Title: Jane's Land Forces News Briefs: 18 December 2002
18 December 2002

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The next edition of Jane's Land Forces News Briefs will be distributed on 8 January 2003. Best wishes for a very happy holiday.

Coyote prowls the world's troublespots
The Canadian Forces' Coyote command and reconnaissance vehicle, based on the 8 x 8 Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) built by General Motors Defense, has drawn high praise from coalition partners during international operations since its introduction in 1996. Coyotes were sent to Kosovo in July 1999, forming part of a British-led armored brigade, and to Bosnia in the same month as a reconnaissance squadron within the Canadian Battle Group. Other overseas deployments have included operations in Ethiopia and Eritrea from December 2000 to July 2001 as part of a United Nations peacekeeping effort, Macedonia in August and September 2001 in support of NATO Operation 'Harvest', and Afghanistan as part of the US-led Operation 'Enduring Freedom'.
[Jane's International Defense Review - first posted to http://idr.janes.com - 13 December 2002]

Swiss warheads for AT-3, AT-4 and RPG-7
Upgraded versions of Russian-designed anti-armour and anti-bunker weapons are being offered by Switzerland's RUAG Munition in conjunction with Bulgarian missile producer Vazovski Mashinostroitelni Zavod (VMZ).
[Jane's Defence Upgrades - first posted to http://jdu.janes.com - 16 December 2002]

'Boxer' armoured personnel carrier finally rolled out
The first tri-national GTK (Gepanzertes Transport Kraftfahrzeug) PWV/MRAV (Pantser Wiel Voertuig) (Multi Role Armoured Vehicle) 8 x 8 armoured personnel carrier prototype, collectively known now as Boxer, was rolled out in German configuration in Munich on 12 December, some 17 months behind schedule.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 13 December 2002]

ANTI-ARMOUR WEAPONS: The long-range killers
Christopher F Foss and Ian Kemp look at developments in long-range anti-tank guided weapons
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 13 December 2002]

UK to seek final army vehicle offers in January
The UK Defence Procurement Agency (DPA) is expected to ask for best and final offers for the British Army's Future Command and Liaison Vehicle (FCLV) requirement in early January 2003.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 13 December 2002]

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