 I am , Dr Bello Abba,manager of bills/exchange at the foreign remittance department 
of STANDARD TRUST BANK BENIN REPUBLIC,I have decided to contact you through this 
medium based on a business proposal which will be of mutual benefit to both of us if 
treated with trust and confidentiality. 
However,be informed that I discovered  your person/company through your country's 
trade and enquiry unit here in BENIN REPUBLIC  .During an usual Bank auditing,we 
discovered an abandoned  sum of US$15,000,000.000(FIFTEEN MILLION UNITED STATES 
DOLLARS)in an account that belongs to one of our foreign custormers who died in a 
plane crash.Since we got information about his death,we have been expecting his next 
of kin to come over and claim the money 
because we can not release it unless some body apply for it as his next of kin or 
relation as indicted in our banking guidelines.
Unfortunately,no body has turned up to cliam this money.
 It is based on this that I and some other top officials in my department decided to 
l ish a cordial businees relationship with you hence my contacting you.We want you to 
present yourself as t
he next of kin or relation of the deceased so that we can release the money and 
transfer it into your nominatd oversea account for safety and subsequent disbursement 
since no body is willing to come for it. 
 If the money is not claimmed in the nearest future then it willdefinitely go into the 
Government account as unclaimmed bill and this is what we are trying to avoild,the 
banking law and guidelines here stipulates 
that any account abandoned or domant for a long period of time will be deemedclosed 
and all money contained therein will be forfeited into  the government treasury 
account,now it is been speculated that 
the above money will be transferred into the government account as an unclaimed sum on 
or before APRIL 2003.
I do solicit for your collabration in this business to present yourself as the nest of 
kin and this is accasioned because of the fact that the deceased 
was a foreigner.We have agreed to give you 30% of the total money for your 
assistance,10% has already been mapped out to defray all cost incurred by both parties 
in thecourse of this transaction and 60% will be for me and my colleagues. 
If this proposal matches with your inward intentions for success and greatness then 
you are urged to make a quick response indicating your readiness and interest to 
participate in the business.
 Note that this transaction is 100% risk free as we will make sure that we do every 
thing in accordance with the BENIN REPUBLIC  capital control 
unit hence all modalities for safe business has been put in place.Please treat this 
proposal as strickly confidential for our mutual long term benefit.I hopeto hear from 
you soon. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Yours Faithfully, 
Dr Bello Abba 
NB;Note that this letter did not come to you by error. 

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