Now see here (4.50 / 2) (#90)
by johnny on Wed May 8th, 2002 at 09:15:11 PM EST

Just because I don't encyrpt, it doesn't follow that I can't encrypt. I'll grant you that in actual fact as a practical matter I don't encrypt, but that doesn't mean I can't. If I wanted to, of course, I could just go next door to see my friend & landlord and he could have me encrypting until the cows came home. Which reminds me, my rent is late!

Anyway, I fall into that demographic that iGrrrl & others have described: believe in privacy, don't do much about it (but I do surf without cookies, and I don't use cell phones and I don't use credit cards).

Why don't I use encryption, then? To quote our old friend Reb Tevye, "I will tell you: I don't know."

And lastly here's a tidbit that's somewhat off topic: I have a bunch of yahoo and hotmail accounts, and sometimes just for grins I send notes from one to the other with contents like this: "Let's kill George Bush. And let's do microbial warfare to Dick Cheney and Bill Clinton. I despise the Jihad. Let us anthrax the President until he is dead and let's assassinate the public safety."

I started this practice after one of our own K5 brethren was tracked down by the Secret Service on account of some of his posts here (which were quite benign, if you ask me.) So I decided to see if I could get a rise out of the Secret Service for mail sent from me, to me, and seen by none other.

Dear Wife Betty, looking over my shoulder one day & seeing one of these things, said, "what the hell is that?" I told her. She said to Youngest Daughter, "Your father is trying to get arrested again."

"No," I said. "It's illegal to threaten the President. But it's not illegal to talk to yourself."

Since then I think my wife and daughter have taken up the practice. I haven't caught an inquiry yet. But on the other hand, I live on Martha's Vinyard, and in a hundred hours fishing over the last decade I haven't yet caught a bluefish (it's nearly impossible to not catch a bluefish on Martha's Vineyard.)

Meta: OK yes I admit it, this is the kind of slashdotty post that generally gets modded to about 2.3 by our elite K5 post criteria. And if anybody else wrote this note I would agree that it's self-indulgent and noisome and meriting of a 2 or therebouts.

But hey, I am after all the eponymous johnny of the subject, and I rather think I deserve some slack. (Actually, the mere fact that Don Davis is my landlord should get me at least a 4 irregardless.)

yr frn,
TechnoParanoid NanoNovel Acts of the Apostles Fear the Future!

From a Kuro5in thread,"Johnny cant encrypt.'

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