else we can trust 
again. All my father's friends have deserted us after exploiting us on the pretence of 
trying to help my father. 
As it is said, it is at the time of problems that you know your true friends. So long 
as you keep everything to yourself, we would definitely have no problems. For your 
assistance, I am ready to give you as much as 20% of the total funds after transfer 
and invest a reasonable percentage into any viable business you may suggest. 
Please, I need your assistance to make this happen and please; do not undermine it 
because it will also be a source of up liftment to you also. You have absolutely 
nothing to loose in assisting us instead, you have so much to gain. 
 Awaiting your urgent and positive response. 
Best regards 
Dikko Salusi


2003-07-11 Thread MR. ADAMS PETERS BILLOR BAH.
Dear Sir,
I am Mr.Adams Peters Bah Billor and my sister is Miss Rose Bah Billor, we are the 
children of late Chief Sam Bah Billor from Sierra Leone.
I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your assistance
to transfer our cash of Thirty Million Dollars ($30,000.000.00) now
in the custody of a private Security trust firm in Europe the money is
in trunk boxes deposited and declared as family valuables by my late father as a 
matter of fact the company does not know the content as money, although my father made 
them to under stand that the boxes belongs to his foreign partner.
Source of the money:
My late father Chief Sam Bah Billor, a native of Mende District in
the Northerh province of Sierra Leone, was the General Manager of Sierra
Leone Mining co-operation (S.L.M.C.) Freetown . According to my father,
this money was the income accrued from Mining Co-operation's over draft
and minor sales.
Before the peak of the civil war between the rebels forces of Major
Paul Koroma and the combined forces of ECOMOG peace keeping operation that
almost destroyed my country, following the forceful removal from power
of the civilian elected President Ahmed Tejan Kabbah by the rebels. My
father had already made arrangement for us that is my mother, my little
sister and myself to be evacuated to Abidjan Cote d' Ivoire with the
 CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT issued to him by a security firm in South Africa
with a sister security firm in Europe.
During the war in my country,and following the indiscriminate looting
of Public and Government properties by the rebel forces, the Sierra
Leone mining coop. Was one of the target looted and it was destroyed.
My father including other top Government functionaries were attaked and
killed by the rebels in November 2000 because of his relationship with
the civilian Government of Ahmed Tejan Kabbah.
As a result of my father's death, and with the news of my uncle's involvement in the 
air crash in January it dashed our hope of survival.
The untimely deaths caused my mother's heart failure and other related
complications of which she later died in the hospital after we must have
spent a lot of money on her early this year. Now my 18 years old sister and myself are 
alone in this strange country suffering without any care or help. Without any 
relation, we are now like refugees and orphans.
Our only hope now is in you and the boxes deposited in the Security
Firm. To this effect,I humbly solicit your assistance in the followings
1. To assist me claim this boxes from the security
Firm as our beneficiary.
2. To transfer this money (USD$30M) in your name to your country.
3. To make a good arrangement for a joint business investment on our
behalf in your country and you, our Adviser/ Manager For your assistance,
I have agreed with my younger sister that 20% of the total amount will
be for your effort and another 10 % to cover all the expenses that may incur during 
the business transaction.
 Last,I urge you to keep this transaction strictly confidential as no one knows our 
where about.
Please as you show your willingness, Forward to us your full name, address
and Tel/Fax numbers, to me via my private e-mail address as indicated below,this is 
for security reasons as I will only be accessing my private e-mail earnestly awaiting 
your response.
May God bless you as you assist us.
Mr. Adams Peters Bah billor.



2003-06-13 Thread doname

I need your help,I am DONANA MAKALE the son of a Late minister DR.JOHN MAKALE during 
the reign of mobutu seseko, I came to know you in the course of my search for a 
reliable and God fearing partner and I decide to contact you because I believe you are 
a reputable person and I felt you can help us over this confidential matter. I count 
on your intergrity and honesty to be able to handle this business. My father was a 
minister in Democratic Republic of Congo during the reign of Late President Mobutu. 
Our father was killed during the rebel attack and our house was burnt. We manage to 
escape to South Africa with my mother and two of my sisters where we are now taking 
refuge.Before the death of my father he deposited US$20 MILLION, with a security 
company in Europe.The money is kept in a Metal Crates and was registered as precious 
substance. Thus there is nobody that knows that it is money that is in the metal 
crates. All the document with which the money was deposited is with us!
 . I am looking for somebody to that is capable and willing help me clear the metal 
crates and receive the metal crates of money on behalf of my family from the security 
company. We need a trust worthy and experience person that will help us to invest this 
money in your country and take us as one family and will also buy a house for us over 
there where we can live safely. We are expecting to hear from you.

Best Regards



2003-03-21 Thread frankpedro
wrote:FROM THE

Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation(NNPC).

