Physics News Update 662 (fwd)

2003-11-18 Thread Jim Choate
-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 11:34:46 -0500
Subject: Physics News Update 662

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 662 November 18, 2003   by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and
James Riordon

A LIQUID WALL IN A FUSION ENERGY DEVICE has improved the performance
[SSZ: text deleted]

trapped in a very confined space, a recent experimental development
which calls upon laser science, solid-state physics, and nuclear
magnetic resonance.  David Awschalom and his colleagues at the Center for
Spintronics and Quantum Computation at UC Santa Barbara begin by
lithographically creating a quantum well, an extremely thin,
practically two-dimensional region inside a semiconductor
capable of trapping electrons. First, a laser pulse injects
polarized electrons (their spins have a definite orientation
determined by the laser's polarization) into the well.  Once in the
well, the tiny disk of electrons (with a radius of about 20 microns
but a thickness of only 20 nm) can be controllably moved along one
axis, much as an abacus bead can be slid along a wire, by simply
changing a voltage.  In this case, the disk can be positioned with
nm-accuracy.  The nuclei of atoms residing within the thin
volume occupied by the spin-polarized
electrons will in turn be polarized; that is, the spin of these
nuclei will tend to align themselves with the spin of the
electrons.  The result is an extremely thin region---equivalent to
the thickness of several tens of atoms--- of polarized nuclei
which can be precisely positioned by changing a single voltage.
These thin sheets of nuclear polarization could constitute the basic
elements of an information storage device in which nuclear spin
determines the logical state of the system.  One may ask, why not
take out the "middle man" and just use the electron spin to encode
information?  The answer: nuclear spins have a weaker interaction
with the surrounding environment than electron spins.  While harder
to flip, once oriented, nuclear spins preserve their state longer
than do electrons.  One may also wonder, why not just use some large
magnet to orient the nuclear spins?  Why use electrons as
intermediaries?  The answer: all-electronic control of spin is
desirable because electric fields are so much easier to control and
create on a small scale than magnetic fields.  They are scalable and
easy to implement, while it is notoriously hard to produce large and
localized magnetic fields.  In addition, all of our current
integrated circuit technology is based on charge and electric field;
it would certainly be helpful to manipulate spin using "knobs" which
are well developed and familiar to engineers.  Awschalom
([EMAIL PROTECTED], 805-893-2121) believes this current result
is the first step toward the establishment of an all-electrical
manipulation of countable numbers of nuclear spins.(Poggio et al.,
Physical Review Letters, 14 November 2003)

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News update

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Physics News Update 619 (fwd)

2003-01-03 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 2003 12:37:30 -0500
Subject: Physics News Update 619

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 619 January 3, 2003   by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and James

X-RATED INTERFEROMETRY. The appearance of an x-ray interference pattern in
[SSZ: text deleted]

FEASIBLE CHAOTIC ENCRYPTION.   Encryption schemes that hide messages in
chaotic signals have attracted attention in recent years as a means to
transmit information securely (Update 170, 361), but most work has been
either theoretical or strictly limited to laboratory experiments. Now a
group of researchers in Beijing have managed to demonstrate chaotically
encrypted, two-way voice transmission through the Beijing Normal University
computer network. With a 32-bit encryption structure, a 750 MHz personal
computer can encode information at speeds comparable to the widely
recognized Advanced Encryption Standard, and support voice communication at
typical telephone speeds and quality. While no encryption technique is
absolutely impenetrable, the researchers (Hu Gang, Beijing Normal
University, [EMAIL PROTECTED], 86-10-62208420) explain that their
communication scheme is reasonably secure (it would take an intruder armed
with a personal computer more than a million times the lifetime of the
universe to break the code) as well as being feasible in realistic,
commercial settings. (S. Wang et al., Physical Review E, December 2002.)

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
as a way of broadly disseminating information about physics and
physicists. For that reason, you are free to post it, if you like,
where others can read it, providing only that you credit AIP.
Physics News Update appears approximately once a week.

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Physics News Update 618 (fwd)

2002-12-23 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 11:16:47 -0500
Subject: Physics News Update 618

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 618 December 23, 2002   by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein, and James

[SSZ: Text deleted]

