I need your assistance please !

2003-10-06 Thread richardwilf2003
Mr Richard Wilford
spain barcelona
Tel:+34 665 176 211

Dear friend,

I am Mr. Richard Wilford, the only son of late Chief John Wilford 
from Sierra-Leone. I got your contact from the internet directory and need 
an assistance from you. My sources of your contact gave me encourage and 
confidence to write on you.

I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek for your 
assistance to transfer our cash of (Thirty Nine Million United Stated Dollars)
(39,000,000.00) now in the custody of the Security and trust Company here in 
spain to your private account pending our arrival to your country.

My late father, chief John Wilford, a native of Mende District in 
the northern province of Sierra-Leone, was the general manager of 
Sierra-Leone Mining Co-operation (S.L.M.C) Freetown. According to my father, 
this money was the income accrued from mining co-operation over draft and 
minor sales. Before the peace of the civil war between the rebel forces of 
Major Paul Korormah and the combined forces of ECOMOG peace keeping 
operation that almost destroyed my country, following the forceful removal 
from power of the civilian elected president Ahmed Tejan Kabbah by the 
rebels. My father had already made arrangement for his family, my mother, my 
little sister and myself to be evacuated to spain,  with our persona effort 
and the box containing the money. My father deposited the box in a private 
security company here in spain for the safe custody until after the war when 
he will join us. During the war in my country, and following the!  
indiscriminate looking of the public and government properties by the rebels 
forces, the Sierra-Leone  mining coop. was one of the targets looted and 
destroyed. My father including other top government functionaries were 
attacked and killed by the rebels  because of the relationship with the 
civilian president Ahmed Tejan Kabbah.

As a result of my father's death, our hope of survival. The untimly deaths 
caused mother heart failure and other releated complications of which she 
later died in hospital after we must have spent a lot of money on her. Now, 
my 17 years old sister and myself are alone in this strange country 
suffering without any care or help. Without any relation, we are now like 
refugees and orphans. Our only hope now is in you and the box deposited in a 
Security Company.

To this effect, I humbly solicit your assistance in the following ways. To 
assist me claim this box from Security Company as co-benficiary. To transfer 
this money in your name to your country To make good arranagement for a 
joint business investment on our behalf in your country and you, the 
careteker. To secure a college for my little sister and myself in your 
country to further our education. And to make arrangement for our travel 
with you to your country after you have transferred this fund. Most 
important, the security company official do not know the exact content of 
the box because it was decleared as family valuables. The whole document 
issued after deposit is in my custody. For your assistance, I have concede 
35% of the money to your efforts assistance.

Best Regards

Richard  Wilford.

I need your assistance please !

2003-09-19 Thread edocan2003

Mr. Ernest Docan
Tel:+234 8033 750 109


Dear friend, 

This letter may come to you as a surprise due to the fact that we have 
not yet met, but kindly consider the message, because, I am determined 
to live for posterity. 

I wish to plead with you to join me in not only serving humanity, but to
also benefit in the process. This message could be strange but reality 
will definitely dawn on you, if you pay some attention to its contents. 
Please accept my sincere apologies in bringing this message to you; I 
have to say that I do not intend to cause you any personal pains or 

I am Mr. Ernest Docan, former Special Assistant to the Liberian 
President, Mr. Charles Taylor, who just stepped down from the office of 
the President due to rebel's insurgency who wants to overthrow his 
government. President Charles Taylor, in his bid to fend-off rebel 
insurgency, and since he could no longer trust the army generals, 
confidentially put in my care, the sum of $39,000,000.00 (Thirty Nine Million United 
Stated Dollars)in one instance for the purpose of 
purchasing arms and ammunitions should the need arise. However, 
unfortunately, the need did not arise as he has gone on exile. I 
deposited the US$39 million in a trunk box in a secret location and just
the two of us knew about it, and I could not get in touch with any arms
dealer before the President was indicted in a war crime tribunal set up
by the United Nations (UN). I have since held on to this trunk box, 
which I was able to transport out of Liberia with the aid of peace 
keeping soldiers under the guise of conveying my personal effects without anybody 
knowing, to a security deposit company.

I have borne the burden for too long. I do not want to keep the funds 
any longer, but I can never turn it over to the brutal and tyrannical 
rogue regime of Mr. Charles Taylor who is still committing all sorts of 
atrocities on the Liberian people. I am NOT soliciting for your help to 
wage a war against the regime, but to act as a foreign partner, to allow
me transfer the funds to you, which you will in turn donate a portion 
of it as a humanitarian gesture to the Liberian people by purchasing 
such essential needs like blankets, milk and so on, water-pumping 
machines and agricultural equipment, from the money after deducting your
expenses and the commission of 20%. 

Please note that I could have approached the Red Cross Society, but I 
changed my mind on that after calculating what they would deduct as 
commission, and also, after rationalizing the scandal that followed 
their mismanagement of the donations meant for the victims of the 
September 11th attack on the United States. 