Dear Sir ,

I am Dr.FRANK PEDRO Chairman of Contract Award and
Verification Panel setup by the Nigerian National
Petroleum Corporation (NNPC). I got your contact
the Nigeria Chember of Commerce And Industries,and
after thorough enquiries and deliberations,I and my
colleagues decided to contact you for a very
confidential business transaction of mutual benefit.

During our verification exercise, we came across an
over-invoiced contract(Contract No:
This contract was awarded in July,1996 and completed
in August, 1998, and the original contractor has
been paid his contract sum leaving the over-invoiced
sum of US$10.5m(TEN Million,Five Hundred Thousand
United States Dollars) This amount have been left
floating in our account with the Central Bank of
Nigeria, until our recent discovery. My colleagues
and I have decided to seek for the assistance of a
reliable foreign partner into whose account the
will be transferred into for our own use. If this
proposal is acceptable to you, a Deed of Transfer of
the above contract will be obtained on your behalf,
empower you as the legal beneficiary of the contract
and the sum to be transferred. All necessary and
relevant documents will be procured for the release
and transfer of the fund into your nominated
An application for foreign exchange allocation will
made on your behalf from my office to the federal
ministry of finance (FMF) and the Central Bank of
Nigeria(CBN) for the subsequent release and transfer
of the fund into your nominated account. Be informed
that we are working in collaboration with top
officials of the federal ministry of finance and the
Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN)who will assist us in
transfer of the fund. With your cooperation the
success of this transaction is guaranteed. We have
agreed to compensate you with 25% of the total sum
! , 70% will befor me and my col
ues here, while
the remaining 5%have been mapped-out for
expensesthat might be incurred by both parties
the course of this transaction. All things being
equal, this transaction will be concluded within 14
working days upon the day of receipt of your
response.You are required to fax us your nominated
bank account details and your direct telephone and
numbers. Please treat this transaction with top
priority and rememberto keep it as confidential as
possible. As soon as we receive your response, more
details about how to proceed will be given to you .
We await your prompt response.
Best Regards,
Chairman,Contract Award & Verification Panel


Faites un voeu et puis Voila ! www.voila.fr 


2003-03-17 Thread DR.MRS MARIAM ABACHA
>From the Desk of: DR.MRS MARIAM ABACHA

Dear Sir,

I NEED YOUR HELP May the blessing of God be upon
you and grant you the wisdom and sympathy to understand
my situation and how much Ineed your help. Late
Gen.Sanni Abacha,ex-military Head of State (Federal Republic
of Nigeria) was my husband that died of heart problem. Since the 
death of my husband, I have been subjected to all sorts of
harassments, intimidationsand inhumane treatments,with negative
reports emanating from thegovernment and the press regarding
my husband's past military regime.
Most of our trusted Associates betrayed us
because of Ministerial Jobs and appointments. I need your
immediate help, I beg ofyou. 
I need your help to transfer what I call "our
future hope" the sum of Thirty Million United State
Dollars (US30,000,000) from my late husband's
private vault which he deposited into a security
firm before his death.

The last transfer of Ten Million United State
Dollars (US$10,000,000) I made into a
friend'sforeign account at Europe, after the successful 
transfer, my friend denied me my money because of my 
restricted movement within Nigeria. That is the main point why
I need your help. I lost so much trying to make
transfer through some associates.
This fund is considered as the main source of my
family's future hope. When this US$30 Million
dollars is transferred, my LAWYER who is also
my close Confidant would be able to establish an
investment with your assistance on our family behalf
until I come out of my travail and tormentors. For
your information, my communication and movement are
under strict surveillance therefore make all your
communications  with LAWYER,

TEL :234-803-333-0476 

This is to ensure maximum confidentiality and secret.If you
HELP me receive this money into a foreign account, I WILL
reward you with 25% of the total sum.
I will also compensate you foryour inconveniences
and 10% for expenses incurred. I am depending on this
fund and I am counting on you for my future and that of my family.

I wait patiently for yourresponse.Please include
your contact details ,telephone, fax and nationality.
Pls as soon as you contact my lawyer acknowledge
 me through my email.

Yours truly,

Dr.(Mrs.)Mariam Abacha.

Re: **I need your help **

2003-02-10 Thread Aroujo Tao Savimbi
From: Aroujo Tao Savimbi 

Good day,

I have to first of all apologise for taking unawares by 
the contents of this message.  I had to send the message 
straightaway because of the short time involved in what 
I demand of you.  Please treat this message with utmost 
seriousness and swiftness.  

Apart from the fact that you will be adequately rewarded, 
I will forever show my gratitude.

