2003-01-16 Thread cpunks_anon
This is a multi-part message in MIME format

Content-type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

I'll make you a promise. Read this email to the end!! It is the best mon=
ey making system of them all!!!   True story as seen on ABC's 20/20 -- 1=
5 year old boy makes 71 THOUSAND dollars in 5 weeks.
Parent's of 15 year old find $71,000 cash hidden in his closet. Does thi=
s heasdline sound familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just=
 seen this story on a major nightly news program (USA).
His mother was cleaning and putting his laundry away when she came acros=
s a large brown paper bag burried suspiciously beneath some clothes and =
a skateboard in the back of her 15 year olds closet. Nothing could have =
prepared her for the shock that she would receive when she opened the ba=
g. When she opened it she found cash. fifty dollar bills and twenties. T=
he back was full.all neatly rubber banded in labled piles. At first the =
mother was scared because she thought the worst of her son. Maybe he rob=
bed a bank???  There was over 71,000 dollars in the bag. The woman , kno=
wing that that was more than her husband could make in a year, immediate=
ly called her husband at his work. He came home right away and together =
they drove to their sons school and dragged him out of class. Little did=
 they suspect that where the money came from was more shoking that actua=
lly finding it in the closet. As it turns out, the boy was sending out, =
via email, a type of report to email addresses that he obtained off of t=
he internet. Everyday after school for the past two months,  he had been=
 doing this right on the computer in his bedroom.
I" I just got the email one day and I figured what the heck, I put my na=
me on it like in the instructions said and started sending it out", said=
 the clever 15-yr old boy.
The email letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send o=
ne $ 5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address a=
t the bottom and move the others down, and finally to add mine to the to=
p of the list. The letter further stated that I would receive several th=
ousand dollars in five dollar bills within two weeks if I sent out the l=
etter out as i was instucted. I get junk ewmail all of the time and I re=
ally didn't think it was going to work. Within the first few days of sen=
ding out the email, the post office box that his parents had gotten him =
for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with envelope=
s containing money. Hundreds of envelopes. Over the next few weeks, cont=
inuing his efforts online the boy sent out more emails. The money just k=
ept coming in. He states that he received so much mail he barely had tim=
e for his homework.=20
He tells his story of how he rode his bike to banks to turn in the $5 do=
llar bills for twenties and fifties. He was affraid that what he was doi=
ng was going to get him in trouble.=20
In fact, the boy did not have any reason to be affraid. It was completel=
y legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18 Section 1302 a=
nd 1341, ar Title 18, Section 3005 in the US Code, also in the Code of F=
ederal Regulations, Volume 16, sections 255 and 436, which state a produ=
ct or service must be exchanged for money received. Here is the letter t=
hat the 15 year old boy was sending out by e-mail. You can do the exact =
same thing that he did, simlpy by following the instructions..

Dear friends and future Millionaires:=20
As seen on National Television:
Making over a half million dollars every four to five months from your h=
ome for an investment of only $ 25 U.S. Dollars one time expense. ALL TH=

Be a Millionaire Like others within a year on the net!!!
Before you say BULL, please read the following. This is the letter that =
you have been hearing about on the new lately. Due to the popularity if =
this letter on the internet, a national weekly news program recently dev=
oted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below=
, to see if it really can make people money. This is what they had to sa=
y "hanks to this profitable oportunity. I was approached many times befo=
re but each time I passed on it. I am so glad that I finally joined just=
 to see what one could expect in return for the minimal money and effort=
 required. To my astonishment, I received a total of $610,470.00 in 21 w=
eeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

More testimonials later but first,
PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTUR REFERENCE\\If you would like to make $500,=
000.00every 4 to  months easily and comfortably, please read the followi=
ng CAREFULLY!! Order all five reports On the list below.  For each r=
eport, send $5.00 cash The name and the number of the report you are ord=
ering And your e-mail address to the person whose name appears on that l=
ist next 


