Re: CDR: Re: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-08 Thread measl

On Thu, 7 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You are not sufficiently suspicious and cynical.
> Observe that the three people who are spamming and trolling
> this list have similar political views, views whose
> implementation requires a large and powerful state.

You need to realie that I am OK with whatever political views are held and
espoused by anyone (even yours James!) - if they are here to engage on them,
I think thats *great*. It's the intrinsically dishonest crap that I have
issues with - and Jei/Choate are not (AFAICT) dishonest (although Jim has
this *awful* habit of mapping me into the wrong political camps).  In fact, I
appreciate Jim's "spam", and have defended it here before (much to Jim's
annoyane I am sure!).  At least Jim's stuff is [usually] on topic, and a
genuine attempt to push thought out to those who are willing to read his
posts.  Of course, this does not mean I agree with him on any particular
issue or item (sometimes I do, sometimes I don't).

mattd is a whole different ballgame.  He is, as pointed out, quite simply an
unmedicated nutjob who makes no visible attempt to do anything but mumble to
himself out loud to anyone who is present, with no attempt to engage or even
mumble [loosely] on topic.  His current fascination with Peter [Trei] is a
great example of why he has made it into my killfile - Peter outed him for
plaigerism , and mattd's response has been to go on and on about how
evil Peter is, and how Peter needs to die...  sheesh!  

jei appears [to me] to be legit by intent, but so unfocused as to have made
it into my killfile simply as a defensive measure - I simply can't wade
through his massive volume, and still get to the 300-500 operational emails I
have to deal with each day.  I *do* [often] think about how justified his
killfile entry is, and I may well remove it during periods of reduced load

Jim has never, and likely will never make it into any of my killfiles - he is
obviously, *completely* and totally legit.  Obtuse sometimes, but legit
nonetheless (although i *really* wish he would stop and think before lumping
me in with his "evil CACL" crowds :-)

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally destruction of entire
populations merely to distract an already apathetic and numb electorate...
This type of demogoguery must surely wipe out the fascist United States
as surely as it wiped out the fascist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

The views expressed here are mine, and NOT those of my employers,
associates, or others.  Besides, if it *were* the opinion of all of
those people, I doubt there would be a problem to bitch about in the
first place...

Re: CDR: RE: list spam, game theory,etal.

2002-02-07 Thread proffr11

 >>Until mattd made his actual purposes known (i.e., that this > is seen by 
him as a free archive service), <<

Interesting who's objecting,the fools,liars and knaves are coming out of 
the rotten woodwork.

 >>I had > [personally] lumped him in with Jei - vocal, but useless. You 
are not sufficiently suspicious and cynical. <<

Stupid and cynical in your case,jamesd

 >>Observe that the three people who are spamming and trolling this list 
have similar political views,<<

I've argued with choate and jei,your a selective quoter or liar for short.

  >>views whose implementation requires a large and powerful state. <<

This is slander.If you said that to my face I would do you physical 
injury.I am an anarchist,25 years ago I was a labor voter,(once) and 
majihuana party once.Jamesd in his youthful foolishness spent SIX,(6!)YEARS 
in various authoritarian socialist groups/parties.Since then he's become a 
notorious online liar.(URLs available in archive and direct from me)
Tailgunner joe's got nothing on jamesd,fucking lying scumbag and poor loser.

Re: CDR: Re: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-07 Thread jamesd

On 7 Feb 2002, at 1:42, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Jim, I believe Peter's point, and mine as well, is that
> posters such as Jei and mattd differ by their intent.  Jei
> is obviously a participant, and an active one.  Whether or
> not anyone cares to listen, he's "legit" in that he is
> actively engaging those who care to receive him.  For those
> who do not, theres procmail et al.
> Until mattd made his actual purposes known (i.e., that this
> is seen by him as a free archive service), I had
> [personally] lumped him in with Jei - vocal, but useless.

You are not sufficiently suspicious and cynical.

Observe that the three people who are spamming and trolling
this list have similar political views, views whose
implementation requires a large and powerful state.