I am Mr. Aroujo Tao Savimbi, son of the late Angolan Leader 
Jonas Savimbi who was killed last year.  I got your contact 
details from the internet because I really have no time and 
I needed an anonymous person abroad whom I hope I can trust.  
I pray I am not making wrong judgement by coming to you.

You can visit these websites below to get more info about my father:


Jonas Savimbi deposited a large sum of money with a security 
vault in Europe that is my late fathe. The movement of members 
of his family (including me) is restricted.  Our movement are 
monitored but I have managed to enter South Africa where I 
intend to lie very low until I complete this transaction with 
you.  Other members of my family and I do not have access to 
any of these deposits with banks in Angola and Europe so you 
can see how desperately we need your assistance.

Both government officials and fraudulent relatives are trying 
to get their hands on my father’s wealth by claiming that the 
wealth was gotten through arms smuggling and illegal sale of 

His wealth is estimated to be over US$1billion and my mother, 
being the only one with some of the documents has aided me to 
sneak into South Africa refugee Camp and conclude this 
transaction with any one I choose.

I have spoken with the security company and the operations 
manager has agreed to release the two trunk boxes in their 
possession to whomever’s name I issue a power of attorney 
as the new beneficiary of the deposit. This security company 
has US$50,000,000.00 each and precious materials which my 
father lodged in their safe keep in Europe before his death 
so I will give you their contact and relevant documents 
including power of attorney to allow you access to the 
two trunk boxes of money.

The whole idea is for you to receive this money physically, 
set up bank accounts in Europe and transfer in bits into 
your home bank accounts before my government even knows 
what is happening.  My father was a rebel leader in Angola 
before his death.  You must follow my instructions as stated 
above the transfer of the funds because it will be difficult 
for the Angolan government to trace my father’s money to an 
individuals account moreso, when you have no prior relationship 
with us.

I am currently and temporarily living in South Africa refugee 
camp and I will be communicating with you on a satellite phone 
and GSM to avoid intervention by the authorities.

We have to keep this transaction very secret because of the 
political situation in Angola at the moment.  I shall send 
you a password and information that will include power of 
attorney and the contact of the security company as soon as 
you are ready to proceed.

Could you please send your full names, address, confidential 
telephone and fax number to enable me issue a power of attorney 
to you and refer you to the security company in Amsterdam for 
immediate payment.

Please reply to my confidential e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Yours sincerely,

Aroujo Tao Savimbi

I need your help!! 1996MkSE4--9

2002-11-01 Thread chals6047q60
Please use this e-mail when replying

To: Kindly Contributor
Subject: Save My Family and Fortune 

From Tao, 

This letter may come to you as a surprise as we have not met, but it is a serious 
matter. I am desperately in need of help.
I am Mr. Tao Sakaita, son of the late rebel leader Jonas Savimbi of Angola who was 
killed on the 22nd of February 2002. I managed to get your contact details through the 
Time is of the essence and I am desperate.
My late father, Jonas Savimbi was able to deposit some funds in Canada with a Security 
Company that he intended to make purchases with.
Our movement presently (including me) is restricted. We were released from the 
restrictions of Angola and has thus relocated temporarily to Cameroon. 
Right now the Government is trying to lay claim to some of his wealth by saying it was 
gained through arms smuggling and by my father's extended family and relations who 
want a share of his properties at any cost.

 Most of his wealth remains hidden, to even me. I, being close to my father, happen to 
be in possession of documents and information of some of the wealth.
Presently, the US$ 87,000,000.00 (Eighty Seven Million United Stated Dollars) cash my 
father transferred to Canada before his death for some purchases he intended to make 
and it is now safe in a security firm. I have the pass code and the documents to the 
security firm. This is where I will need your help because at present I want to act 
fast before the Angolan Government finds out. 

Moreover, the political climate in Angola at the moment is so sensitive and unstable. 
With this password and information and power of attorney you will be able to proceed 
to the security firm. But you will also have to give me a guarantee first. When you 
are ready, I will give you the information needed before you can get access to the 
funds.  You will then proceed to the security company where the funds will be given to 
you as payment either in installment or depending on the advice of the security 


Yours sincerely, 



I need your help plz!

2002-07-29 Thread LOUIS KALU

Dear Friend,

I am writing to seek your assistance with an urgent
transaction which is to be kept very confidential due
to it's nature. I intend to transfer about US$
60Million into your account for safe-keeping and
onward investment in your country within the shortest
possible time from your receipt of this mail.
To facilitate this, I will like you to be at the
receiving end after which we shall share the funds
thus: My end 70%,You-25%,while 5% will be set
aside for any miscellaneous.
In your response, please avail me your tel/fax/mobile
numbers for verbal communication. Please reach me via
my email so that I can put you into the full picture of this transaction.

0r fax number 234 1 7595586

I await your urgent response.
Best regards,

Louis Kalu.

Description: Binary data