I wont reveal who I am, however it should be interesting to know that the Associate Producer of ABC who followed Bella Donna for 1 year and was the soul and primary gatherer of information for this story was Jason M Rovou. His Email address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone Number at ABC Studios is (212) 456-7617.

This is the prick that put a negative spin on the story.

Sincerely, Anonymous

--- I hear things. One of the things I hear is that a porn girl had a seizure on a set yesterday in North Hollywood, possibly a drug OD. She remains in the hospital from a drug overdose. More as develops.

Wankus ( www.KSEXradio.com ) Writes: I was told today, again they refused to tell me who or what set in North Hollywood yesterday, that she had taken valuum before the shoot and then got fucked up on red wine. She was released today but according to this source, her heart DID stop for at least 5 seconds.

If you can find out more, please do me the courtesy of keeping me in the loop. Thanks! Wank

Quasarman Has A Message To Bella Donna: "Bella Donna.... I don't know where to begin. All I can say is, anyone who gives this girl a job in the future should be brutally beaten with a bag of hammers. Her performance last night makes Alexandria Quinn's Hard Copy performance of a decade earlier look like an infomerical by comparison. I shot Bella twice and at no time did she indicate to me that her "smile" was a facade. At no time did she mention that her deeply religious mother was disappointed in her. It was indeed difficult to ascertain her troubled history while she was yelling "fuck me harder you fuck!!!!" May Bella Donna be relegated to the only thing she is truly qualified for; collecting public assistance."


Stacy Writes: I really want to ask you a serious question. Why do news stories that pertain to porn, always focus around the single worst candidate/representative you can find? Belladonna is possibly the dumbest girl in adult movies and one of the least attractive. Her ability to debate, think on the move and be articulate are almost ZILCH. Her appearance is hardly that of a porn star. I could drive my car through that gap in her teeth. She was simply going to go anyplace Diane Sawyer wanted her to go. What fun is that?

If you want to do a hard hitting expose about porn, why not pick a girl that can put up a fight and will not break down and cry and apologize for being a porn star? Why not find a girl that is not a crack addict, not having personal issues and not doing porn simply to escape home?

If you want to learn something about the real porno world, I have 3 girls that you should interview.

1. Jewel DeNyle: This girl is hardcore, open, and brutally honest. She can speak in public, is not an addict and is the consummate business woman. She can likely out-debate Diane Sawyer.

2. Samantha Sterlyng: Samantha is loud and proud. She is agressive, well spoken, domineering and will never break down and cry. She loves doing porn and it shows in her performances.

3. BisexualBritni: Britni is likely the most hardcore girl to ever do porn. She makes no excuses for the hardcore stuff she makes and offers no apolagies for it. She is a master debater and will never back off her points. Britni has a following on the internet that has almost reached cult status.

Any of these three girls will make an expose that people would love to watch. Why not give the porno team a chance in this game and allow them to put in a girl that is worth interviewing. None of these three girls will whine or cry. None of them will ask for forgiveness or help. They will not make excuses for what they do and your interviewer will never break them.

Belly up to the bar ABC and take a crack at a girl that will not roll over and die, like Belladonna did. Do not waste your time interviewing girls like Jenna Jamson who would not recognize a real porn star if she was bitten by one. Jenna is a figure-head and has not been a real porn girl in seven years. Wade into the trenches and do battle with a girl worthy of your time and attention. Unles, of course, you are afraid Diane Sawyer has lost her edge and would be eaten alive by girls with a conviction for what they do, and an ability to debate their positions/choices.



Pontus on AdultDVDTalk Writes: It's easy when a major news network does a slanted report on porn to become defensive and close ranks, whether as porn fans or as porn insiders (performers, directors, producers, etc.).

Biased or not, I think ABC Primetime made some valid criticisms about the porn industry and even about porn fans.

What changes (if any) would you like the porn industry/porn fans to make after viewing the Primetime show on porn?

For starters, consider the following questions:

1. Why don't the porn studios, before hiring new porn talent, require that they test safe for other STDs in addition to HIV? And once the new porn talent are hired for their first job, require that they get this battery of tests monthly. The porn studios could pay for this themselves, and then pass the costs to us porn consumers (it would only require a mark-up of, what, a dime, quarter, or fifty cents per movie sold?).

2. Why doesn't the porn industry work out a way to arrange for initial psychological screening of new male and female talent before they make their first movie (and subsequently, make ongoing counseling services available to the talent on an as needed basis free of charge?). The financing can be the same as # 1 above (pass the costs on to us porn fans).

