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The Fonz says: "Fuck the Po-Lice!"
Politicians lie shock horror...
Habitually Lying Politicians and the Press
Slate: Whopper of the Week: John Kerry - Did he pretend to be Irish? As to the larger question of whether Kerry habitually tells opportunistic lies about his background, or anything else, the jury's still out.
It does seem as though Kerry and his staff have been a bit slow at times to correct the misimpressions about the senator's ancestry. So it's fair to ding him on this, especially because he's running for president.
But where the hell is the press when it comes to the current tenant in the White House? George W. Bush has repeatedly dissembled on important issues -- the link is to a great column by Paul Krugman, who's been almost alone in the media in keeping track -- and Bush's past is loaded with the kinds of behavior that have caused major news organizations to go into overdrive when Democrats were doing it.
Here's one example. You probably don't know that Bush apparently went AWOL (Dallas Morning News) from his Air National Guard duty in the 1970s. It was covered by a few newspapers, but the story disappeared after he claimed he couldn't remember what happened. Right.
If this had been Al Gore, the media (and Republicans) would never have let go of it. But this was Bush, who got (and continues to get) an essentially free ride from an astonishingly compliant press, at least in the U.S.
Left-wing media bias? In your dreams.

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