2003-01-16 Thread cpunks_anon
This is a multi-part message in MIME format

Content-type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

I'll make you a promise. Read this email to the end!! It is the best mon=
ey making system of them all!!!   True story as seen on ABC's 20/20 -- 1=
5 year old boy makes 71 THOUSAND dollars in 5 weeks.
Parent's of 15 year old find $71,000 cash hidden in his closet. Does thi=
s heasdline sound familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just=
 seen this story on a major nightly news program (USA).
His mother was cleaning and putting his laundry away when she came acros=
s a large brown paper bag burried suspiciously beneath some clothes and =
a skateboard in the back of her 15 year olds closet. Nothing could have =
prepared her for the shock that she would receive when she opened the ba=
g. When she opened it she found cash. fifty dollar bills and twenties. T=
he back was full.all neatly rubber banded in labled piles. At first the =
mother was scared because she thought the worst of her son. Maybe he rob=
bed a bank???  There was over 71,000 dollars in the bag. The woman , kno=
wing that that was more than her husband could make in a year, immediate=
ly called her husband at his work. He came home right away and together =
they drove to their sons school and dragged him out of class. Little did=
 they suspect that where the money came from was more shoking that actua=
lly finding it in the closet. As it turns out, the boy was sending out, =
via email, a type of report to email addresses that he obtained off of t=
he internet. Everyday after school for the past two months,  he had been=
 doing this right on the computer in his bedroom.
I" I just got the email one day and I figured what the heck, I put my na=
me on it like in the instructions said and started sending it out", said=
 the clever 15-yr old boy.
The email letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send o=
ne $ 5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address a=
t the bottom and move the others down, and finally to add mine to the to=
p of the list. The letter further stated that I would receive several th=
ousand dollars in five dollar bills within two weeks if I sent out the l=
etter out as i was instucted. I get junk ewmail all of the time and I re=
ally didn't think it was going to work. Within the first few days of sen=
ding out the email, the post office box that his parents had gotten him =
for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with envelope=
s containing money. Hundreds of envelopes. Over the next few weeks, cont=
inuing his efforts online the boy sent out more emails. The money just k=
ept coming in. He states that he received so much mail he barely had tim=
e for his homework.=20
He tells his story of how he rode his bike to banks to turn in the $5 do=
llar bills for twenties and fifties. He was affraid that what he was doi=
ng was going to get him in trouble.=20
In fact, the boy did not have any reason to be affraid. It was completel=
y legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18 Section 1302 a=
nd 1341, ar Title 18, Section 3005 in the US Code, also in the Code of F=
ederal Regulations, Volume 16, sections 255 and 436, which state a produ=
ct or service must be exchanged for money received. Here is the letter t=
hat the 15 year old boy was sending out by e-mail. You can do the exact =
same thing that he did, simlpy by following the instructions..

Dear friends and future Millionaires:=20
As seen on National Television:
Making over a half million dollars every four to five months from your h=
ome for an investment of only $ 25 U.S. Dollars one time expense. ALL TH=

Be a Millionaire Like others within a year on the net!!!
Before you say BULL, please read the following. This is the letter that =
you have been hearing about on the new lately. Due to the popularity if =
this letter on the internet, a national weekly news program recently dev=
oted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below=
, to see if it really can make people money. This is what they had to sa=
y "hanks to this profitable oportunity. I was approached many times befo=
re but each time I passed on it. I am so glad that I finally joined just=
 to see what one could expect in return for the minimal money and effort=
 required. To my astonishment, I received a total of $610,470.00 in 21 w=
eeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

More testimonials later but first,
PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTUR REFERENCE\\If you would like to make $500,=
000.00every 4 to  months easily and comfortably, please read the followi=
ng CAREFULLY!! Order all five reports On the list below.  For each r=
eport, send $5.00 cash The name and the number of the report you are ord=
ering And your e-mail address to the person whose name appears on that l=
ist next 


