Sorry about the snowflakes + swami dust.(Was RE: Assault Donuts)

2001-10-21 Thread Xeni Jardin

 My Norcal culture-informant has forwarded
 a picture of a sign from a SF-area
 bathroom which reads in red serif:

 Due to recent world events,
 please clean up all body powder
 before leaving the locker room

Other than the fact that a number of the scares are very real, the whole thing
keeps feeling more and more like a bad Monty Python episode. Friday's British
Medical Journal, cited in another AP anthrax roundup story below, describes the
free-floating bioterror anxiety as mass sociogenic illness. As Ken Alibek
testified before the House this week, the primary desired effect is
psychological disruption, not body count...

...An Australian lawmaker's office was sealed off amid confusion over ashes
from a Hindu temple, and American Express apologized for sending plastic
snowflakes to Swedish customers as anthrax scares multiplied worldwide on

Parliament security officers in Australia's New South Wales state sealed off the
office of a lawmaker after a worker found a package full of ashes postmarked
from the ``Wandering Swamy of Arunchala Hills.''

The package, the lawmaker later explained, was holy ash from a swami he met
during a recent trip to India.

American Express Co. said Friday it will send letters of apology to some 40,000
Swedish card holders who received a promotional Christmas mailing containing an
envelope with plastic snowflakes marked ``spread these out.'' The mailing
prompted angry phone calls.

``We understand that people are upset,'' said spokeswoman Gunnel Engberg. ``They
complained that the timing was inadequate, not that it was dangerous in any

RE: Assault Donuts

2001-10-20 Thread Xeni Jardin

Tim May wrote:

 WASHINGTON (Routers News Service) Because of false alarms involving the
 confectioner's sugar on powdered donuts, sale of so-called assault
 donuts will henceforth be restricted to law enforcement officers. Cops
 have always been the largest consumers of donuts, this just makes them
 the _only_ legal purchaser of this particular kind of donut, said
 Department of Donuts spokesman Ring Annulus.

Don't laugh, there was an actual news item along these lines on Thursday. After
truth, powdered donuts are always the second casualty of war.

Then again, switching to crullers could be giving in to exactly what the
terrorists *want* us to do.
Thursday October 18 11:56 PM EDT

Powdered Doughnuts Make Customers Nervous

The anthrax scares has caused people to call 911 over bird droppings, talcum
powder and laundry detergent; and now even their morning doughnut is making
some people nervous.

Specifically doughnuts with powdered sugar are being affected at a DeBary
doughnut shop.

People can find glazed, chocolate, cinnamon crumb, and jelly-filled doughnuts 
but not a single one with powdered sugar.

Because people are afraid of them. They're afraid of the powder on the
doughnut, employee Marie Cavalho said.

The manager of the Go For Donuts shop banned powdered pastries after a steady
customer picked up five-dozen on Monday, took them to a meeting and then called
to change the order.

We said why? He said they won't eat them, they're afraid of them, Rosemary
Dorazio said. They're afraid the powder might contain anthrax.

But the women who work the counter said that powdered sugar is simply powdered
sugar and the baker is the only one who touches the doughnuts before they are
set out for sale.

Still, the manager wanted customers to feel comfortable.

If it makes them happy and at-ease why not give them what they want? employee
Marie Carvalho asked.

The manager said that powdered doughnuts will stay off the shelf until
customers ask for them.

RE: Assault Donuts

2001-10-20 Thread Xeni Jardin

souce url

RE: Assault Donuts

2001-10-20 Thread Tabla bin Rasa

At 05:41 PM 10/20/01 -0700, Xeni Jardin wrote:
souce url

My Norcal culture-informant has forwarded
a picture of a sign from a SF-area
bathroom which reads in red serif:

Due to recent world events,
please clean up all body powder
before leaving the locker room

Hysterical, hysterical.
Time for a hysterectomy.

If you die first, we're splitting up your gear.