On Monday, January 28, 2002, at 09:20 PM, David Honig wrote:

> Someone (Eric *) posted recently that there are problems
> with Eudora and PGP (tm) plugins.  This is not the case.
> PGP plugins interoperate *fine* with Eudora (e.g., 3.05)
> and require very few extra mouseclicks, even with folks
> still using 2.6.2.  In addition,
> the GUI is intuitive.  *Kudos*  If there are interop problems
> with GPG I have to blame them on GPG.  I work with
> legacy and other keys transparently with PGP plugins under
> Eudora.  Encrypted attachments also work fine.

        As long as you have the right versions of everything, and as soon as 
you want to upgrade things break.

> \begin{author_thrashing}
> I'd suggest the hardest part is explaining how PK works
> to your parents.

        The hardest part is explaining *why*.

Crypto is about a helluva lot more than just PGP and RSA...it's about
building the I-beams and sheetrock that will allow robust structures to be
built, it's about the railroad lines and power lines that will connect the
structures, and it's about creating Galt's Gulch in cyberspace, where it
belongs.--Tim May

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