FROM:  Minister of Justice Eddington Varmah


Dear Partner 


Greetings to you, I wish to seek your assistance in a project I will reveal to you 
shortly. My name is HON DR Eddington Varmah Minister of Justice. Republic of Liberia. 
I am very a close friend and colleague
of President Charles Taylor of the Republic of LIBERIA 

I want to believe you are very much aware of what is happening in my country right now 
I mean the uprising and the rebels demanding the head of the Goverment in my country 
and the need for this Government to leave office as soon as possible and for the fact 
that President
Charles Taylor as agreed to leave the country in the interest of the people of Liberia 
and which means we too must have to leave Liberia beacuse I am saving in the Governmet 
also  . And I want you to know that my mail reason of contacting you is that President 
Taylor has secretly confided in me to take some funds abroad to keep in a secret 
account, which will be used to fight opposition forces back home in the Liberia before 
now. He gave me thirty Million United States Dolla(US$30,000,000.00) cash which I 
deposited in the custody
of a private Security trust firm in Europe so, 

I am writing you in absolute confidence primarily to seek your assistance to transfer 
our cash of thirty Million Dollars ($30,000.000.00) now in the custody of a private 
Security trust firm in Europe the money is in trunk boxes deposited and declared as 
family valuables by me,  as a matter of fact the company does not know the content is 
money, although I made them to under stand that the boxes belongs to my foreign 
partner and not President Charles Taylor as we do not want any body to know about
this  funds mind you we used his power I mean President Charles Taylor to carry the 
funds out of the country.

With all these trouble, I couldn't travel out of the country at the moment as I do not 
want any form link with me and the funds right now as I am hoping to go Ghana to seek 
political Asylum as soon as the peace keepers troupe arrives Liberia within the next 
few weeks.  

so I decided to keep it safely as a secret and couldn't tell anyone in my country for 
the safety of my life. 
Though we have neither seen nor met each other, I know we will be able to establish 
all the trust that we need to ensure that the funds is safe with you.  Thus, if you 
are willing to assist me to move this fund to your account and your country for safe 
keeping, you can contact me through my email address sending your telephone and fax
numbers to enable us discuss the modalities and what your share (percentage) for 
assisting me will be. I will 
highly appreciate it if my request is given utmost priority and consideration. 

So I humbly solicit your assistance in the followings ways.

1. To assist me claim this boxes from the security
 Firm as our beneficiary

2. To transfer this money (USD$30M) in your name to your country

3. to make a good arrangement for a joint business investment on our
behalf in your country and you, our Adviser/ Manager For your
assistance, I have agreed  that 20% of the total amount will be for your effort and 
another 10 % to cover all the expenses that may incur  during the business 
transaction, Last, I urge you to keep this transaction strictly confidential as no one 
knows our where about.

Best Regards, 

HON DR.Eddington Varmah


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