answer hard-to-test questions about the quantum world, a NIST ion-trap
computer can now simulate how the unique rules of quantum mechanics can
affect a microscopic particle's "continuous variables," quantities such as
position and momentum which can have a smooth continuum of values.  Acting
as a form of quantum computer, the NIST ion trap might only need a couple of
seconds to simulate a quantum physics experiment that can take days to carry
out.  Moreover, the ion trap can simulate experiments that require rare
commodities, like entangled photons, which are created relatively
Since quantum computers embrace the unusual logic of the microscopic world,
they can perform powerful simulations of its often counterintuitive
phenomena.  First envisioned by Richard Feynman, quantum simulators are
perhaps the earliest practical application of quantum computing--in fact,
they have been around for several years now.  However, previous versions
(Update 438, )
have only re-created quantum phenomena involving "discrete variables," such
as an electron's energy in an atom, which can only have certain prescribed
values.   The new version recreates quantum processes involving both
discrete and continuous variables.
To construct their simulator, NIST researchers in Colorado trap a single
beryllium-9 ion with electric fields.  As the ion vibrates in the trap, its
position and momentum are continuous.  This allows the researchers to easily
simulate any other complementary pair of continuous variables-such as an
electric field's amplitude and phase-which have the exact same mathematical
interrelationship.  To perform simulations, the researchers shine a series
of carefully engineered light pulses on the ion.  The pulses cause the ion
to act like something it's not, such as an electron bound by an atom, or
even a photon as it hits a beamsplitter.  Under the influence of the pulses,
the ion's quantum states evolve in a way identical to the situation the
researchers want to study.
For now, the researchers have performed simple, proof-of-principle
demonstrations.  As an example, they have investigated how a photon would
behave if entangled with other photons by sending it through a beamsplitter.
Shining light pulses on the ion to simulate the effects of a beamsplitter on
a photon, the researchers have demonstrated that interferometry with up to
three other entangled photons would be three times as precise as
interferometers using single photons, in line with the recent experimental
results on bi-photon interferometry (Update 613, ).  (Leibfried et
al, Physical Review Letters, 9 December 2002; Dietrich Leibfried,
303-497-7880, [EMAIL PROTECTED])

PRL CHANGES ITS PUBLICATION DATES.  Instead of appearing on Monday each
week, the print version of Physical Review Letters will now appear on
Friday.  The print issue will comprise all the articles that were published
online during that week.  It had already been the case for more than a year
that online publication marked the official publication date for each
article, and so the new print-version schedule does not affect this policy.
( )

PHYSICS NEWS UPDATE is a digest of physics news items arising
from physics meetings, physics journals, newspapers and
magazines, and other news sources.  It is provided free of charge
as a way of broadly disseminating information about physics and
physicists. For that reason, you are free to post it, if you like,
where others can read it, providing only that you credit AIP.
Physics News Update appears approximately once a week.

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AIP News Update: update.582 (fwd)

2002-03-28 Thread Jim Choate

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2002 13:46:24 -0500 (EST)
From: AIP listserver <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: update.582

The American Institute of Physics Bulletin of Physics News
Number 582  March 26, 2002   by Phillip F. Schewe, Ben Stein,
and James Riordon

MICRO-TESLA MRI was reported at last week's APS March
meeting in Indianapolis by Robert McDermott, a member of John
Clarke's group at UC Berkeley.  The principle behind MRI is
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a process in which a magnetic
field (often a strong one), is used to orient atomic nuclei in space
while a burst of radio waves explores the nuclear energy levels by
charting the frequencies at which energy is absorbed resonantly. In
addition to establishing chemical identity NMR can also be turned
into an imaging method by carefully watching the timing and the
location of the re-emitted radio waves.  A tumor, say, will have a
slightly different water density (as revealed, in this case, by the
presence of protons in the NMR survey) from surrounding healthy
tissue.  Computer processing and contrast enhancement will
disclose the tumor's position to a trained observer. Generally large
magnets are required to produce sharp NMR images, and the
development of a low-field version would benefit medical and
scientific studies.  McDermott reported an experiment in which an
array of four columns of fluid were imaged with a field of 10
micro-Tesla over the period of several hours.  (See also
McDermott et al., Science 22 March 2002.)
Also at the APS meeting,  Mark Haacke of the MRI Institute for
Biomedical Imaging in St. Louis (314-961-9105,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) discussed a new MRI technique called
susceptibility weighted imaging (SWI).  The technique measures
differences among brain tissue in its magnetic susceptibility,
essentially its magnetic response to the applied magnetic field of
the MRI machine.  Yielding unique information from veins and
blood products, SWI has already provided more sharply detailed
MRI images of blood vessels in the brain than previously possible
and the presence of small hemorrhages in heretofore unavailable
detail.  SWI can potentially detect angiogenesis, the growth of
blood vessels caused by cancer, and may improve diagnosis of
Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, through its ability to monitor
iron deposits in the brain.

[SSZ: Text deleted]
STRUCTURE.  Despite its name, atomic force microscopy (AFM)
does not produce atomic-resolution images of proteins or other
large molecules.  When imaging macromolecules, a large region,
about 100 square nanometers, of the AFM tip makes contact with
the molecule.  This region is comparable in size to the entire
molecule and makes the tip a blunt probe by atomic standards.  To
extract more detailed information from AFM images of
macromolecules, one can directly subtract the effects of the tip but
the results are often inaccurate.  At the March APS Meeting,
Steven Eppell and Brian Todd of Case Western Reserve University
(216-368-4067, [EMAIL PROTECTED]) presented a new technique for
obtaining submolecular information about proteins.  Investigating
aggrecan, a cartilage protein important in osteoarthritis, the
researchers used a technique that combined AFM with genome
information and transmission electron microscopy data.  All of the
data were integrated by using a sophisticated image processing
technique to provide a best guess at the 3D structure.  The resulting
refined structure yielded new information on the molecule,
showing distinct locations of kinks as well as regions of
mechanical flexibility.  The researchers hope to combine their
results with AFM-measured force fields around cartilage proteins
to link the biological and mechanical properties of cartilage with
its molecular structure.  This approach has the potential to provide
information on molecular-scale mechanisms for arthritis and lead
to intelligent drug design and other interventions to prevent or
alleviate the disease.