***@*** %%% bravo %%% ***@***

.Have you been receiving your child support?

Imagine how wonderful it would feel to help a large number of children in your area and making $4,000 to $12,000 per month doing it?

``-Helping needy children and parents AND at the same time supporting your own family very well financially.

Every day in your community there are single parents struggling to make ends meet and wondering where the money will come from to cover their children's basic expenses.

Most of these parents are hard working people who just need help from the person who has a legal responsibility to give it to them.

Every day a large number of parents call us for help in collecting their child support. Many more than we can possibly handle. We need the help of caring and dedicated people who would like to enter a new high paying prestigious profession.

Please join our CRUSADE to correct this terrible injustice!

The court has decided how much these parents are to receive but the caseloads are so large that the results are that there is over $32 Billion dollars worth of uncollected Child Support in the US today and this amount grows by millions every week.

If you would be interested in helping us, then we have all of the training that you will need to start a new business in this high growth profession of "Child Support Processing!"

We have the resources available to you to help you track down deadbeat parents and force them to pay what they legally owe, without ever having to come into contact with them!

We have the most extensive Computer Data Bases in the world for the processing of Child Support.
Our databases allow you to track down dead beats, find their assets and then collect the child support, which is due. These powerful databases will be available to you if you choose to join us.

You can do what private investigators do, legally, and for a fraction of what it would normally cost! And you can do it from the comfort of your own home office!

One mother has told us that working with the government to find an absent parent "is like beating your head against a brick wall. The frustration and futility you feel are enormous. Agencies crawl at a snails pace, and authorities often lose files or seem to make no progress with a case." But this same mother's outlook changed after reviewing our course: "I would have given anything to have this knowledge years ago. This is the best $249.00 I have ever spent."

We have
Customer -Support staff available to you from
7:00AM to 9:00PM(Central Standard Time) 7 days a week.

If you call this number, you can talk to one of our very experienced
Customer Support personnel. They can answer any questions you may have-with no obligation.

Please call us at 1-2 8 1--5 0 0--4018

If you wish to be "eliminated" -from our - l-i- s-t,
ple ase email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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S . H . A . R . E


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