TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP MIERS AT http://www.trotn.com/miers.htm

Faced with growing opposition even from their own, the Republican National 
Committee and the White House held a joint mobilizing conference call to rally 
their most reactionary supporters behind Harriet Miers, their "get out of 
conviction on appeal" free card.  The point was to assure them that her votes 
on the Supreme Court were already predetermined.  Here is a typically chilling 
quote from the transcript of that sesssion:

"He and she [the president and Miers] both understand that if she were to get 
on the court, and she were to rule in ways that are contrary to the way the 
president would want her to approach her role as a justice, it would be a deep 
personal betrayal, and would be perceived as such both by him and by her."

This is absolutely nothing more than a patently crony nomination, and is 
perceived by even its proponents as exactly that and being sold as such.  It is 
a matter of the utmost urgency that you communicate to your senators that this 
nomination is not worthy of any consideration at all on that basis alone.  As 
if our members of Congress had not sold the people so far down the river 
already, do we really need ANOTHER hardcore administration loyalist on our 
Supreme Court?

TAKE ACTION NOW TO STOP MIERS AT http://www.trotn.com/miers.htm

We all know how much the reactionaries love their talking points.  Here are 


Have we not seen the disaster wrought by installation of hardcore 
administration cronies in positions of the highest responsibility?  Must our 
Supreme Court go the way of New Orleans?  There are many jobs in this world 
where you have to qualify to even GET a job interview.  Surely a seat on our 
Supreme Court is one of them.  Some say they need to hear what she has to say.  
That is just more of the same surrender babble, and is based on two false 
premises, that we don't ALREADY know where Miers stands, and that she will 
disclose anything meaningful under examination.  There is nothing coming but 
another Roberts' style stonewall, and for all those reasons we say NO HEARING.


It's time to fight for what we really want on principle.  It's time for those 
who would presume to represent us to take up that fight.  And the American 
people will tolerate NO MORE extremist far right appointees to our Supreme 
Court.  Every day Bush's popularity rating sinks to a new record low.  It is 
only his totally corrupt party caucus, now with a temporary majority in the 
House of Representatives, that has prevented the initiation of impeachment 
proceedings already for his incompetence and malfeasance.  We the people demand 
that any further nominees be no worse than true MODERATES.  That's our position 
and we're sticking to it.


Is there anybody who would want to be elected by cheating?  Then why should not 
everybody want to support real voting reform, so we can make sure all votes are 
always counted accurately and reliably.  Rush Holt has introduced a bill (HR 
550) which would make sure that's what happens from now on.

TAKE ACTION NOW AT http://www.trotn.com/hr550.htm

The Voter Confidence and Increased Accessibility Act (HR 550)
(1) establishes a requirement for a voter verified paper ballot created for 
every vote cast;
(2) establishes a mandatory uniform national standard that states that the 
voter verified paper ballot -- the only record verified by the voter rather 
than the voting machine -- is the vote of record in the case of any 
inconsistency with electronic records;
(3) provides Federal funding to pay for implementation of voter verified paper 
(4) requires a percentage of mandatory random audits in every state, and in 
each county, for every Federal election;
(5) prohibits use of undisclosed software, wireless communication devices, and 
internet connections in voting machines;
(6) is required to be fully implemented by 2006; and
(7) protects the accessibility mandates of the Help America Vote Act.

The one click action page above has now been fully dedicated to the message 
that we will not tolerate any more funny business in our elections.  Vote now 
by sending a message to our members of Congress that we need these long overdue 
reforms, so that we will actually have a chance to really vote in the future.

TAKE ACTION NOW AT http://www.trotn.com/hr550.htm

or to get no more simply email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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