 James A. Donald

Re: CDR: Re: list spam, game theory, etal.

2002-02-06 Thread measl

Jim, I believe Peter's point, and mine as well, is that posters such as Jei
and mattd differ by their intent.  Jei is obviously a participant, and an
active one.  Whether or not anyone cares to listen, he's "legit" in that he
is actively engaging those who care to receive him.  For those who do not,
theres procmail et al.

Until mattd made his actual purposes known (i.e., that this is seen by him as
a free archive service), I had [personally] lumped him in with Jei - vocal,
but useless.  However, with the understanding that mattd is merely using
[scarce] publicly donated resources solely for his own purposes, with no
intent of "paying the dues" that really matter (i.e., interacting with those
who share the CDR universe he has chosen to infest), he is exposed as a mere
thief.  Worse, he is exposed as a thief who is acting intentionally for the
purposes of taking without giving, which *is* the ultimate "list charter".

At least the spammer can honestly say that her deliberate appropriation of
others resources is done for the purpose of "interacting" (a sale and
purchase is without question an interaction).  Can mattd make this claim?  Of
course not.

As to "censoring" being good or bad: you can only "censor" a view, or put
another way, a *participant*.  Preventing someone from using your (and I mean
your==archive operators) facilities for their own single-sided gain is not an
act of "censoship".  Nobody gave mattd the right to use your machines as an
extension of his hard drive.

I agree with Peter, mattd is *slime*.  Spammers, by and large, don't bother
me (unless I'm *really* raggy that day), but this sociopathic little shit is
without question worth whacking.


J.A. Terranson

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Jim Choate wrote:

> On Wed, 6 Feb 2002, Trei, Peter wrote:
> > Read my post again. My problem was not with
> > folks who want to talk or flame on or off topic.
> Your problem is your a whinner when you don't get your way or people with
> other views manage to stand toe to toe and point for point with your CACL
> drivel.
> > It is with a person who disregards the entire notion
> > of using the list for discourse of any kind.
> It is the list operators who make this decision, not the list members.
> It's that property thing you CACL folks seem to forget when it isn't your
> property.
> > He posts things to the list (and thus into the archives)
> What and how people use the archives are the archivists decision to make.
> Not yours and not the users of the archive (there only decision is it
> relevant to their personal goals).
> > simply as a storage device - saving him the time
> > and trouble of having to save them to disk. He is
> > indifferent to whether anyone else reads them or
> > not.
> Which is relevant how? Take my  pointers for example. I get plenty of
> feedback on their utility. One regular list member even found some work as
> a consequence (and it was relevant to cpunks topics to boot). I also
> intentionaly use the archives as a storage so if I, or anyone else, can
> get back to them easily. It's that community thing. If you are really that
> concerned, as an archivist versus a CACL whiner, about the use of
> resources then as the owner/operator you are free to filter as you see
> fit.
> You're myopic.
> > This is abuse of the whole notion of a mailing
> > list as a place of discourse. It is a sociopathic
> > disregard for everyone who uses the list as a
> > place for discussion and persuasion. It is more
> > contemptable than even spam.
> Bullshit. Just plain and simple. A mailing list exists for the use and
> utility of its operators and subscribersk, AT THAT TIME. Not previous
> mailing lists, or social expectations writ large qualify as a binding
> precedence. Talk about somebody in a rut.
> As Jefferson said, the world belonds to the living not the dead.
> It's not sociopathic in any manner, opportunistic perhaps. In addition
> since there is no harm done to anyone it's a little hard to understand
> CACL complaints on these sorts of topics.
> Just goes to demonstrate my claim that CACL is really socialist at heart
> wanting everyone to do the same thing so a small group can benefit.
> What happend, your d key break? procmail quit working?
>  --
> James Choate - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

J.A. Terranson

If Governments really want us to behave like civilized human beings, they
should give serious consideration towards setting a better example:
Ruling by force, rather than consensus; the unrestrained application of
unjust laws (which the victim-populations were never allowed input on in
the first place); the State policy of justice only for the rich and 
elected; the intentional abuse and occassionally d