3. Why doesn't the porn industry make financial counseling services available to the porn talent free of charge? This needn't be compulsory for the porn stars, but they should be strongly encouraged to take advantage of it. So many of the porn talent have just turned 18 and find themselves, quite often, earning substantially more money even than their parents. What do most of them do? They go on wild spending sprees as if the money were going to last forever. Again, pass the financial counseling costs on to porn consumers. I've read on these forums that, typically, a gay DVD costs about $50. So what's the big deal about charging an extra two or three dollars for each straight DVD to take better care of the talent?

4. Are we gonzo porn fans being too selfish and insensitive in demanding that the porn talent not use condoms? For example, if RLD put out a press release announcing that they were going to become a condom-only company, would you still keep buying their movies (or buying as many)? If you haven't been willing to do this in the past, would you now be willing to fully support a condom-only policy from all of the studios to make life safer for the porn talent? (I would, for one, even though I don't like to see condoms used--I could certainly get used to this practice if it became standard.) Plus, many condoms today are designed to be virtually invisible, anyway.

5. Are we gonzo porn fans being heartless in demanding that the girls do increasingly hardcore sex scenes (double anal, triple penetration, bukkake, million-man gangbangs, etc.)? Has gonzo porn become just a meat shredder and defiler of female talent? Are we all gradually becoming misogynists? Don't get me wrong, if a woman has been through the proposed psychological screening, passed with flying colors, and genuinely wants to do the circus acts for substantially better pay, then fine. But I hate to think of an emotionally unstable 18 year old woman being pressured to do such things with big dollars being waved in her face.

6. Should the porn industry adopt a "viewer assurance standard" on rough sex movies ? Here's what I mean by that. Each movie with a rough sex scene or theme must show the women who participate in them being interviewed at the beginning of the movie, and make it clear that they know exactly what is going to happen beforehand and choose to participate in the rough sex voluntarily. It should also be mentioned that the women are free to stop the action at anything during the scene if it gets too intense for them. And then, at the end of the movie, show those same women again after their scenes reassuring the viewer that they're alright. Plus, porn studios should refrain from subjecting the women to excessive pressure to get them to do things that they're not really comfortable with (whether it's rough sex or anything else). In other words, don't give the women the impression that unless they do it, they won't be able to continue working in the porn industry.

7. Is it possible for at least porn fans to quit being so judgmental of porn stars? Yes, I know many of us aren't, but a great many of us are. I can't get over the comment (I think) C. Everett Koop made: "The people watching the pornography despise the people they're watching." That's absolutely not categorically true, however, I've seen the truth of that observation exemplified far too many times on this forum and on others. Maybe "despise" in most cases is too strong a word. How about "disrespect"? Too many porn fans disrespect porn stars. If you happen to be one such porn fan, would you be willing to permanently improve your attitude starting today?

Now, I'll be the first to admit that I love gonzo, I hate condoms, and I love anal and DPs. But frankly, watching ABC Primetime last night, I'd be lying if I said there weren't moments that I felt guilty. True, the story was badly slanted, but...

I've heard even porn industry insiders, as well as fans who are well-connected to the industry, paint a pretty bleak picture of what the porn world is really like for most of the porn talent (especially the female porn talent--probably made worst by the moral double standard applied to women). Unduly attacking the news media, I feel, to some extent, is really a smokescreen to hide from ourselves the truth we don't want to face in our own consciences.

What are your thoughts on this? I'd really like to know.

CyberChicken Adds: Let me just say what I would like to see happen. Hopefully my answers will somehow match your questions )

1. raise the minimum age to 21
2. require a federal license
3. require weekly std testing
4. must pass a psychological exam before you can get a license - with monthly checkups
5. must be drug free (weekly test) no drug addicts in porn


Cindi ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) Writes: Shattered? Who's shattered? The Producer of Prime Time? Because they got a shitty story? Diane Sawyer because she looked liked a fool calling mainstream companies, who are supposedly are making millions from porn, yet they wouldn't talk to her? It took two years to make this slanted docu-drama? On the life and times of Belladonna? Bella certainly isn't "Shattered" since she just happily accepted an AVN award, one of the biggest honors in the industry. Bella's Mom, sister, and best friend aren't shattered, although they appear to be when they first describe the adult business as awful, and then in the next segment they are all in it and profiting from it.