2003-01-16 Thread cpunks_anon
This is a multi-part message in MIME format

Content-type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable

I'll make you a promise. Read this email to the end!! It is the best mon=
ey making system of them all!!!   True story as seen on ABC's 20/20 -- 1=
5 year old boy makes 71 THOUSAND dollars in 5 weeks.
Parent's of 15 year old find $71,000 cash hidden in his closet. Does thi=
s heasdline sound familiar? Of course it does. You most likely have just=
 seen this story on a major nightly news program (USA).
His mother was cleaning and putting his laundry away when she came acros=
s a large brown paper bag burried suspiciously beneath some clothes and =
a skateboard in the back of her 15 year olds closet. Nothing could have =
prepared her for the shock that she would receive when she opened the ba=
g. When she opened it she found cash. fifty dollar bills and twenties. T=
he back was full.all neatly rubber banded in labled piles. At first the =
mother was scared because she thought the worst of her son. Maybe he rob=
bed a bank???  There was over 71,000 dollars in the bag. The woman , kno=
wing that that was more than her husband could make in a year, immediate=
ly called her husband at his work. He came home right away and together =
they drove to their sons school and dragged him out of class. Little did=
 they suspect that where the money came from was more shoking that actua=
lly finding it in the closet. As it turns out, the boy was sending out, =
via email, a type of report to email addresses that he obtained off of t=
he internet. Everyday after school for the past two months,  he had been=
 doing this right on the computer in his bedroom.
I" I just got the email one day and I figured what the heck, I put my na=
me on it like in the instructions said and started sending it out", said=
 the clever 15-yr old boy.
The email letter listed 5 addresses and contained instructions to send o=
ne $ 5 dollar bill to each person on the list, then delete the address a=
t the bottom and move the others down, and finally to add mine to the to=
p of the list. The letter further stated that I would receive several th=
ousand dollars in five dollar bills within two weeks if I sent out the l=
etter out as i was instucted. I get junk ewmail all of the time and I re=
ally didn't think it was going to work. Within the first few days of sen=
ding out the email, the post office box that his parents had gotten him =
for his video-game magazine subscriptions began to fill up with envelope=
s containing money. Hundreds of envelopes. Over the next few weeks, cont=
inuing his efforts online the boy sent out more emails. The money just k=
ept coming in. He states that he received so much mail he barely had tim=
e for his homework.=20
He tells his story of how he rode his bike to banks to turn in the $5 do=
llar bills for twenties and fifties. He was affraid that what he was doi=
ng was going to get him in trouble.=20
In fact, the boy did not have any reason to be affraid. It was completel=
y legal according to US Postal and Lottery Laws, Title 18 Section 1302 a=
nd 1341, ar Title 18, Section 3005 in the US Code, also in the Code of F=
ederal Regulations, Volume 16, sections 255 and 436, which state a produ=
ct or service must be exchanged for money received. Here is the letter t=
hat the 15 year old boy was sending out by e-mail. You can do the exact =
same thing that he did, simlpy by following the instructions..

Dear friends and future Millionaires:=20
As seen on National Television:
Making over a half million dollars every four to five months from your h=
ome for an investment of only $ 25 U.S. Dollars one time expense. ALL TH=

Be a Millionaire Like others within a year on the net!!!
Before you say BULL, please read the following. This is the letter that =
you have been hearing about on the new lately. Due to the popularity if =
this letter on the internet, a national weekly news program recently dev=
oted an entire show to the investigation of this program described below=
, to see if it really can make people money. This is what they had to sa=
y "hanks to this profitable oportunity. I was approached many times befo=
re but each time I passed on it. I am so glad that I finally joined just=
 to see what one could expect in return for the minimal money and effort=
 required. To my astonishment, I received a total of $610,470.00 in 21 w=
eeks, with money still coming in". Pam Hedland, Fort Lee, New Jersey.

More testimonials later but first,
PRINT THIS NOW FOR YOUR FUTUR REFERENCE\\If you would like to make $500,=
000.00every 4 to  months easily and comfortably, please read the followi=
ng CAREFULLY!! Order all five reports On the list below.  For each r=
eport, send $5.00 cash The name and the number of the report you are ord=
ering And your e-mail address to the person whose name appears on that l=
ist next