Anarchist website targets Christians One 
pro-family group says network 'sowing fear and hatred' By Andy Butcher
) 2002 Charisma News Service A pro-family group is taking legal advice over 
its inclusion on a list
of "Christian Hate Groups" by an anarchists' network it says is inciting
violence against conservative campaigners. The American Family Association 
is likened to Afghanistan's
fundamentalist Taliban movement at the website, which
describes itself as "your online anarchist community." Also listed is
the Family Research Council, whose Washington, D.C., address is detailed
with the comment: "We don't advocate that you do anything to their
lovely building." The groups are spotlighted, along with the Christian 
Coalition and
Promise Keepers, on a page offering "practical advice for the free
person who wants to stop religious hate groups from running your life."
It invites visitors to "join us as we kick some dirt into their graves,
burying their hideous fascism once and for all." AFA heads the list of 
"Christian Hate Groups" and is identified as
"probably the last religious right organization with any political
clout. Of all the religious right groups, this one is the closest to the
Taliban in mindset, agenda and actions." The FRC is described as "the 
'think tank' and paymaster to right-wing
hate groups," which raises money "primarily by flaming hatred of gay
people." The "infamous" Christian Coalition is said to be "a mere shadow
of its former self." PK "went out in a blaze of glory ... several years
back." Also included is a Virginia-based group that fought the
distribution of a gay newspaper in public libraries. AFA Vice President Tim 
Wildmon said that the organization's lawyers
would take "a serious look" at the anarchists' website. The comments on
the page were "a veiled threat of violence towards pro-family or
Christian groups," he said. But "they are the ones who are sowing fear
and hatred  you don't see anything of that nature at our website." Wildmon 
said that AFA was "much more in the mainstream of traditional
American thought" than anarchists. He rejected the website comparison
with the Taliban. "They are saying ... if you have moral objections to
such things as pornography or homosexuality or abortion, and try to work
within the system to uphold the values you believe in, that makes you
like someone who will take a gun to the head of a lady who isn't wearing
her head garb right and blow them away in a soccer field. It's
ridiculous." The FRC declined to comment. "Chuck0" Munson, the webmaster 
for, defended his comparison
of the AFA to the Taliban. "Most people would say they are like the 
Taliban," he said. "I certainly
think that among all the groups they are certainly the closest in
politics and practice," he told Charisma News Service. "They might not cut 
off people's arms, but I am sure they would like to
see a religious state in the U.S.; that is always something that a lot
of the groups have pushed for over the years." Munson, whose site is a 
clearinghouse for anarchist news, views and
activities, and billed as "family-friendly," said the comment about the
FRC building had been intended as a joke. "I'm certainly in favor of
doing actions against property, especially corporate property. People, I
don't really like that." The leaders of AFA, FRC and other prominent 
Christians have also been
targeted recently in a "die soon" wish list by a radical pro-homosexual
website. Creators of claim they don't advocate acts of
violence toward the people, but "if a person on this list dies
(preferably a horrible death), a line will be drawn through their name."
The deceased will then be added to the site's "good riddance list." 
Charisma News Service is a division of Strang Communications.

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