Also, note that this offer will give you a double-edged advantage: 
1.  As the benefactor of the Liberian people and; 
2.  The commission you stand to earn. 

On getting a positive response from you, I will send to you the secret 
access codes to the funds and the security and vault company. Please 
note that confidentiality and honesty are fundamental rules in this 
transaction. Be assured that I am a reputable personality in this 
country and I am mindful of the legal implications of this transaction, 
as I intend taking care of all the legal documentations for a successful
and hitch-free transaction. You will be expected to take delivery of 
this fund personally from the deposit company in Europe.

I am therefore soliciting your assistance to have this money collected 
by you and/or facilitate the transfer into your nominated account(s). 
REQUIRED. I will give you the details of this transaction on receipt of 
your response to this proposal. Thank you very much for your time and 

Best Regards, 

Mr. Ernest Docan

I need your assistance Please.

2003-08-19 Thread Ben Okonkwo
FROM: Mr. Ben Okonkwo.

Good Day,

l am Mr.Ben Okonkwo, Civil Servant in the
Ministry of Health. l know this proposal will come to
you as asurprise because we have not met before either
physically or through correspondence.

I got your contact from our chamber of commerce here
in Nigeria and have no doubt in your ability to handle
this proposal involving huge sum of money.

My father Chief Isama Okonkwo (Now Late) was the Royal
Head of my community, ELEME (an oil rich town) in
Nigeria. My community produces 5.8% of the total crude
oil production in Nigeria and 0.5% of the Dollar value
of each barrel is paid to my father as royalty by the
Federal Government. My father was also the Chairman of
ISAMA Special Oil Trust Fund. In his position as the
Royal head and Chairman of the Oil Trust Fund, he made
some money which he left for me as the only heir to

The money is Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand
US Dollars(US$18.5). This Money originated from the
accumulated royalties between 1976-1998 . Due to poor
banking system in Nigeria and political instability as
a result of past Military rules (1985-1999) , he
deposited this Money in a Strong Room/"VAULTS" with an
open beneficiary in a security company pending when he
would finish arrangement to transfer it abroad . He
was planning this when he died late last year of Heart

Just before my father died he called my attention to
the money and charged me to look for a foreigner who
would assist me in the transfer/investment of the
funds abroad. So l would be very grateful if you could
accept to help me achieve this great objective.

I promise to give you 15% of the total funds
transferred to your vital bank account as compensation
for your assistance. Five percent (5%)has been set
aside to take care of all expenses we may incure
during the transaction. To indicate your interest,
contact me urgently and confidentially for more
information and the roles you will play in this

All the legal Documents concerning this Money will be
sent to you as soon as we agreed together. Please I
will appreciate that you send your telephone/fax
numbers to enable me contact you immediately for

May the almighty God bless you.

Yours faithfully,
Mr. Ben Okonkwo

الآن .. أقوى إنترنت مجاني .. و في كل محافظات مصر .. أطلب  07070101 أو ضغط على

مصراوى .. خدمات أقوى .. كل يوم

I need your assistance Please .

2003-03-16 Thread Ben Okonkwo
Good Day,

l am Dr. Ben Okonkwo, Civil Servant in the
Ministry of Health. l know this proposal will come to
you as asurprise because we have not met before either
physically or through correspondence.

I got your contact from our chamber of commerce here
in Nigeria and have no doubt in your ability to handle
this proposal involving huge sum of money.

My father Chief Isama Okonkwo(Now Late) was the Royal
Head of my community, ELEME (an oil rich town) in
Nigeria. My community produces 5.8% of the total crude
oil production in Nigeria and 0.5% of the Dollar value
of each barrel is paid to my father as royalty by the
Federal Government. My father was also the Chairman of
ISAMA Special Oil Trust Fund. In his position as the
Royal head and Chairman of the Oil Trust Fund, he made
some money which he left for me as the only heir to

The money is Eighteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand
US Dollars(US$18.5). This Money originated from the
accumulated royalties between 1976-1998 . Due to poor
banking system in Nigeria and political instability as
a result of past Military rules (1985-1999) , he
deposited this Money in a Strong Room/"VAULTS" with an
open beneficiary in a security company pending when he
would finish arrangement to transfer it abroad . He
was planning this when he died late last year of Heart

Just before my father died he called my attention to
the money and charged me to look for a foreigner who
would assist me in the transfer/investment of the
funds abroad. So l would be very grateful if you could
accept to help me achieve this great objective.

I promise to give you 15% of the total funds
transferred to your vital bank account as compensation
for your assistance. Five percent (5%)has been set
aside to take care of all expenses we may incure
during the transaction. To indicate your interest,
contact me urgently and confidentially for more
information and the roles you will play in this

All the legal Documents concerning this Money will be
sent to you as soon as we agreed together. Please I
will appreciate that you send your telephone/fax
numbers to enable me contact you immediately for

May the almighty God bless you.

Yours faithfully,
Dr. Ben Okonkwo.

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