Title: Jane's Naval Forces News Briefs: 18 December 2002
18 December 2002

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The next edition of Jane's Naval Forces News Briefs will be distributed on 8 January 2003. Best wishes for a very happy holiday.

Coalition requirements spark amphibious ship programs
Since the NATO-wide call for an increase in strategic sealift capacity in 1999, the need for European and coalition navies to mount amphibious and expeditionary operations far from home has grown more urgent, writes Joris Janssen Lok.
[Jane's International Defense Review - first posted to http://idr.janes.com - 17 November 2002]

US Navy sees the 'light'
High-powered lasers that knock cruise missiles and aircraft out of the sky, precision-guided projectiles that emerge from the exoatmosphere at a speed of M5.0, striking their targets with such force that explosive warheads are not required. These are some of the advanced technologies senior US Navy (USN) officials believe will equip future warships. These capabilities, listed in the navy's new 'Sea Power 21' roadmap, are within technical reach this decade, Rear Adm Michael Mathis, commander of the Naval Surface Warfare Center, told Jane's Defence Weekly.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 13 December 2002]

MT30 gas turbine powers up for naval markets
Rolls-Royce Marine Power plans to begin a 500-hour, 3,000-cycle endurance test programme for its 36MW-rated MT30 marine gas turbine in late February 2003 following the completion of a first land-based test series at the end of 2002.
[Jane's Defence Weekly - first posted to http://jdw.janes.com - 13 December 2002]

FLASH selected for US Navy's MH-60R helicopter
Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems has awarded Thales Underwater Systems (TUS) a contract to supply four AN/AQS-22 airborne low-frequency dipping sonars (a variant of the TUS FLASH dipping sonar) for the US Navy's (USN's) MH-60R multimission helicopter, due in service in late 2005.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 12 December 2002]

Tenix homes in on threat simulator contract
Tenix Defence's Electronic Systems Division has been awarded a A$21 million (US$11.8m) contract by the Australian Department of Defence to supply two Generic Threat Simulator (GTS) systems to the Royal Australian Navy (RAN), together with three years of maintenance support.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 12 December 2002]

ADAWS colour upgrade goes fleetwide
AMS has won a Pds13.5 million (US$21.5m) contract to upgrade the existing ADAWS (Action Data Automation Weapon System) display system aboard selected UK Royal Navy warships.
[Jane's Navy International - first posted to http://jni.janes.com - 12 December 2002]

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