On 16 Mar 2002 at 0:48, matthew X wrote:

> Microsoft's Coziness with U.S. Justice Department
> I was accused of sheer paranoia last fall when I suggested that the U.S. 
> Justice Department's malodorous antitrust deal with Microsoft had the smell 
> of something more sinister -- that the company and government had agreed to 
> collaborate on law enforcement matters. (Here's Google's cached version of 
> that column.)
> Please note this Reuters story, in which Steve Ballmer explains how 
> Microsoft is "working closely" with the Justice Department to fight 
> cyber-crime -- but that any such dealings are, of course, confidential. No 
> kidding.
> Now remember that Attorney General John Ashcroft recused himself (CNN) from 
> the Enron investigation because his Missouri Senate campaign (he lost the 
> election to a dead man) got thousands in contributions from the corrupt 
> energy-trading company. Ashcroft got thousands from Microsoft but didn't 
> recuse himself (Sacramento Bee) in the antitrust case.
> Keep this in mind, too: One of the provisions in this deal allows the 

In Aus we live all our lives upside down,this makes blood rush to my 
head,if I lived in the US would I be normal,or would I be just as 
fucked up as 29 a day Choates?

> government to order Microsoft not to disclose APIs and other technology, if 
> the government decides such disclosure would be damaging. I've asked both 
> the company and the department what this means, and I can't begin to 
> comprehend Microsoft's doubletalk. The Justice Department basically refused 
> to discuss it at all.
> Kinda makes you wonder what the "Windows Update" will put on your PC one of 
> these days...

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