Who is Ona Zee? Never heard of her. She must be a real bigwig in the adult world. Maybe she is the one that is "shattered"? Her looks have obviously gone down and her aging body no longer works on film. Perhaps she is "shattered" by Jealousy?

Bill " sound bite" Margold should know better by now not to participate in a mainstream show where he has no say in the final product. He should know that they are going to cut up what he says to make it appear negative. ( I love you Bill, but come on...)

Sharon " Mitch" Mitchell beautiful and elegant as always is trying to get her point across and she was cut and pasted until she sounded like an enemy rather than the advocate she is.

I challenge any mainstream news program who would like to do a REAL story on the adult industry to call me. I will hook you up with the people you need to talk to and you will find that this is a positive straight forward loving group of people who have sex on camera for money. Not the cess pool you all make it out to be.

I have been in this business for 10 years now, writing about porn gossip, interviewing stars, and profiling video companies. I love my job and I love my porn family. My life is anything but shattered!

Cindi Loftus, Head Writer, Xcitement Magazine


jimmyd _writes "A lot of people are suggesting changes to our industry as a result of ABC's airing of their "Shattered Lives" mock-u-mentary. Personally, I agree--some changes are in order, although I have yet to read one I agree with.

But rather than disagree with the porn-intelligensia, who are certainly all much smarter than I am, I think I'll just make some dumb-ass recommendations of my own.

Here goes:

1. Jim South is legally restrained from ever appearing on a broadcast television show, or speaking with a mainstream journalist, ever again; perhaps even by court order. Exceptions to this rule are that he can be a contestant on a day-time game show, or an idiot on a "Jackass" style show, or something like that. In other words, if a show or news article has to do with porn, it must be sans Jim South, and that also includes talk shows.

2. Bill Margold is legally restrained from ever appearing on a broadcast television show, or speaking with a mainstream journalist, ever again under the same conditions as Jim South.

3. All porn companies, producers, directors, et al, agree to never again allow a news camera crew on a set, or in a porn factory. From this day on, we treat our sets, our stages, our warehouses, and our offices, much the same way the U.S. government treats Roswell and Hanger 19, or whatever the fuck number that hanger is--you know the one, the one with the dead space aliens.

4. We all vow that the next time some girl in the business agrees to let a news camera crew follow her around, the mostly likely place they'll be following her is to the unemployment office.

5. All companies agree to contribute to a fund to set up an industry-wide, information clearing-house possibly called the "Office of Misinformation," or maybe the "Ministry of Porn Propaganda." This information clearing-house hires someone like Adella O'Neal, or Harry Weiss, to be the sole, official spokesperson for the whole industry. This person's primary mandate will be to misdirect, misinform, and mistify all persons from the outside inquiring about what's going on in the inside. Perhaps whatever monies you're currently contributing to the Free Speech Coalition could be re-directed to this effort. In fact, the office should work to create such a mystery about the jizz bizz that the only television programming about the adult industry will be shows similar to those searching for the lost continent of Atlantis, or investigating the Bermuda Triangle.

6. Websites like simplyjimmyd.com and lukeford.com agree to a 50/50 approach to their reporting, i.e., 50% of what's written is the truth, 50% is lies. This will keep the general public and any news or government agencies who read these sites completely confused as to what's really going on. In-the-know citizens of our business should have no problem figuring out what is the truth, and what is bullshit. In fact, maybe it should be 30/70, with 70% being bullshit.

7. AVN agrees to change absolutely nothing in their continuing coverage of the jizz bizz. This will continue their tradition of putting a big, dumb-fucking, smiley face on the business, and that's the way it should be.

8. Luke Ford, the guy, not the website, should be placed on Official Industry-Wide Porn Quarantine, even though there's really only one or two producers who allow him on to sets and takes him inside the business. Luke's on their side, not our's. By the way, if you didn't already know this, Ford's real name is Lukey Brasco--he's a journalist , and as such, he's not your friend (by his own admission).

9. Next year's Adult Entertainment Expo and AVN Awards Show is advertised just like in previous years. Except next year we secretly hold it in Reno at an undisclosed location. Everyone must show up in Vegas, go to the Venetian, where someone will give you a secret phone number. You call the number and are told the secret location of the Expo and Show. We probably should hire producers of raves to work out all the strategic details.

10. And finally, everyone working in the Jizz Bizz must sign a non-disclosure agreement which legally prevents them from telling anyone on the outside anything that actually takes place on the inside of our little "playpen of the damned."

Ok, I think that should pretty much take care of this little problem. Anyone else have any similar ideas?


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